The Japanese diet - not too much salt? - How to get out of the Japanese diet

November 26, 2006

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How to get out of the Japanese diet

The Japanese diet - is one of the most strict diets: for thirteen or fourteen days (that is how much is the length of the two main variants of the Japanese diet) diet involves eating very few calories. It is quite natural that in order to get out of the Japanese diet, without any consequences for health and well-being (and, most importantly, without the return of extra kilos, dropped during the period of diet), you must follow a few basic rules.

 How to get out of the Japanese diet | Japanese diet - not too much salt?

"Weekend" rules

The vast majority of diets, however they were not strict, there are no specific rules to complete diet - some diets over time become, rather, undated (such as "American" diet) .  The Japanese diet is attributed to them, unfortunately, can not - as it relates to the most stringent strict diets, after its termination, and too abrupt return to the usual diet may appear very unpleasant consequences .  Rules out of the Japanese diet involve not only a gradual increase in the size of the portions and variety of food, but also a seemingly minor detail .  For example, as for two weeks in the diet did not have salt (Japanese diet, among other things, directs and complete rejection of salts) upon completion of the Japanese diet can not immediately return to savory dishes and add a large amount of salt in the dish during its preparation - it can provoke fluid retention in the body and is an unpleasant consequence as swelling .  The same goes for sugar, all kinds of confectionery products, alcoholic beverages - that is all that throughout the course of the Japanese diet has been banned .

 How to get out of the Japanese diet | Japanese diet - not too much salt?

The main thing - moderation

By and large, in order to get out of the Japanese diet without consequences, it is necessary to comply with only one rule - the rule of moderation in food .  Even if you want to celebrate the completion of a two-week "hunger strike" and indulge in your favorite dishes, you can not immediately "lean" on the greasy, spicy, fried, salty food .  This "heavy" food body, for two weeks we get a strictly metered quantity of "easy" calories are simply unable to properly digest .  It is best to increase the number of daily calorie intake gradually, without haste - for example, gradually included in the diet increasingly wide range of food, or just gradually increase the size of portions .  The only thing you should not do under any circumstances - is to increase the number of meals, if for two weeks on the Japanese diet you get used to three meals a day diet and breakfast / dinner / supper at certain times, you can not break the established regime and again lean sandwiches before bed Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 Ignoring breakfast. The advantage of the Japanese diet, not only in that it helps to quickly get rid of the extra kilos, but that it imparts an excellent habit of eating a strictly three times a day - which is certainly a prerequisite for the maintenance of normal weight in the future.

The Japanese diet - not too much salt? - Menu

November 26, 2006

  • The Japanese diet - not too much salt?
  • Carte
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  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • How to get out of the Japanese diet
  • Effects of diet

Menu Japanese diet

Although Japan is the birthplace of sumo wrestling, cases of obesity are very rare. Compared to the US, where the incidence of obesity is close to 30% in many states, it is clear that the Japanese diet is much better than the typical American diet, when it comes to weight control. Part of the problem, of course, lies in the field of culture. The general public still thinks that a woman's place at home. In Japan, it's just a way of life. Power family is one of many important tasks to perform each day Housewives. Much attention is paid to the preparation of Oishii (delicious) and healthy food for men (who work) and children (who learn well). It is entirely in Japanese style.

Vegetables play an important role in Japanese cuisine. It is interesting that, in general, all eat a lot of vegetables, but vegetarian is not very popular in Japan. Their diet can be called alkaline diet by western standards. However, the Japanese do not have much need for alkalizing because their diet is much more balanced than the acidic Western diet. Cabbage, Chinese cabbage, broccoli and spinach are eaten regularly. Since the Japanese products are often served in small dishes, there is no feeling that you specifically need to eat vegetables. They are simply one of the components of the meal. Cabbage is often added to soups and nabe (hot pot). Miso and peanut sauce are often used to add flavor to broccoli and spinach.

 Menu | Japanese diet - not too much salt?

Components of the diet

Most Japanese dishes include rice .  Many Japanese believe that not eating rice every day - it's a strange way .  This may seem to someone a very strange concept to understand, but for Japanese it is quite normal .  After returning home from Japan, many tourists some time to unlearn in order not to eat rice every day .  They develop a certain craving for rice, and strangely there is a kind of withdrawal symptoms .  Rice of the highest quality is now possible to buy almost any country in the world .  Thus, anyone can cook rice as easily as do Japan .  The biggest challenge in this matter is the search for better quality rice for cooking .  Rice is an excellent source of carbohydrates, thus it is very low in fat .  Rice can be served with various dishes .  If someone would think that ordinary rice a little boring, it can be almost as easy to prepare any other food mixed with rice in rice cooker .  A large number of Japanese cookbooks can be a source for new ideas .

Soy products - is another interesting component of the Japanese diet. They are a good source of protein with a low fat content. Despite the fact that tofu and natto is a traditional Japanese dishes, Japan is a net importer of these beans, mainly from the United States. Although they are made from the same raw material, tofu is very soft, while the natto has a stronger taste. Their smell, of course, can push enough people. It differs from these pastes as Vegemite and Marmite. However, fans of these tastes may prefer natto. Although there is no certainty that anyone ever get used to his tack.

A balanced diet means getting useful species and quantity of food and beverages which provide nutrition and energy to maintain normal growth and development of the body's cells, tissues and organs.

The Japanese eat a lot less junk food than Americans. Although in recent years the number of western food (aka fast food) in Japan has increased. At the level of obesity. It looks like a mere coincidence?

Carbonates soft drinks also play a role in people's daily life in the West. This cuts off a huge amount of empty calories from the typical Japanese diet. Instead, the popular drink is green tea, which is popular among people of all ages. There are many often contests the benefits of green tea. Scientists are also still able to figure out that "the consumption of green tea increases abdominal fat changes caused by exercise."

In general, the Japanese diet is not very different from Western diets. However, in many cases, the Japanese seem to consume much more healthy foods than in the West, for example, a higher amount of fresh vegetables, less fast food and green tea instead of soda. Therefore, by combining all the ingredients health benefits it is expressed more clearly. The beauty is that Japanese food is delicious. In addition, now in many countries of the world to open a large number of Japanese bento restaurants and shops. It is worth thinking about how to try out some of these products. It is difficult to say which of them might like.

 Menu | Japanese diet - not too much salt?

Fundamentals of the Japanese diet

The emphasis is on small portions of fresh seasonal food. Dieters are recommended to appreciate the quality, not quantity, and eat slowly in order to appreciate the flavor of food and achieve a sense of satisfaction after less food.

The main factor for the Japanese way of eating is the saturation of 80%. In addition, much attention is paid to the presentation and decoration of food that needs to look beautiful and attractive to the eye.

Dairy products and bread are not part of the diet, and as beef and chicken are included in food, they are considered more as a seasoning, not as focused meal. Fresh fruit is a favorite dessert, and if used richer dessert, he served in very small quantities.

In Japan, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and often it is the biggest. Moriyama introduces dieters with the concept of a powerful Japanese breakfast, which consists of miso soup (soup of seaweed, tofu and vegetables), rice, eggs or fish, vegetables, fruits and green tea.

 Menu | Japanese diet - not too much salt?

Recommended food

Moriyama called seven pillars of the Japanese diet, which are the basis of dietary aspects of the plan:

  • Fish such as salmon and mackerel
  • Vegetables, including Japanese radish and sea vegetables
  • Figure (preferably unpolished)
  • Soy (tofu, miso, soy sauce, green beans endamame)
  • Noodles (soba, udon, ramen, Somen)
  • Fruits, such as Fuji apples, tangerines and persimmons
  • Tea, preferably green

 Menu | Japanese diet - not too much salt?

A simple diet plan

  • Breakfast: miso soup, one cup of white rice, one egg, strips of nori seaweed, green tea
  • Lunch: fish with teriyaki sauce, rice and Asian greens, green tea
  • Snacks, Fuji apples
  • Dinner: Chicken, rice, miso soup, sea vegetables with tofu
  • Evening snack: Tangerines
