Diet for a milk allergy - Mother and child care - Feeding babies

October 7, 2010

  • Diet for a milk allergy - for mother and child
  • Feeding babies

 diet for milk allergy in infants

Diet for milk allergy in infants

Allergy to cow's milk is the most relevant for children under one year. In later years and adult milk can completely replaced by other products. Allergy to cow's milk for children up to a year, even when breastfeeding is a problem, but with mixed and artificial feeding, this problem is much more complicated.

 Feeding babies | Diet for a milk allergy - for mother and child

Allergy to cow's milk for children up to a year

Food allergies in children under one year usually develop cow's milk protein, it has not yet been proved that such a reaction may occur on the protein of human milk, as in children's blood was detected antibodies Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
   proteins of human milk. Allergy to cow's milk usually occurs in children with hereditary allergy due to the individual characteristics of the organism (atopy). It can also occur in violation of the gastrointestinal tract of the child and with constant violations of the nutritional feeding mother.

A child under one year are possible digestive disorders such as digestive enzymes lack of education, lack of local immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   in the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract (mucosal allergens enter the bloodstream), increased permeability of the intestinal mucosa for the large molecules (cow's milk protein), unformed intestinal microflora.

Strengthen the allergy to cow's milk can use nursing mother of a large amount of fresh milk and other products with higher allergenic properties and early cessation of breastfeeding.

Allergy to cow's milk can be manifested in different ways. It can be a variety of skin rashes (atopic dermatitis), or digestive disorders in the form of an unstable stool, flatulence, regurgitation and underweight. Less common in children under one year of allergies manifest as shortness of breath, cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis.

Any allergy is dangerous because if you do not pay attention to it, gradually formed hypersensitivity to other allergens (pollen, household and so on), and increased the number of its symptoms.

 Feeding babies | Diet for a milk allergy - for mother and child

Features in the diet of milk allergy in children breastfed

Milk allergy occurs even during breastfeeding, but you need to be clear that it is an allergy to cow's milk protein, and not female. Therefore, to interrupt breastfeeding in any case not worth it. This child is examined by an allergist to determine exactly what it is he's allergic.

If confirmed allergy to cow's milk, the nursing mother should observe the hypoallergenic diet, ie to exclude from your diet all foods with high allergenicity. It's eggs, fish roe, fish, seafood, mushrooms, nuts, honey, coffee, cocoa, vegetables, fruits and berries of red and orange, kiwi, pineapple, avocado. Create an allergic disposition meat, mushrooms and fish broth, ham, sausages, pickles, salty and spicy food, canned food, spices, pickled cabbage, radish, radishes Radish: useful properties and rules of use  Radish: useful properties and rules of use
 Products, which contain various chemicals (dyes, preservatives, and so forth), sodas, kvass, beer. You should not eat leaven milk and dairy products. There must also be a reception is organic sweets, salt and baking.

Recommended intake of dairy products, cereals and side dishes of whole grains, green vegetables and fruit, vegetable and cereal soups, lean meat in boiled and stewed, the dried white bread.

 Feeding babies | Diet for a milk allergy - for mother and child

Features in the diet of milk allergy in children in mixed and artificial feeding

When an allergy to cow's milk in children in mixed feeding recommendations are the same as when breastfeeding: the preservation of even a small part of the composition of breast milk in the diet of the child and strict hypoallergenic diet Hypoallergenic diet - the salvation for the stomach  Hypoallergenic diet - the salvation for the stomach
   for the mother. Supplemental foods to the child carried mixtures based on milk protein hydrolyzate and soy blends.

In cow's milk hydrolysates of milk protein is subjected to special treatment (hydrolysis) and its molecules are much smaller (milk is better absorbed) and reduced their sensitizing (which increases the body's sensitivity) capacity. Soy isolates mixtures are soya - hypoallergenic mixtures containing highly purified protein is soy.

If bottle-fed child is completely converted to a mixture based on hypoallergenic protein hydrolysates and soy isolate. All these compounds fall into three groups:

  • treatment (virtually allergen-free) - they are administered at high sensitivity to cow's milk protein (Alfaro, Nutrilon Pepto TSC, Nutrilak peptide MCT Tutteli peptide Frisopep);
  • Medical prophylactic - they are prescribed for moderate and low sensitivity to cow's milk protein (Nutrilak HA HA Hippie 1 and GA 2, Humana HA 1 and HA 2, HA Humana 0);
  • preventative - they are administered after the relief of symptoms of food allergy and for the prevention of food allergy (NAS HA).

All ages lures such children as are case food allergies.

Article Tags:
  • diet for allergies

Diet stroke - how to maintain the health of blood vessels - Nutrition after stroke

January 30, 2011

  • Diet stroke - how to maintain the health of blood vessels
  • Meals after stroke

Items to be included in the diet after a stroke

Food defines much of our lives, including how we are recovering from some disease. For example, after a stroke.

 Meals after stroke | stroke Diet - how to maintain the health of blood vessels

Key recommendations on rational nutrition

It is important that the diet was balanced after the stroke; Its basis should be fruits and vegetables, lean meats and whole grains. Such changes in power required to maintain a healthy blood vessels. In addition, thanks to this diet people get enough vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that neutralize the damage caused by free radicals and help to improve the oxygenation of tissues, including brain tissue.

Your diet should be blue and purple fruits and vegetables, such as dark grapes, eggplant and red cabbage. These products contain anthocyanidins pigments which may be considered to reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Antioxidants, which are many in fruits and vegetables, neutralize or prevent damage from free radicals. According to one study, people, the bulk of whom are fruit diet, strokes occur at 32% less than those who eat fruit is relatively rare. A diet rich in antioxidants Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits  Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
 It helps prevent ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, and also reduces the risk of cerebral hemorrhage.

  • After a stroke is very helpful to eat carrots. The study, which involved 87,000 people found that those who eat carrots 5 times a week or more, the risk of stroke by 68% less than those who eat it once a month or less.
  • Avoid saturated and hydrogenated fats. Exclude from the diet dairy products (sometimes can prevent fat dairy products in very small quantities), red meat, eggs, margarine and any oils used in cooking. Saturated and hydrogenated fats raise cholesterol levels, especially LDL-cholesterol (the one which is also called a "bad"), the culprit in the formation of fatty plaques in the arteries.
  • If you eat meat every day, the risk of stroke for you could double.
  • Eat more foods rich in vitamin B6, for example, the same fruits and vegetables and whole grain bread. Vitamin B reduces the level of homocysteine, a substance that increases the risk of stroke. Spinach, carrots, peas, walnuts, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, fish (especially salmon and herring) is an excellent source of vitamin B6. Broccoli, asparagus and whole grains also provide the body with folic acid.
  • Eat more fish. Marine fish is particularly rich in alpha-linoleic acid and omega-3, which also help to prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • Eat foods rich in potassium. This compound helps to prevent the increase in blood pressure and helps prevent stroke. The more potassium in the body, to a lower likelihood of stroke. Good sources of potassium are fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and fish.

 Meals after stroke | stroke Diet - how to maintain the health of blood vessels

Recommendations for stroke patients

A stroke or cerebrovascular accident, occurs when the blood that circulates in the brain stops due to blood clots or damaged blood vessels. Due to lack of blood flow to the brain cells die. Symptoms of stroke include numbness or weakness of one side of the body, slurred speech, temporary blindness, impaired ability or complete inability to walk, dizziness and headache.

Depending on the force of the impact and extent of the harm that he has caused the brain, may need more or less long-term rehabilitation.

The rehabilitation program is often included occupational therapy and physiotherapy. An important part of a successful recovery after stroke is a diet rich in fiber and other nutrients, limiting intake of sodium and cholesterol, which helps to reduce the likelihood of recurrent stroke.

  • If the patient is hard to swallow ...

After a stroke, many patients can be difficult to swallow food - a condition called dysphagia. In this case, it is recommended to give the dishes brought to the consistency of mashed potatoes. If the patient to swallow the liquid, too hard, drinks have to add thickeners.

  • Minimum sodium

High blood pressure is known to be a risk factor for stroke. After a stroke to keep the pressure under control, it is recommended a diet low in sodium. It is essential that the patient is consuming less than 300 mg sodium per meal. To do this, drastically reduce the amount of salt added to the food. It should also avoid food restaurants because it is usually much sodium.

  • Limit intake of unhealthy fats; to include in the diet of healthy fats

Lowering cholesterol may also help prevent another stroke. Limit your intake of saturated fats and trans fats, which increase the level of LDL-cholesterol. Avoid and foods such as fatty meats, whole milk, butter, fried foods; any products contraindicated where there hydrogenated oils.

Patients after stroke need monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are, for example, soybeans, canola and olive oil. They are also very beneficial omega-3, which is rich in marine fish, such as salmon and tuna. To get omega-3 in a sufficient amount to eat fish at least twice a week.

  • Cellulose

Increasing the amount of fiber in the diet allows you to lower cholesterol. To do this, you need to eat as many fruits, vegetables and whole grains. It is recommended to eat vegetables and fruits is not less than 5 times per day. To better absorbed by the fiber, you need to drink plenty of water.

 Meals after stroke | stroke Diet - how to maintain the health of blood vessels

Terms diet after stroke

  • Learn the effects of drugs. Some medications that are prescribed for stroke, interact with food. One of them - warfarin Warfarin - indirect anticoagulants  Warfarin - indirect anticoagulants
   (anticoagulant prevents blood clots), interacts with vitamin K (it promotes normal blood clotting). A person who takes warfarin need to get enough vitamin K. Do not dramatically increase or decrease its consumption, since it can lead to cerebral hemorrhage. If a person takes after a stroke some more drugs, it is also necessary to consider organizing a diet for him.
  • Reduce the amount of salt. The salt increases blood volume, and this leads to an increase in blood pressure, sometimes to a stroke. At a stroke you can not eat salty foods. Carefully read the labels and choose those foods that contain the least amount of salt. Do not add salt to the food cooking. Never give a person with stroke, semi-finished products, fast food and other junk food; it could seriously worsen his condition.
  • Include potassium diet. Potassium reduces the volume of sodium in the body. Rich in potassium, oranges, bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
 , Tomatoes, avocados, potatoes, spinach and plums. If a patient taking warfarin, it is especially important to get the required amount of potassium.
  • Vegetables and fruits are a mandatory component of the diet of stroke. They are rich in vitamins, which help the body recover from the blow. They have a lot of fiber needed to cleanse the digestive tract of toxins and fats. However, to avoid constipation, you should not eat too much fat.
  • Avoid foods which are high in cholesterol. Too large amounts of fat and cholesterol in the diet - one of the major causes of stroke. Red meat, fat dairy products etc. may worsen the patient's condition after a stroke.
  • Omega-3 - fatty acid found in fish, has the property of lowering cholesterol levels. Especially a lot of omega-3 in salmon, mackerel and other marine fish. If the patient is allergic to seafood, you need to give him nutritional supplements Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
  • Include a grain diet - they lower the level of cholesterol in the body. Most dark brown grains are particularly useful in stroke. Some light grain, such as white rice, generally best avoided.
  • Small portions. A person who has had a stroke, can be dangerous to eat too much food at one time. The excess fat that enters the body by overeating, increases the risk of a new strike.
  • No fried food! Cholesterol levels in fried food is especially high. Prepare meals in the oven, steaming, cook or boil them and use other cooking methods.

If the patient has a hard, crushing the dishes in the mashed potatoes. To him it was easier to agree to restrictions, explain why we need a new diet and what kind of benefits it will bring.

Article Tags:
  • stroke
