- Diet for chronic cholecystitis - an effective method of treatment
- What is cholecystitis
What is cholecystitis
Cholecystitis - an inflammation of the gallbladder wall. Cholecystitis occurs more often in the background of stagnation of bile in the gall bladder. This can occur in the presence of gallbladder stones, tumors, spasm of the sphincter (circular muscle) that blocks the output of bile from the gallbladder into the duodenum 12, with malnutrition (especially in very rare meals).
Acute cholecystitis can start suddenly (for example, gallstones), in which case the patient requires emergency care, and in some cases surgery. But more often the disease develops gradually and requires long-term complex treatment, a role in which plays a health food.
Basic principles of diet in chronic cholecystitis
As in the gallbladder bile stasis is permanent, the main task of clinical nutrition - unload the gallbladder. Nature has arranged so that the gallbladder contracts under the influence of food intake, so the more often during the day food is consumed, the less stagnation in the gallbladder.
Meals have to be gentle for the cells of the liver, because the stagnation in the gallbladder
Gall bladder: structure and function
is bound to cause stagnation in the biliary tract, which will impact on the work of the liver cells. Bile stasis becomes viscous, it reduces its ability to emulsify fats and activate digestive enzymes.
No less important is the principle of sparing the stomach and intestines that are sure to suffer with chronic cholecystitis, which aggravates its course.
In patients with chronic cholecystitis diet should be sufficient amount of protein (lean meat, fish, dairy products, cheese), carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, cereals), fats (butter and vegetable oils are well tolerated by patients and contribute to the emptying of the gallbladder). This power must pursue chemical, mechanical and thermal tranquility of the gastrointestinal tract.
Diet during exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis
When aggravation cholecystitis patients prescribed bed rest and hunger for 1-2 days. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids in the form of weak tea, diluted fruit juices, fruit drinks, fruit compotes.
After the phenomenon of acute cholecystitis subside, appoint an extended diet consisting of liquid and semi-liquid pyurirovannyh easily digestible dishes (vegetable and dairy soups, vegetable and meat sauce, cereals, dairy products, jelly). The daily amount of food during this period should not exceed half the usual amount, food intake must be 6 times per day. Such food is also appointed for 1-2 days.
With the improvement of the diet appointed, recommended in chronic cholecystitis.
Diet for chronic cholecystitis without exacerbation
Diet for chronic cholecystitis involves exclusion from the diet of foods containing extractives and essential oils. This hot spices, onions, garlic
Garlic health: almost a panacea
, Sorrel, radishes
Radish: useful properties and rules of use
, Radish, smoked and salty dishes, mushrooms, any broths (except vegetable).
The following products requiring exclusion from the diet - high-melting fats. This fat contained in any meat. The digestion of fats in chronic cholecystitis broken, so their use can cause exacerbation of the disease. Poorly digested as fatty fish and sausages.
It is necessary to also forget about sweets and confectionery, chocolate, strong tea and coffee - these products also are difficult to digest and requires a voltage fermentovydelitelnoy function of the gastrointestinal tract. Nor should eat foods rich in roughage (peas, beans, wholemeal bread) - this can cause the accumulation of gas in the intestines and aggravation cholecystitis.
Patients with cholecystitis not recommend taking cold foods (ice cream, soda water, just cold dishes) - it will cause spasm of the gall bladder, which will increase the stagnation of bile.
To prepare the meat used lean beef, chicken, fish - lean river and sea fish. Well suited cod - it contains a large number of substances that contribute to the proper absorption of fats. The diet must be present low-fat dairy products and cheese. Several times a week you can eat boiled soft-boiled egg or scrambled eggs for a couple.
Fats should be submitted easily digestible butter and vegetable oil, carbohydrates - fruits and vegetables (but not sour varieties) and cereals (buckwheat, oats, rice).
All meals should be steamed, boiled, or stew. Meals should be five times a day.