Itching urethra - a sign urethritis, i.e. inflammation in the wall of the urethra. Why is an inflammation in the area, need to understand the reasons may be many, and not necessarily urethritis should only be called an infection.

Reasons start urethritis
Gonococcal urethritis can be and negonoreyny. The latter in turn are divided into infectious and non-infectious. Infectious urethritis can be caused by a variety of pathogens: E. coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus, chlamydia
Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease
, Mycoplasma, ureaplasma, trichomonas, fungi of the genus Candida, and so on.
Noncommunicable urethritis are often traumatic in nature and occur after various urological diagnostic and treatment procedures. Also, they can result from allergic reactions to food or drug allergy, metabolic disorders
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
in patients who have consistently distinguished salt with sand in the urine irritate the urethra (phosphaturia, oksalaturiya and others). It is noninfectious urethritis and kongezivny urethritis, which appears as a result of venous congestion in the veins of the spermatic cord and prostate.
According to the spread of inflammation distinguishes front, rear and total urethritis and downstream - acute and chronic.
When infectious urethritis infection, falling on the mucous membrane of the urethra causes an inflammatory process or stored in it for a longer time without disease symptoms (persistent or transient carrier). If urethritis venereal infection often occurs two or more agents. Infectious agents (other than gonorrhea) usually cause inflammation of the urethra only in violation of local immunity of the mucous membrane or after the injury. In such circumstances, inflammation can sometimes be maintained saprophytes (normal microflora, constantly live in this area), even if previously it was caused by some sexually transmitted diseases (postgonoreynye, posttrihomonadnye urethritis).

Signs of urethritis
Urethritis of various origins occur usually with the same characteristics that differ only in the severity of symptoms of inflammation. In acute urethritis
Urethritis - a very male disease
itching, burning and pain at the beginning of urination, characteristic of the inflammatory process in the art. Appear and discharge from the urethra. In the urethra can be seen redness and swelling of the mucous membranes. In the future, redness and swelling are reduced, the discharge becomes negligible or pass at all. Sometimes urethritis from the beginning takes place with few prominent symptoms. This meager discharge occurs only in the morning.
When prolonged urethritis inflammation are often not limited to the front of the urethra, and covers the entire urethra (urethritis total). Acute total urethritis manifested by frequent mandatory (unstoppable) urge to urinate, pain at the end of it, pus and blood in the urine
Blood in the urine - a reason for serious concern
When properly (especially your own) conducted the treatment of acute urethritis can turn into a chronic limp worn over and exacerbations occurring after administration of alcoholic beverages, hypothermia, sexual arousal, and so on. At the same time as in the urethra may periodically itch. Chronic urethritis can lead to narrowing (stricture) of the urethra.

Diagnosis of urethritis
First of all, try to find out the cause of urethritis. For this, if there is a selection, they are taken for analysis. In the process of smear microscopy in acute infectious urethritis can see a large number of infectious agents (sometimes several different pathogens). In chronic urethritis for further diagnosis is required to crop nutrient discharges to the environment to identify the organism causing the infection and its sensitivity to antibiotics.
Held as ureteroscopy - inspection of the mucous membrane of the urethra using a special optical device - urethroscope.

Treatment of urethritis
Treatment depends on the cause of urethritis, he was summoned. If urethritis occurs within no more than two months, the limited drug administration, the selection of which depends on the cause.
During the protracted and chronic urethritis strengthen the immune system, prescribe all existing chronic diseases and topical treatment. As a topical treatment of infectious urethritis spend washing with antiseptic solutions urethra, instillation (instillation) medicinal solutions into the urethra.
If urethritis infectious origin is carried out treatment of the underlying disease that caused urethritis.
Galina Romanenko