Microlite called very small stones (sand) that form the urinary tract. Microlites not require surgery but if they do not pay attention, they tend to merge, the growth and formation of high-grade kidney stones.

Why in the kidneys are formed microlites
Microlites - is one of the manifestations of kidney stones, which are due to metabolic disorders
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
. This metabolic schavelivoy acids, purine and calcium-phosphorus metabolism, resulting in the formation microlites consisting of oxalate, urate or phosphate. But mostly microliths have a mixed composition.
Developing kidney stones more often against a background of inflammation in the urinary system, as well as to the damage of the passage (passage) of urine for urinary tract. The last reason may be associated with congenital or acquired anatomical defects, tumors and obstruction of the urinary tract.
Contributing factors for the emergence of microliths in the kidneys can be inherited structural features of renal or metabolic, any chronic diseases of internal organs, endocrine system, prolonged dehydration, including those living in hot climates, hypovitaminosis, poor nutrition, constant use of hard water with a high content salt - that is, any factors that could affect the metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
Microlites formed mostly in the kidneys, but then they can be excreted in the urine and into the ureters, the bladder
Urinary bladder - structure and function
and the urethra.

How to manifest themselves microlites kidney
Most often microlites does not manifest itself and is a random finding during ultrasound (US). The term "microliths" is also often heard in the ultrasound findings.
However, sometimes microlites make themselves felt, particularly if a sufficiently large grain size of several millimeters. This can cause the appearance of aching pain in the lumbar region, which can be aggravated by physical activity, or simply a change in body position. When the kidney into the ureter microlite falls, then there is pain in the abdomen
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Radiating to the groin. If you like the sand of the urinary tract, it is excreted in the urine. With the passage of sand along the urethra it can scratch the mucosa, causing pain and urinary frequency, urinary and blood may appear. But even if there is no blood in the urine, it may be cloudy due to the presence therein microlites.
Began to move along the ureter microlite size of a few millimeters can cause severe pain - renal colic.

How to find microlites
Microlites often detected by chance on ultrasound. But if they found it necessary to spend more in-depth examination to determine what kind of disturbed metabolism and is there any kidney disease and urinary tract - this will help provide prompt appropriate treatment. To do this, carry out X-ray examination (to identify possible obstacles to the passage of urine and various abnormalities), examined blood and urine to detect inflammation, conduct blood chemistry to identify metabolic disturbances, do cystoscopy (the study of the bladder mucosa). According to a survey urologist puts a definitive diagnosis.

How to treat kidney microlites
It all depends on what will be the final diagnosis. If the cause of education in microlites metabolic disorders, the diet will help, if any inflammatory process in the kidneys, it being treated.
Microlites do not require surgical treatment, at this stage it is possible to manage conservative treatment. But if the cause of microliths was some obstacle to the urine, it is quite possible that it can be removed surgically.
First of all, the patient is recommended to excessive drinking. Need to drink water, you can use a little brackish mineral water, but no more than three glasses a day, compotes, mousses, fruit juice, herbal teas.
The diet will depend on whether any of the salts consist microlits. If they consist mainly of oxalate, it is necessary to exclude products containing oxalic acid and citric acid (lettuce, spinach, sorrel, beans, wild rose, currants, citrus fruits). Detection urate menu requires the exclusion of foods containing purines - cocoa, coffee, chocolate, cookies, meat. When dietary phosphate microlites restrict calcium - dairy products, potatoes, eggs, eliminate food and medicines, urine alkalizing (lemon, alkali).
Usually this is enough to stop or at least slow down the formation of kidney stones.
Galina Romanenko