Bladder problems: nerves and age - Incontinence and paruresis

December 25, 2008

  • Bladder problems: nerves and age
  • Urinary incontinence and paruresis
  • Diseases of the prostate
  • Infections and Diabetes
  • Overactive bladder syndrome

 urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence - when urination occurs before the man ran to the bathroom, or while doing some exercise. This problem is present in millions of adults.

There are many treatments for this disorder. And almost every patient can get rid of this problem.

Women suffering from urinary incontinence more often than men. In older people, this problem occurs more often than younger people.



There are many reasons that can lead to spontaneous leakage of urine. Sometimes short-term conditions, such as infections of the bladder or the vagina can become a cause temporary urinary incontinence, which goes along with the disease which caused it. During the medical examination the doctor makes a urine sample for the presence of infection. If incontinence continues for a long period of time (weeks or months), then the reason may be:

  • Weak bladder
  • Weak bladder muscles Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
  • Damage to the nerves that control the bladder
  • Some diseases, such as arthritis
  • Blocked urinary tract


Syndrome shy bladder

Paruresis - a fear of urinating in the presence of other people, in a limited time, when they hurry in an environment where there are a number of people who can hear them, as well as while traveling in any moving vehicle. Recent studies have shown that about 7% of the people suffer from this social phobia.

Paruresis has many synonyms such as "shy bladder syndrome", "urophobia", "psychogenic urinary retention." All of these terms mean one and the same medical condition.


Social phobia

Anxiety - is the key to the disorder, which usually has no under itself any physical problems. Paruresis - a psychological disorder that affects the urinary system. This kind of social phobia. Usually paruretiki - a shy people who are afraid of scrutiny and criticism of others, when they have to perform any action in the presence of other people. What a bad experience provokes the development of this disorder and makes paruretikov extremely mistrust and fearful. That is, they are afraid to be back in a situation like this, thinking that they can not urinate.


Treatment paruresis

Before diagnosing paruresis, you must rule out other possible diseases of the bladder. There are several treatments for this disorder:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Support Groups
  • Medication

Cognitive-behavioral therapy - a rather expensive method of treatment. This therapy is not more than two months. The patient gradually sinks into his fear-inducing situation, gradually adapting and becoming less susceptible to fear.

Support Group - This type of therapy is free. The patient support group runs training, receives support and advice can be discussed with the group members to share their experiences and thoughts.

Drug therapy - to recover some patients this treatment becomes crucial. However, drug therapy should be combined with either cognitive behavioral therapy or visiting a support group. Medications do not work wonders and are unable to save people from urophobia. They are just an additional tool which speeds up and simplifies the process of recovery. Medications to treat paruresis should prescribe a doctor who specializes in this area.

Bladder problems: nerves and age - overactive bladder syndrome

December 25, 2008

  • Bladder problems: nerves and age
  • Urinary incontinence and paruresis
  • Diseases of the prostate
  • Infections and Diabetes
  • Overactive bladder syndrome

 overactive bladder syndrome

What do we have to do?

The first thing to do if you encounter any problems with the bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 - To learn in detail about it as much as possible to be treated properly and promptly get rid of them. The presence of similar problems confused every woman, but it does not mean that you should stop living a full life. Armed with useful information you will be able to solve any problem.

In what may be the unpleasant phenomenon? For example, you feel a constant urge to urinate, involuntary stress follows a few drops of urine, often get up to the toilet at night. All this points to a so-called incontinence. In other words, you find it difficult to control the urge to urinate. There are several reasons. However, the most important function is considered to be a gradual breakdown of nerves located in the pelvis and its organs. There are several types of urinary incontinence.

  • Stressful - under stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , Stress, anxiety, and the functional state of the bladder is not broken. It appears incontinence when coughing, sneezing, laughing, and once a woman feels that her underwear slightly wet. Much of this condition is typical for women in menopause.


Overactive bladder syndrome

Overactive bladder syndrome - a sudden, uncontrollable, persistent need to visit the toilet, no matter, when was the last time you were there. This incontinence is caused by involuntary contraction of the walls of the bladder and relaxation of the sphincter. This occurs when the broken connection between the brain and nerve endings of the bladder. Violations can be caused by inflammation in the wall of the bladder, infectious disease, injury, natural atrophy of the muscles (in the elderly), some other reasons.

Sometimes the cause of the disease can be both of the above problems, in such cases, doctors suggest combined form of urinary incontinence.

  • Urinary excess - you can not fully get rid of the urine contained in the cavity of the bladder due to the weakness of the tone or the presence of obstruction - blockage. Among the symptoms - leakage of urine, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, over-voltage, weak flow of urine during urination. This problem is more common in women, but also occurs in women.

Finding at this or that problem, we must first seek the advice of your doctor. Perhaps you have an infectious disease, which can cause quite serious complications. In this case, you will be assigned antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 . Do not start the disease, it is fraught with further defeat of the urethra, kidney, all the excretory system. Only a doctor can accurately determine the necessary diagnostic procedures and treatment.

In order to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and eliminating the problems about which we spoke, we recommend Kegel gymnastics.

Article Tags:
  • cystitis
