Syphilis of the brain - one of the most severe forms of the disease

February 6th, 2014

 syphilis of the brain
 Syphilis of the brain or neurosyphilis - a form of syphilis, which develops with inadequate treatment or no treatment. That's why experts warn that cure syphilis with antibiotics alone, or any folk remedies absolutely contraindicated.


Syphilis of the brain - why and how it develops

Neurosyphilis is divided into early (it develops in the first 5 years after infection, but usually within the first 3 years) and late (develops within 6-8 years after infection). In early syphilis affects mainly membranes and blood vessels of the brain, with late - nerve cells, fibers and surrounding glia (support cells).

In the development of neurosyphilis primary importance is the lack of or inadequate treatment, inadequate treatment. Accelerate the development of neurosyphilis can neurotrauma, the systematic use of alcohol or drugs, the availability of any other chronic infections.

In recent decades, a growing number of atypical forms of neurosyphilis erased. Tabes dorsalis and progressive paralysis with their typical manifestations occur very rarely today. It is also very rare gumma in the brain and spinal cord.


Early syphilis of the brain

Early neurosyphilis manifests defeat meninges of varying severity, from the hidden (latent) forms to generalized acute meningitis. There are:

  • latent syphilitic meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
 ; symptoms may be absent, sometimes headaches, hearing loss, dizziness, pain when moving the eyeballs; sometimes there are visual disturbances; Diagnosis is based on analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid;
  • meningonevroticheskuyu form of syphilis (basal meningitis); proceeds subacute worrying headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, facial asymmetry;
  • syphilitic hydrocephalus; The disease can occur in an acute and latent; gibrotsefalii appear in acute severe headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, confusion, convulsions; In latent within all of the symptoms are less pronounced change grow slowly;
  • acute generalized syphilitic meningitis; rare, begins with a sudden rise in temperature, nausea, vomiting, increase of the severity of meningeal symptoms; then join seizures, impaired consciousness, paresis and paralysis;
  • syphilitic meningomyelitis; rare, it manifests itself in the form of lower limb paralysis, accompanied by dysfunction of the pelvic organs (incontinence); It is difficult to treat;
  • Early syphilis; It is rare and is characterized by a gradual process of involvement of the meninges; also gradually developed symptoms of meningitis.


Late syphilis of the brain

In the late neurosyphilis are the following forms:

  • late latent (latent) syphilitic meningitis; It goes unnoticed and becomes more severe - tabes dorsalis, progressive paralysis, and so on;
  • Late diffuse syphilis; relatively common, develops many years after infection and manifests the appearance of symptoms on a regular recurrence of the disease; can appear headaches, dizziness varying degrees of severity, paralysis, paresis, speech disorders, memory and so on;
  • syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
   vessels in the brain (neurovascular syphilis); relatively common; in specific brain vessels infiltrates appear, which can lead to thrombosis Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke  Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
   vessels and stroke; but more change is growing gradually, movement disorders, speech, sensitivity, seizures, mental disorders;
  • amyelotrophy; pathological process is localized mainly in the posterior spinal nerve roots; flattened spinal cord, dorsal roots become thinner and shrivel; Disease begins with sensory disturbances (creeping sensation in the body) and strong short-term (1-2 seconds, but sometimes a few hours) "dagger" pain (pain tabid) most often in the legs; occasional bouts of pain accompanied by nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, asthma attacks, or whooping cough, and are called visceral crises; gradually increase the sensitivity disorders, impaired motor coordination, gait; first there urinary retention and constipation, which eventually transformed into fecal incontinence and urine; over time, patients can not walk, appear sores and mental disorders up to the development of acute psychosis;
  • paralysis - progressive dementia, accompanied by a speech disorder;
  • Gunma brain or spinal cord; rare, manifested by headaches accompanied by increased intracranial pressure in combination with the neurological symptoms (which may be different depending on the location gumma).

Neurosyphilis - a result of improper treatment of syphilis Treatment of syphilis - a laborious process  Treatment of syphilis - a laborious process
   or complete absence of treatment.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • syphilis

Syphilis on the face - are easily confused with other diseases

February 6th, 2014

 Syphilis on the face
 Syphilis on the face may well be taken as a manifestation of one of the skin diseases. Some people think that syphilis was in the last century. But, unfortunately, it is not so. The incidence of syphilis in recent years has increased dramatically, and to treat him better in the early stages. Therefore, it is important to notice in time trouble and promptly seek medical attention.


As can be shown Syphilis on the face

Syphilis is divided into primary, secondary and tertiary. In all of these stages of syphilis may experience any symptoms of the disease on the face. Syphilis is often atypical, including in the form of acne on the face. It is important to quickly identify the disease, the patient to examine and assign adequate treatment.


Primary syphilis Facial

The first symptoms of primary syphilis occur in an average of 3-4 weeks after infection, but the incubation period can be very different - from 8 days to six months. After that, on the skin or mucous membranes in place of the introduction of pathogen Treponema pallidum primary syphiloma arises - usually a chancre.

On the face chancre may result from skin contact or kissing a person with syphilis. Initially, the skin appears reddish inflammatory spot that turns first into a small bundle and then a painless ulcer round or oval shape with sharp edges and shiny cartilaginous bottom of a few millimeters to 2 cm in diameter. Sometimes there is more than one chancre, but this is quite rare.

About a week later increased the nearby lymph nodes, they become dense, but also as a chancre, painless. Depending on the depth of tissue damage sore heals without treatment within 3-10 weeks.


Secondary syphilis is on the face

For secondary syphilis Secondary syphilis - can proceed unnoticed for several years  Secondary syphilis - can proceed unnoticed for several years
   a characteristic rash on the body. But sometimes the most severe symptoms of the disease appear on the face of it. Symptoms of secondary syphilis in about 8-12 weeks after infection or 6-7 weeks after the appearance of the chancre. Manifestations of secondary syphilis fresh - this is a sign that the agent of the disease appeared in large numbers in the blood and is carried through the blood to all organs and tissues. Eruptions held an average of 8-10 weeks, followed by a latent period of the disease (secondary latent syphilis), it can last from a week to several months, replaced by periodic relapses of the disease. Elements rash (syphilides) concentrates a large number of pathogens.

Rashes (including on the face) can be varied. It may be brownish spots, papules (spots, towering above the skin due to swelling of the skin), vesicles. All of them are round, sharply distinguished from healthy skin, do not merge with each other, do not peel and arranged randomly. Gradually, the color of the rash fades.

On the face of secondary syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
   It can manifest itself in the form of seborrheic papular syphilides. Often this type of rash occurs in patients with oily skin and is characterized by the appearance on the face, chest and back papules with a rough surface covered with greasy scales and gray-yellow crusts. Sometimes these papules are hard to distinguish from psoriatic rash.

Acne in syphilis may also occur - it is a sign pustular syphilides (pustules), whose appearance suggests severe rapidly progressing syphilis. The disease develops in weakened patients and is accompanied by fever, headache, malaise.

Syphiloderm eel - is one of the manifestations of pustular syphilides. It is the appearance of papules and pustules, very similar to acne vulgaris in places where sebaceous glands - on the face, upper chest and back. For eel syphilides characterized by slow flow and spread of small elements of an eruption. Syphilides pustules are the size of a pinhead, on top of which is formed after the opening of the crust. Two weeks later, crusts fall off and are barely noticeable, depressed, pigmented scars. The duration of the period of eruptions - 4-8 weeks. The disease must be distinguished from acne vulgaris and lupus TB skin - a rare form of the disease  TB skin - a rare form of the disease


Tertiary syphilis Facial

Tertiary syphilis develops several years after disease onset. His appearance speaks of the defeat of the internal organs and the nervous system. Syphilides with tertiary syphilis Tertiary syphilis - the final stage of the disease  Tertiary syphilis - the final stage of the disease
   are bumps, infectious agents they contain little. The bumps are often located on the skin of the nose, the forehead, the boundary of the scalp and skin. They are painless, they do not merge with each other, and there regress (regress) at different times. After a while tubercles ulcerate and then heal, forming a circular scars of varying depth, surrounded by pigment-border - the so-called mosaic scars.

Syphilis on the face appears not so often, however, you should know about this manifestation of the disease.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • syphilis
