Vaginitis (colpites) - an inflammation of the vagina, which can be caused by different infectious agents. In addition, of great importance, and the predisposing factors for the development of this infection - various diseases of genital organs and the whole body, which lead to decreased immunity and "open the gates" for penetration into the body of infection. In order to promptly see a doctor, you need to know the symptoms of vaginitis.
Symptoms of gonorrhea vaginitis
Gonorrhea - is a genital infection that is caused by gonococci. Sexually transmitted, but children and older women, deprived of hormonal support (female sex hormones contribute to the development of normal microflora of the vagina
The microflora of the vagina: purity
Which protects women from infection) can become infected through everyday. Gonorrheal vaginitis is quite rare, with gonorrhea often affects the cervical canal and the urethra (the urethra).
The incubation period (time from infection to the appearance of symptoms of the disease) is in gonorrhea 3-5 days (more precisely - from one day to 2-3 weeks). After that the woman may appear malaise, slightly rising temperatures and against this background develop local manifestations of gonorrhea as a strong burning sensation and itching in the genital area. Later, there are also abundant thick purulent discharge, often very painful urination.
But very often, even when the primary infection, gonorrhea
Gonorrhea - self-ruled
It takes the woman and erased quickly, going directly into the chronic form. This is very dangerous, because gonorrhea can spread to the internal genital organs and lead to infertility. In addition, a woman will always be a source of infection and can infect their sexual partners.
Symptoms of Trichomonas vaginitis
Trichomonas vaginitis develops often, it also refers to sexual infections and protozoa - Trichomonas vaginalis.
The incubation period for this infection is about two weeks. The first signs of Trichomonas vaginitis
Trichomonas vaginitis - a common form of the disease
They are intense itching and abundant frothy yellow with a very unpleasant odor. Just as with gonorrheal vaginitis, is always involved in the process of the urethra, there are frequent painful urination.
Trichomonas vaginitis may have initially imperceptible, hidden within and cause numerous complications such as obstruction of the fallopian tubes and infertility or ectopic pregnancy.
Chronic Trichomonas vaginitis can occur for a long time, especially if accompanied by impaired immunity, or combined with other sexually transmitted diseases.
Symptoms of Candida vaginitis
Candida vaginitis (thrush) is often not the result of infection, as a consequence of decrease in immunity, since its cause fungi of the genus Candida are representatives of conditionally pathogenic and live on the mucous membranes of the genitals in many people without causing disease. At the same time, the thrush can be transmitted by sexual contact and, but only with reduced immunity.
Manifested candida vaginitis
Candida vaginitis - a sign of impaired immunity
severe itching in the genital area. The walls of the vagina at the same reddened, swollen, they can see the cheesy raids. Gradually, these attacks can grow, merge with each other and firmly attached to the vaginal mucosa. If you try to remove a plaque mucosa bleeds. There are also abundant milky white, sometimes cheesy discharge.
Candida vaginitis is prone to prolonged chronic course with relapses, coinciding with periods of low immunity, due to various reasons - colds, trauma, surgery, acute and chronic diseases and so on.
Signs of nonspecific bacterial vaginitis
Nonspecific bacterial vaginitis caused by opportunistic and pathogenic infectious agents that can enter the vagina, both from the outside (for example, non-compliance with personal hygiene), and with the blood or lymph from other foci of infection in the body of the woman (eg, chronic pyelonephritis , cystitis, tonsillitis, and so on).
In the acute stage of the disease is characterized by pain and feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, the advent of heavy colorless, mucous or muco-purulent discharge, sometimes itching and burning.
Chronic recurrent vaginitis is characterized by a long, and sometimes imperceptible current.
Symptoms of vaginitis caused by various reasons, may be similar, but they require different treatment. In order to cure a disease, you should seek medical advice and to conduct a preliminary examination.
Galina Romanenko