Genital warts - restoring damaged parts of immunity - Treatment and Prevention

June 1, 2013

  • Genital warts - restoring damaged parts of immunity
  • What caused
  • Treatment and prevention

 treatment of genital warts

Treatment of genital warts

Remove the human papilloma virus from the body impossible. Treatment of genital warts is to remove growths on the body and strengthening the immune system Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
   after identifying the damaged parts of the immune system. Better if it will be engaged in the doctor-immunologist.

Genital warts can remove the surgeon, urologist or gynecologist in the following manner:

  • exposure to cold (liquid nitrogen) - a reliable proven method;
  • the impact of concentrated acids - the healing is quick and fairly painless;
  • impact of electric current (electrocautery) - reliable, but painful way, is carried out only after pain relief;
  • the impact of the laser - the operation is carried out quickly and fairly painless, healing usually takes place without complications;
  • exposure to radio waves (apparatus Surgitron) - the most modern and painless way.

Topical treatment


The effect of this ointment usually becomes noticeable after a few weeks after the beginning of its application. Common side effects of imiquimod are:

  • A rough and scaly skin;
  • Swelling;
  • Burning and itching on the skin areas where ointment was applied;
  • Headache.

Typically, these side effects are expressed rather weakly, and disappear within two weeks after completion of treatment.

 Treatment and Prevention | Genital warts - restoring damaged parts of immunity


TCA can be recommended for the treatment of small and very solid genital warts. This tool is also prescribed to pregnant women, as it is considered the safest of all the local agents that treat warts.

TCA destroys proteins in the cells that form warts. However, if used incorrectly, it can damage healthy skin. For this reason, application independent trichloroacetic acid is not recommended; patients should be a time to go to the clinic, where the doctor or nurse to inflict drug. Some people for five or ten then feel a strong burning sensation.

 Treatment and Prevention | Genital warts - restoring damaged parts of immunity


There are several types of ablation, used in the treatment of genital warts, and all of these procedures can be carried out only by a specialist.

 Treatment and Prevention | Genital warts - restoring damaged parts of immunity


Cryotherapy is usually prescribed for the treatment of multiple small warts, especially if formed on the penis, on the vulva or around it.

During the procedure, genital warts are frozen in liquid nitrogen. Freezing allows cells to destroy the warts by destroying their membranes. Sometimes it is necessary to conduct the procedure several times.

Patient during the cryotherapy feel weak or mild burning. The consequences of the procedure are usually skin irritation, blistering and pain and where there used to be warts. On the full restoration of the skin it takes one to three weeks. Do not have sex until the skin has healed completely - even more so that touching the irritated skin to bring a little fun.

 Treatment and Prevention | Genital warts - restoring damaged parts of immunity

Excision of warts

Excision or cut warts are usually recommended for patients with small, hardened warts, particularly if there are whole clusters of warts.

At the beginning of the procedure the patient is given a local anesthetic to reduce the sensitivity of the skin around the warts. Then warts are cut with a scalpel, and the remainder in its place the incision sutured. Because after excision may be left visible scars, it is not always suitable for patients with large warts. The skin on the place of the removed warts will remain very sensitive and painful for about three weeks after the procedure. It is very important for the patient to abstain from sex until complete recovery of the skin.

 Treatment and Prevention | Genital warts - restoring damaged parts of immunity


In the treatment of genital warts large, formed around the anus or vulva, if local treatments have been ineffective, often using a combination of electrosurgery and excision. First, the method of excision removed the bulk of the warts. Then take condyloma metal tool through an electric current, which burns the remainder of warts.

Removing this way a large number of warts can be very painful, so patients require local or general anesthesia.

 Treatment and Prevention | Genital warts - restoring damaged parts of immunity

Laser Surgery

Laser surgery is usually used to remove genital warts Removing genital warts - method is to choose a doctor  Removing genital warts - method is to choose a doctor
 Which can not be removed by other methods due to their location - for example, if it is deep inside the anus or urethra.

Pregnant women who do not help trichloroacetic acid, can also help laser surgery. During this procedure, the surgeon burns warts, directing a laser beam at them. Depending on the number and size of warts laser surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia.

Like other types of ablation, laser surgery can cause pain and irritation in the genital warts removed. In tissue regeneration typically takes from two to four weeks.

 Treatment and Prevention | Genital warts - restoring damaged parts of immunity


Gardasil - a vaccine that protects against two types of HPV (16 and 18) that cause 70% of all cases of cervical cancer Cervical cancer: possible cure  Cervical cancer: possible cure
 And the other two types of this virus (6 and 11), which are responsible for about 90% of cases of genital warts. However, it is believed that immunity after vaccination for human papillomavirus in six years will gradually decline.

While the vaccination provides a very high level of protection against genital warts and against other diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, it does not help, so it can not be considered as substitute for condoms.

Gardasil was approved in 2006, and since then all over the world were distributed about 80 million doses of vaccine. In some countries, girls under 18 years old are vaccinated free of charge, to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer.

The vaccination takes place in three stages. The second dose to the patient is given earlier than one month after the first, and the third - no sooner than three months after the second. All three doses of Gardasil should be entered within 12 months. The vaccine is administered by intramuscular injection in the upper arm or thigh.

Gardasil can cause the following side effects:

  • Pain, redness or bruising at the injection site;
  • Symptoms are similar to flu symptoms such as fever, pain in muscles and joints.
  • There are cases of death after vaccination, but in none of the cases failed to prove that the death was caused by the impact of Gardasil.

 Treatment and Prevention | Genital warts - restoring damaged parts of immunity

Preventing proliferation of genital warts

In order not to be infected with human papilloma virus, you need to comply with sexual health, which includes lack of promiscuity. If such a link is still expected it to protect themselves (and not completely) only special condom, which is the mark that it is impervious to viruses (typically an inscription "Anti-AIDS").

We must also remember that the sooner you consult with your doctor condyloma acuminata, the easier it is to help. If genital warts occur for a long time, they provide stable low immunity, worsening of any disease and a tendency to degenerate into a malignant tumor Malignant tumor: cells are mad  Malignant tumor: cells are mad

  Galina Romanenko

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  • genital warts
