Acyclovir tablets are used to treat infections caused by various types of herpes virus. With tablets can be treated with acyclovir genital herpes, herpes zoster
Ringworm - not only infectious disease
, Chicken pox, herpetic eye disease and some other diseases.
How do aciclovir tablets
Acyclovir tablets are produced by different pharmaceutical companies, mainly in a dosage of 200 mg per tablet. However, some manufacturers produce atsiklorvir in other doses (400 and 800 mg per tablet).
Ingestion tablets acyclovir absorbed about 20% of active ingredient, acyclovir remainder is excreted unchanged. It sucks the blood acyclovir distributed in the body, and then partially decomposed in the liver and excreted in the urine mostly in the form of metabolic products, as part unchanged. Acyclovir is able to overcome the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain and spinal cord, as well as to stand out from the human milk.
Once in the tissue, acyclovir is converted into the active substance under the influence of specific enzymes that generate viruses. Active acyclovir selectively penetrates into the virus-infected cells, is embedded in the DNA of viruses and prevents their reproduction.
Acyclovir tablet having few side effects have been absorbed into the blood of the active ingredient misses in healthy cells, and selectively infects only tissue cells infected with virus.
In connection with such mild action of acyclovir has few contraindications for reception.
The tablets acyclovir is prescribed for the treatment of herpetic lesions of the skin and mucous membranes caused by the herpes simplex virus
Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
As well as shingles and chicken pox are caused by another type of herpes virus (herpes zoster). The tablets acyclovir is prescribed for the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection.
Often pills acyclovir combined with local and external application of this preparation in the form of ointments, creams, thus increasing treatment efficacy.
What is the purpose prescribed acyclovir tablets
The tablets acyclovir is prescribed mainly in the skin and mucous membranes of the herpes simplex virus. In this case, acyclovir prevents new elements disease and its spread to new areas on the surface of the body and internal organs. In addition, acyclovir promotes more rapid transition in blisters crust and strengthen immunity
Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
Therefore, acyclovir pills prescribed for genital herpes - is to prevent the spread of viral infection to the internal reproductive organs and contributes to a more rapid elimination of the acute process. Herpes of the lips, face and body, if the herpes spread and invade new areas, topical acyclovir ointment may not be enough, so prescribe this drug in tablets.
With abundant rash of chickenpox Acyclovir pills prescribed to prevent complications of the internal organs, with shingles - to prevent its spread along the nerves and reduce inflammation, swelling and pain.
Herpes infection often occurs against a background of reduced immunity, so acyclovir administered as a prophylactic measure in violation of the immunity and after organ transplantation when the immune system is suppressed by medication ways to prevent tissue rejection.
Contraindications acyclovir pills and the side effects that occur during treatment with this drug
Pills of acyclovir is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the drug and the patient's body while breastfeeding (it stands out with mother's milk). During pregnancy acyclovir is prescribed only if the threat to the mother's health is higher than the potential risk to the fetus.
Acyclovir Tablets are generally well tolerated, but in some cases after they receive may appear nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain
Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
, Allergic skin rash, headache, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, sleep disturbances, poor concentration, mental disorders in the form of hallucinations, alopecia (hair loss), the liver and kidney, changes in the blood (a decrease in the blood of white and red blood cells).
Very rarely an overdose of pills of acyclovir (usually well tolerated even larger doses of the drug). Manifested overdose gain any side effects with the transition in a serious condition with acute renal failure, seizures and coma. To cope with the patient's condition can not, it requires treatment in a hospital.
Acyclovir tablets should not be taken without a doctor's prescription.
Galina Romanenko