Food "trompe l'oeil": trap hidden calories

March 17th, 2011

 food "trompe l'oeil"
 People go on a diet or restrict yourself to eating in the hope to get rid of excess fat and become, at last, slender shape. But sometimes it is impossible to do this in spite of the fact that diet appears healthy and balanced, the weight is not reduced. This is because very often we do without realizing it, eat food that contains more calories and fat than it seems at first glance. To maintain a slim figure Practical tips for a slim figure  Practical tips for a slim figure
 , Should pay attention to such grocery "snag."

 Food "trompe l'oeil": trap hidden calories

Instant oatmeal

Porridge, which must be emptied out of the bag and pour the boiling water, it seems, is no different from that which is usually cooked. However, such products contain sugar, additives, flavoring, however calorie per serving calorie exceed twice normal. Thus, for example, natural cooked oatmeal contain more useful energy and minerals, while fast-dissolving porridge can saturate only briefly.

 Food "trompe l'oeil": trap hidden calories

Baked against fried

Delicious chips, crisps crispy, thin, almost non-existent during their infinite absorption of practical safe for the figure. In any case, much safer than, for example, biscuits, seemingly thicker and nutritious. But carried away so innocent at first glance, the pleasures, we should not forget that the chips are frying in oil, and therefore are rather high in fat content.

 Food "trompe l'oeil": trap hidden calories

High-calorie sauces

Sometimes you want something pikatnogo, spicy, tasty - not often, but at least once a week to pamper yourself. Side dish of rice, juicy chicken, poured fragrant curry, also seems quite innocent fun. However, even the sauce can play a role in weight gain because, curry, for example, contains about 250 calories per 100 grams and is just gravy - no meat and side dish.

 Food "trompe l'oeil": trap hidden calories

Snack biscuits

Women love to organize gatherings with tea and biscuits, which are well saturated, so sometimes you can even be considered as a full meal in calories. If there are no forces to abandon the friendly teas, then you should pay attention to the cookies, which they pass. It is better to replace biscuits with jam, milk chocolate, more useful, such as oatmeal, with cereals, wholemeal.

 Food "trompe l'oeil": trap hidden calories

Fast food

Restaurants and cafes where you can buy something for a quick and satisfying snack - an undoubted boon for those who can not afford a full lunch break. But there are some pitfalls.

Great morning croissant with sweet coffee bring the body about 400 calories, lunch sandwich with ham and mayonnaise - even 400-500. All this is not considered to be real food, so it can be eaten even in the double volume. Better in this case to stay in the more useful and less high-calorie, but nutritious food. In the morning is eat a portion of oatmeal with fresh berries and a sandwich to take with tuna and salad without mayonnaise.

 Food "trompe l'oeil": trap hidden calories

Alcohol calories

People used alcohol to relax, relieve stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , Forgetting that it contains calories. In one glass of white wine about 130 calories. In 100 grams of vodka, which has no nutritional value and is considered quite safe in this respect, as much as 300 calories.

 Food "trompe l'oeil": trap hidden calories

These different sweets

Sweet improves mood, so to give up such products sometimes very difficult. It is not necessary to do, the main thing to know what sweets would be more useful, some - less. For example, chocolates, candies, chocolate balls - all absorbed sometimes in large quantities without thinking about it too calories, not supporting body use. Useful sweets - is, for example, fruit smoothies - soft drinks, where fruits and berries with whipped milk. Such products contain beneficial carbohydrates and positively affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Article Tags:
  • Calories

How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting - Slow

May 5, 2013

  • How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting
  • How to recover
  • Wrong
  • Disturbed
  • Fast
  • How to normalize
  • Slowed

 slow metabolism

Slow metabolism: how slimming complicate his task

No need to be a rocket scientist to know that your metabolism slows down with age. However, experts on nutrition still continue research in this area - and come to new interesting results.

Women over 25 years gained an average of 650 grams per year. It seems little, but for 40 years the amount of accumulated kilograms becomes very visible to the eye. Of course, the ladies want to lose. They play sports, dieting and often wonder why despite the fact that they have to consume calories less, weight is not reduced, and sometimes stubbornly continues to rise? The fact that it is necessary to lose weight sensibly. In pursuit of the ideal forms we make mistakes that lead to slower metabolism. What is the error?

 Slow | How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

You eat enough

To lose weight, of course, it is necessary to reduce the amount of calories, but it is equally important not to overdo it. If you consume less than 1200 calories a day (as much, on average, a woman is required for the normal operation of the basic biological functions), the metabolism in your body will slow down. Furthermore, power limitation in continuous it will begin to split the muscle to obtain the missing energy.

We need to eat small, frequent meals to not feel hunger.

For example, if you eat every 3-4 hours, it will be easier to tolerate restrictions, and the body does not have time to get scared that it suddenly stopped feeding.

 Slow | How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

You avoid caffeine

Caffeine is a central nervous system simulator and daily coffee consumption can increase metabolic rate by 5-8%, which means that your body will burn an additional 98 to 174 calories each day. Tea, incidentally, operates more efficiently, speeding up metabolism by as much as 12%. The researchers suggest that this is due to the antioxidant contained in tea Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits  Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits

 Slow | How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

You eat white carbohydrates

Pasta, white rice, various pastries are white carbohydrates that do not give your body is nothing but the set calories. Instead, eat whole wheat bread and pasta, as well as fruits and vegetables, without which it is difficult to imagine a healthy diet. Cellulose, which is in them, accelerates the process of burning fat. The three portions of vegetables and fruit contains 25 grams of fiber - a daily rate required for the effective operation of metabolic processes.

 Slow | How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

Do you drink water at room temperature

The researchers found that drinking 6 cups of cold water a day, you are forcing your body to burn calories on a daily basis for 50, which go only to have to heat the water to body temperature.

 Slow | How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

In your food contains pesticides

Organochlorine compounds found in pesticides and accumulate in the fat cells, significantly slowing down the metabolism. This is probably due to the fact that the toxins interfere with the normal burning of calories. Some scientists believe the chemical components of pesticides can trigger weight gain. Therefore, if possible, always buy organic fruits and vegetables.

 Slow | How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

In your diet is not enough protein

Proteins are necessary to us every day, among other things, to maintain the vitality and growth of muscle tissue. To obtain the required dose of protein, eat with each meal, for example, 100 grams of lean meat, 2 tablespoons nuts, 230 g low-fat yogurt.

 Slow | How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

You do not have enough iron

During slow metabolism it is especially important to include in the diet as much as possible food rich in iron. This substance delivers oxygen to the muscle cells, which is one of the largest consumers of energy throughout the body. Before menopause, women lose iron each month, and if not regularly replenished its reserves, could soon feel the symptoms of iron deficiency such as fatigue and slow metabolism. Rich sources of iron are lean meats, cereal porridge, spinach and apples.

 Slow | How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

You do not have enough of this important vitamin

Vitamin D is very important for the normal development of muscle tissue. Unfortunately, the deficit experienced by many people, since they often forget to include fish in your diet. Eat oily fish that, in addition to vitamin D is very important for getting healthy fatty acids omega-3. Vitamin D is also in shrimp, tofu, vegetables and eggs.

 Slow | How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

You drink too much

The second cocktail at a party - once. When drinking alcohol your body burns a lot less fat than usual, since it uses alcohol as a source of energy.

 Slow | How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

You eat very little dairy products

Calcium deficiency, which is especially common in women, is one of the main causes of slow metabolism. Thanks to the calcium contained in milk products, reduced fat absorption by the body. Interestingly, dietary supplements Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
   calcium do not have this effect.

 Slow | How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

Increased fatigue

When you slow the metabolism of the body can not extract enough energy from food, causing fatigue, a general feeling of weakness, decreased libido, memory problems, and the weakening of motivation. If the reason for slowing metabolism is a severe form of hypothyroidism, the patient may begin depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood

 Slow | How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

Skin and hair condition

Signs of a slow metabolism are often dry, coarse hair and hair loss. The skin also becomes dry, sometimes - rough and pale. These symptoms may also indicate a deficiency of nutrients in the body.

 Slow | How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting


Acid reflux, constipation and bloating - common signs of slow metabolism. To alleviate these symptoms, eat more foods rich in fiber - such as legumes, whole wheat bread, fruits, vegetables and berries.

 Slow | How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

Cold intolerance

Because of impaired circulation people with a slow metabolism are very sensitive to cold. Even with a neutral room temperature it can be difficult to keep warm, they often complain of fever, and, from the point of view of an observer, too warm to put on. Regular exercise is usually significantly improve blood circulation. If this does not help, consult a doctor.

 Slow | How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

Muscle aches

Muscle pain or cramps - a common symptom of slow metabolism. As a rule, this helps to drink plenty of liquids and eating foods rich in potassium - such as bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health

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  • metabolism
