Is it possible to lose weight if you do not eat after six: Myths and Facts - The basic principles of weight loss
May 15, 2011
- Is it possible to lose weight if you do not eat after six: myths and facts
- Why you should not eat late at night?
- How long before you can sleep tight eat
- What can you eat before bedtime
- What to eat before going to sleep to lose weight
- The basic principles of weight loss
The basic principles of weight loss
The basic principle of weight loss goes: the body should receive less energy than it spends. Therefore, if during the day and eat everything in large quantities, and after six do not have anything at all, it is still better. Do not get thin, and if you are very severely limit the daily diet, without increasing physical activity. The body in this case simply switch to economy mode and the person will feel fatigue, weakness and inability to handle even the normal work, not to mention the additional burden. That's why starvation diets usually end in complete failure.
So how rational principle does not eat after six o'clock, and who invented it? First of all, it is used in various diets for weight loss, which are already severely limit calorie intake. But somehow the bare principle was used as a slogan for weight loss. Let's look at how it helps to lose weight. Many people, after only six come from work, and, of course, eat rationally turns out far not at all. So what now, I am not at all? Some perceive the slogan "do not eat after six" as the absolute truth, and in order not to starve, increase your daily diet. As a result, the effect is the opposite: weight gain.
It is wrong for even the most extreme diets, because some people are used to going to bed after midnight, and hunger for six hours or more will contribute to nervous stress
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That many are accustomed to seizing. And if not, then the feeling of hunger and at the same time stress worse and sooner or later lead to the fact that a person eats to satiety with a full stomach, and goes to bed.
So how do you deal with the principle of "do not eat after six"?
The principle itself is good (during sleep
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digestive organs do not work as hard and the food eaten at night, stays in the stomach longer than usual), some people who go to bed early, he is fine. But in order to lose weight, one of the few principles, we must also, to the daily diet has been reduced, and the body to spend more energy, that is, need more exercise.
For those who are accustomed to go to bed late, the principle of "do not eat after six" is replaced by the principle of "after six only a certain set of products, and to a limited extent." Such a set of products could include low-fat cottage cheese
Low-fat cottage cheese - a popular product among athletes and slimming
, Dairy products, fruits and vegetables.
How to lose weight
First of all, you need to calculate your diet and reduce it a little. The following formula for calculating the amount of daily calories weight is given in pounds (one pound equals 0, 453 kg), and is used specially bred factor 14.
For example, a woman weighing 75 kg wants to reduce his weight to 70 kg. To maintain current weight it should be consumed in a day: 165, 5 pounds (75 kg 0 kg 453) x 14 = 2218 kcal per day. To reduce the weight to the desired 70 kg: 154 5 (70: 0, 453) x 14 = 2163 kcal. In order to reduce its weight to 70 kg, this woman should consume no more than 2163 kcal per day. There are special tables (they may well be found on the Internet), which indicated all calorie foods, so calculate so your daily diet is easy.
The daily amount of food is best divided into 5-6 receptions: because food is better absorbed and decreases hunger. Quality of food also need to pay attention to: eliminate all the fat, fried, spicy, smoked, salty, sweet as candy, ice cream, cakes, all products of yeast dough, hearty meat broths. The daily diet should be present fruits and vegetables (at least five kinds of daily), kasha (buckwheat, oats, corn, millet - they need to alternate), wholemeal bread, dairy products and cheese (preferably low fat), eggs, lean meats, and fish in boiled or stewed. With such a diet is very easy to select what you can eat after six o'clock in the evening, if you really want.
But this is not enough. Need exercise. It was found that fat burning takes place only when the long-term is not too intensive physical activities that last at least an hour. The fact that the body uses energy primarily carbohydrates - is no waste of fuel. And only when the spent all the reserves of carbohydrates (which is not less than 40 minutes) as an energy source are being used fat reserves. Therefore, to reduce the weight you need to exercise longer.
Is it possible to lose weight if you do not eat after six: Myths and Facts - What you need to eat before going to sleep to lose weight
May 15, 2011
- Is it possible to lose weight if you do not eat after six: myths and facts
- Why you should not eat late at night?
- How long before you can sleep tight eat
- What can you eat before bedtime
- What to eat before going to sleep to lose weight
- The basic principles of weight loss
What to eat before going to sleep to lose weight
The key to sustainable weight loss - limit the number of daily calories and therefore burn more calories than you consume. For this purpose, it may be useful to opt out of food before going to bed and try to have the last time at least a couple of hours before bedtime. However, for those who regularly eat before going to sleep, there are some rules to follow that can help reduce weight in a healthy way.
The Basics
Some experts do not agree with the common myth that is after 8 pm harmful, saying that no matter what time of day people eat. What is important is what kind of food they eat, how much they eat and how they are physically active. To maintain optimal weight and optimal amount of calories before going to bed to eat healthy, whole foods, such as whole grains, lean protein, low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables.
Light, healthy snacks that are high in carbohydrates is ideal before bedtime. Cookies from wheat flour, fresh fruit, cereal or a slice of wholemeal bread - all low-calorie, nutrient-rich foods. Some nutritionists also recommend the tofu, nuts, small peanut butter sandwich, cottage cheese or a glass of low-fat milk.
The same principles of nutrition that we follow throughout the day are also applicable for food before going to bed. To limit calories and increase the nutritional value of the foods we eat, you should choose foods that are low in trans fat, saturated fat, sugars, cholesterol, and sodium. Most foods that we eat before going to sleep, contributing to weight loss - are products low in calories and high in vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
Eating food in large quantities, or heavy meals in an hour or two before bedtime can disrupt sleep and creates an excessive burden on the digestive system. Fatty foods such as fried cutlets, cheese sauce on the meat or impregnated with oil products are among the most problematic for sleep, and they also do not contribute to weight loss. Bedtime snacks should be eaten, in which no more than a couple of hundred calories or very small portion of what is left of the main meal.
People who suffer from gastric reflux disease or heartburn
Heartburn - no cause for concern?
Should avoid drinking any food for several hours before bedtime, since the night snacks can increase the risk of reflux. Also, before going to bed it is recommended to avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks, as they can interfere with sleep quality
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. If you have any specific concerns about the food before bedtime associated with weight loss or sleep, you should discuss it with the therapist or other specialist.
Protein foods that you can eat before going to bed
Cottage cheese
Protein curds contain more slow combustion, the so-called casein than most cheeses. Organism cleaves casein slowly, thereby delay the release of energy in the body to prevent the catabolism or decay, the one acquired with difficulty, muscle tissue during sleep. Cheese also contains phenylalanine, essential amino acids, which helps control appetite.
Domestic bird
Poultry, such as chicken or turkey, rich in protein and moderate amounts is a good snack before bedtime. Bird also contains increased levels of tryptophan, an amino acid that results in a feeling of relaxation and sleepiness.
More than fatty meats can be replaced with tuna.
Whey Protein
Some experts recommend eating at night 20 grams (tablespoon) of whey protein. Besides that the serum contains high levels of protein, it indirectly increases the level of growth hormone
Growth Hormone - Medicine will grow
during sleep, resulting in the possibility to increase the fat burning and muscle building.
Warm milk
And it's not just another legend: a glass of warm milk contains a large amount of casein and whey proteins. Like all proteins, such snack before bedtime inhibits catabolism and allows the body to slowly digest proteins, instead of taking it out of muscle tissue. Drowsiness effect of warm milk is also likely due to high levels of tryptophan.
Nuts and seeds
For those who suffer from lactose intolerance, a vegetarian, or skeptical of genetically modified soy products, protein-rich handful of nuts or seeds - a good option to provide the body power during sleep. It is necessary to avoid the use of nuts with a high sodium content, as well as peanut butter which is typically produced with the sugar, corn syrup and fatty oils.