Breast changes in pregnancy - Preparation for breast feeding

July 10, 2012

 breast changes during pregnancy
 From the very beginning of pregnancy begin breast changes: often swollen, sensitive, an increase in breast size is becoming one of the first signs of pregnancy. The reason for all these changes - raising the level of hormones, a woman's body prepares for childbirth. Since every pregnant woman changes in hormone levels occur individually, some breast changes during pregnancy may not appear at all, or become more visible.


How does the breast during pregnancy

A woman's body during pregnancy goes through a lot of changes, some of which relate to the chest.

  • Throughout pregnancy mammary glands increase in size
  • Hypersensitivity to touch the breast can be observed during the whole period of pregnancy. Often, there may be pain when touched
  • One of the most common signs of pregnancy Signs of pregnancy: how to avoid wishful thinking  Signs of pregnancy: how to avoid wishful thinking
   - Change the color, darkening of the skin nipple and areola (the area around the nipple). These pigmentation changes associated with the influence of hormones that alter the activity of producing melanin pigment cells
  • The breast may tread distinct small veins - this is due to an increase in blood flow to the mammary glands
  • In later pregnancy, the breasts start to produce colostrum - a primary breast milk, thick, yellowish substance
  • Nipple and areola becomes larger, so-called Montgomery's gland - a gland located at the periphery of the areola of the nipple - increasing, look like small bumps


How to cope with changes in the breast during pregnancy

An indispensable tool for every pregnant woman - a good support bra suitable size for gradually increasing breast. Qualitative bra should have the following characteristics:

  • To ensure proper support for breast
  • Match the size (you need to fit perfectly inside the breast cup bra)
  • It is best to choose a bra with wide straps and adjustable buckle back - even if the subsequent increase in breast size Breast size - does it matter?  Breast size - does it matter?
   bra will remain comfortable. But from underwire bras better during pregnancy give up.

With most breast changes during pregnancy can not do anything, because all these changes are caused by hormones, including breast and prepares for the future child feeding. Increased breast size and breast tenderness causes gradual stretching of the milk ducts, brimming with milk. Sometimes these changes and, in particular, the occlusion of ducts leading to the formation of nodules in good Palpable Breast that may appear as red bumps on the skin of the breast, painful to the touch. With such changes in the breast is easy to deal with using warm compresses and massage - dense formations usually disappear on their own within a few days.

Starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, the breasts begin to secrete colostrum, a primary breast milk. Initially it looks like a thick, yellowish liquid, and with the approach of childbirth becomes almost transparent. Colostrum can be released from the nipple, at any time, often when you touch the chest. The appearance of a primary breast milk is perfectly normal and does not indicate any violations pregnancy. Even if until the end of pregnancy, the breasts have not started to allocate an initial milk, do not worry - the lack of colostrum does not mean inability to breast feed your baby.

Article Tags:
  • pregnancy and your body

Enema during pregnancy - the threat of miscarriage

January 2, 2012

 Enema during pregnancy
 The question is, can you do during pregnancy enema, many women are interested in the position, as most of them are concerned about chronic constipation. But if we turn to the obstetrician-gynecologist, you can see that they are categorically against enemas during pregnancy. Why is that?


Constipation during pregnancy - why do they occur?

Since the first days of pregnancy, a woman's body, a large number of the female sex hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 . The main task of progesterone - the preservation of pregnancy, so it suppresses the motor activity of the uterus, ie the contraction of muscle fibers of its middle muscular layer. Any muscle contractions of the uterus during early pregnancy can lead to the fact that the fertilized egg, still not firmly anchored in the wall of the uterus is removed from its cavity, that is going to happen miscarriage. The same thing could happen in the second half of pregnancy - enema cause premature labor.

But the fact that the innervation of the abdominal organs and pelvis is performed by different nerves that extend from a single nerve trunk, so the impact on the muscles of the uterus can not cause the same reaction from other smooth muscle of the abdominal cavity, in particular, from the gastrointestinal tract. Inhibition of intestinal motor activity leads to the fact that it stagnates in the faeces, which causes constipation. Progesterone is active throughout pregnancy, which contributes to the preservation of constipation. In the second half of pregnancy constipation even worse, as the intestines squeezed growing uterus.


Way out?

Enema, unfortunately, for all its simplicity and safety, not the way out for a pregnant woman. Enema involves the introduction into the rectum or large quantities of liquid or concentrated solutions (oil) in small volumes. And then, and another in the first place will cause active contraction of muscles of the intestine. Under the influence of this motor activity stool removed from the intestine.

But do not forget that everything is connected in the body, and simultaneously activates the contractile ability of the muscle of the uterus, which would pose a threat of miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
   or premature labor. That is why an enema during pregnancy can not be done. Also excited motor activity of the intestine (and accordingly the uterus) and many laxatives, including plant origin. Therefore, laxatives and any pregnant woman can not be used without a doctor's prescription.

Enema is a pregnant woman just before delivery with the aim not only to cleanse the bowel Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?  Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?
 But also stimulate the motor activity of muscles of the uterus, ie labor.


The problem is - how to deal with constipation

Obstetricians advise women to solve the problem of constipation with the help of power, that is with a soft stimulation of the intestine, which is unable to cause the motor activity of the uterus.

The first remedy for constipation - a fermented milk products. A glass of fresh (not whiter than two days after cooking) of yogurt at night, many women can solve the problem of constipation. But we must remember that even a three-day kefir may enhance constipation. Will also ryazhenka, varenets, yogurt (sour, no additives), and any other dairy products.

In the diet, you can add fresh salads. Well cleanses the intestines fresh salad. But do not eat it in large quantities: Rough tissue can cause pain and bloating. You can make vinaigrettes, put there a sufficient number of boiled beet and vegetable oil - these products also help to reduce constipation.

From boiled beets (fresh is best not to use, it can cause abdominal pain) can make salads. For example, this: grate, add honey and lemon juice. If you prefer savory salads, the grated beets can add a little salt and grated garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 . But garlic is added quite a bit, just for the smell - it can greatly stimulate the bowels.

Finally, it needs to change the process of power. For mild stimulation of intestinal food you need to take at least five or six times a day in small portions, while the intestine is constantly at work, and the stool is slowly but surely will move in the right direction.

But what if all else fails and constipation continue to harass? We need to see a doctor, and he will appoint a laxative that is not contraindicated for pregnant women. There are drugs that do not stimulate the motor activity of the intestine and contribute to loosening and increase in the volume of stool. But to assign the funds can only pregnant women prenatal doctor with all the indications and contraindications.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • enema
