Spinal hernia and pregnancy: useful exercise

February 10, 2012

 hernia pregnancy
 Back pain during pregnancy - a very common phenomenon associated with weight gain and additional pressure on the spine and pelvic organs. Although in some cases the hernia Hernia - why it is not necessary to endure the pain  Hernia - why it is not necessary to endure the pain
   may be asymptomatic during pregnancy displacement of the intervertebral disc can cause severe back pain and require additional treatment.

Hernia may be asymptomatic or cause unpleasant symptoms such as pain, numbness, weakness in the legs. The extra weight and pressure on the spine during pregnancy can aggravate spinal hernia and causes displacement of the intervertebral disc pain.


Diagnosis and treatment

Traditional methods of diagnosing vertebral hernia - such as X-ray, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging - during pregnancy is not recommended, so the displacement of the intervertebral disc in pregnant women is diagnosed in most cases only with the appearance of the characteristic symptoms. In some cases, to determine the exact cause of pain performed blood tests Blood tests: a mirror of health  Blood tests: a mirror of health
   or ultrasound.

Treatment of spinal herniation during pregnancy depends on the degree of displacement of the intervertebral disc and nerve entrapment (the intensity of the symptoms caused by vertebral hernia) and gestational age. Relieve the symptoms of vertebral hernia during pregnancy helps to bed, some exercise and physical activity (swimming, walking, yoga), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug  Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug
 Suppressing pain. Help with vertebral hernia during pregnancy and alternative methods - massage, chiropractic.



To prevent displacement of the intervertebral disc during pregnancy is very important to maintain the correct posture Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight  Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight
   and avoiding exercises or movements, providing additional load on his back. It is important to wear comfortable shoes, flat mattress to sleep on, not to lift heavy weights. Helps prevent spinal hernia and aerobic exercise.


Exercises to relieve the symptoms of vertebral hernia during pregnancy

  • Climbs pelvis (to help relieve back pain by strengthening the muscles of the lower back and abdomen): lying on your back, bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor. With his hands behind his back and slowly strain your abdominal muscles while pressing the lower back to the floor. In this position, pause for five seconds and then completely relax your muscles. Repeat ten times.
  • Kegel exercises (pelvic strengthening muscles, relieve pain in the lower back): Slowly tense the muscles of the vagina, trying to keep the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and stomach stay relaxed. Tighten your vaginal muscles, pausing in this position for ten seconds and then relax completely. Repeat ten times.
  • Ups hands (help strengthen the spine and alleviate the pain caused by the displacement of the intervertebral disc): lying on your back, bend your knees so your feet are pressed to the floor. Lift the hips at the same time pull the hand so that they are parallel to the spine. Hold this position for ten seconds and then slowly lower your arms down. Repeat ten times.
  • Leg raises (to help strengthen the muscles of the lower back and relieve pain). Take a horizontal position, with your knees bent, and lifting the pelvis, slowly pull one leg, straighten it as much as possible. Hold this position for ten seconds and then lower your leg to the floor and relax your muscles. Likewise, lift the other leg. Do ten sets for each leg.

Article Tags:
  • hernia

Panangin during pregnancy - can be taken only on prescription

June 17, 2012

 Pananginum during pregnancy
 Pregnancy - is a very difficult state, under the influence of hormones are changing all the biochemical parameters, the work of all cells, tissues, organs and systems. That is why it is difficult to predict how a particular drug will act on the body of the mother and child.

 Panangin during pregnancy - can be taken only on prescription

Panangin in early pregnancy toxemia

The composition includes panangina potassium and magnesium salts. Magnesium and potassium ions are mainly intracellularly, whereas sodium ions - in the extracellular space. It creates a so-called potassium - sodium pump which maintains osmotic pressure in the cell. With dehydration, which can occur in the first trimester of pregnancy as a result of early toxicity, the ratio between potassium and sodium is broken. Initially, the body loses sodium, with a stronger dehydration and potassium is lost, and with a very strong dehydration of the potassium concentration in the blood can increase due to blood clots.

To understand at what stage of dehydration is difficult to find this woman. Therefore Pananginum toxicosis in early pregnancy may designate only female physician consultation, otherwise it is possible the development of hyperkalemia - high content of potassium in the blood.

Hyperkalemia - a severe, sometimes life-threatening condition. Symptoms of hyperkalemia are weakness, drowsiness, pain in muscles of arms, legs, stomach, tongue, confusion. Develop paresis, paralysis of skeletal and smooth muscle (eg, smooth muscle paresis of the bowel), can dramatically lower blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
 , Appear bradycardia Bradycardia - when the heart stops  Bradycardia - when the heart stops
   (rare heart rate), resulting in some cases there is a cardiac arrest. For restoration of electrolyte balance generally administered with solutions of sodium and calcium salts which are antagonists of potassium.

 Panangin during pregnancy - can be taken only on prescription

Panangin heart failure in pregnant women

Chronic heart failure suggests that the heart muscle (myocardium) does not cope with its function, it is reduced too weak to maintain a normal blood flow in the circulatory system. In this case, the heart compensates for the lack of force reductions by increasing their frequencies. But it can not help in this case, in the circulatory system congestion occurs, fluid exudate from the blood vessels and the formation of edema.

For a pregnant woman is a dangerous condition because the load on the heart is constantly growing. In this case, to improve myocardial prescriber - cardiac glycosides. In order to reduce their toxicity while simultaneously administered potassium supplements, eg Pananginum.

 Panangin during pregnancy - can be taken only on prescription

Panangin during cardiac arrhythmias in pregnant

Cardiac arrhythmias in pregnant women do not always talk about some diseases of the heart. Often it is associated with disorders of the autonomic nervous system, and they do not always need to be treated. But there are abnormal heart rhythms that are sure to be treated. In order to find out whether the treatment of pregnant women, prenatal therapist directs it to the survey. Already on the ECG can see major changes and to determine the diagnosis and treatment. If the diagnosis is in doubt at the therapist, he sends a woman to a cardiologist.

A preliminary examination of women is very important, since many drugs for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias are teratogenic (causing malformations) or embryotoxic (have toxic effects on the fetus) action, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, prior to treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in pregnant women need to weigh the risk of such treatment for the health of mother and fetus as compared with the risk of the disease.

If necessary in such cases is assigned a complex treatment, including Pananginum as an auxiliary drug.

 Panangin during pregnancy - can be taken only on prescription

Panangin coronary heart disease in pregnant women

Coronary artery disease Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know  Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know
   with angina Angina: When the heart needs help  Angina: When the heart needs help
   It can also be the cause of the appointment panangina during pregnancy. In this case, under the influence of the potassium ions and magnesium small arteries dilate, which contributes to better flow of blood to the myocardium. This reduces the number and severity of angina attacks.

But in this case, a pregnant woman can take Pananginum only on prescription. The instructions state that any panangina negative effect on the mother and child have been identified, however, the effects of exposure on the body of the pregnant woman any drug is difficult to predict.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Pananginum
