Treatment of thrush during pregnancy - why you need to take care of myself? - Indications for treatment

August 22, 2010

  • Treatment of thrush during pregnancy - why you need to take care of myself?
  • Indications for treatment

Indications for treatment of thrush during pregnancy

Three reasons why the treatment of thrush Treating Thrush: how to get rid of bad fungus  Treating Thrush: how to get rid of bad fungus
   in pregnant women should:

  • expressed discomfort expectant mother, which not only reduces the quality of life, but also leads to nervous stress, which are contraindicated for pregnant women;
  • complications of pregnancy (threat of interruption syndrome, intrauterine growth retardation, preeclampsia);
  • end of pregnancy and related genera (thrush can be passed to her baby during birth, changing the perineal tissues, which become loose and increase the risk of perineal tears).

 Indications for treatment | Treatment of thrush during pregnancy - why you need to take care of myself?

Principles of treatment

To be effective, treatment and prevention of recurrence of the disease pregnant woman should abide by several conditions:

  • diet expectant mother;
  • treatment and hygiene;
  • direct treatment.

 Indications for treatment | Treatment of thrush during pregnancy - why you need to take care of myself?


Pregnant women should limit in your diet, sweet, spicy and pickled products, spices. They contribute to the proliferation of fungi and increase the acidity of the vagina. But dairy products, especially containing bifidobacteria, and fresh fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of vitamins in the diet should prevail during the treatment period.

 Indications for treatment | Treatment of thrush during pregnancy - why you need to take care of myself?


The most important thing in the treatment of thrush - is personal hygiene. In the period of the disease is necessary to wash the vulva twice a day and use good sanitary napkin. You should also exclude many exercise and exposure to heat, as this promotes sweating and lead to diaper rash and skin irritation. No less important is sexual rest for the whole treatment period, until a negative test result.

 Indications for treatment | Treatment of thrush during pregnancy - why you need to take care of myself?

Drug treatment of thrush in pregnancy

Thrush is treated with antifungal drugs is remarkable, which can be used systemically and locally. Systemic treatment - is taking pills and capsules orally, and this method of therapy is most effective in the fight against the disease, since the effect of the drug begins in the gut, gradually spreading to all organs and tissues. But the treatment of yeast infections in pregnant women, this method is invalid because virtually all of antifungal drugs have toxic effects, and have a negative impact on the fetus. Anti-fungal drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy: clotrimazole, fljukostat Flucostat - do not take without medical supervision  Flucostat - do not take without medical supervision
   (flucanozole), Nizoral, levorin. Nystatin does not affect the child and can safely be used in the treatment of pregnant women, but its effectiveness is very low and sometimes non-existent.

Local treatment consists in introducing into the vagina pills, creams and suppositories, less effective, but it is perfectly acceptable for the treatment of pregnant women. An indispensable tool in the fight against the disease is "Pimafucin." The usual scheme of its application: one vaginal tablet twice a day for ten days. It is also permissible to use a long-forgotten methods of treatment as borax in glycerine or "Zelenka". They have anti-inflammatory effect, "brushes" mycelium from the vaginal mucosa, inhibit their growth, thus contributing to the elimination of complaints. How to use: with a cotton swab How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
 Dipped in a solution of the vaginal wall is processed to remove cables and then introduce a new tampon for a period of at least six hours. In extreme cases, in the later stages of pregnancy, allowed to use the cream "Clotrimazole".

The use of antifungal drugs is often accompanied by deficiency of vitamins in the body. Therefore, the treatment regimen should include a multivitamin complexes. A normalization of the general condition and relieve the complaints used sedatives Sedatives - take valerian and be happy?  Sedatives - take valerian and be happy?

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  • treatment of thrush

Sinusitis in pregnancy - what should be done - Treatment

March 20, 2013

  • Sinusitis in pregnancy - what should be done
  • Treatment
  • When lactation

 treatment of sinusitis in pregnancy

Treatment of sinusitis in pregnancy

Any inflammatory process that complicates the course of pregnancy, requires a comprehensive approach to the choice of treatment strategy. Treatment of sinusitis in pregnancy should be carried out taking into account the issue of safe prescribing drugs and their effects on the health of the pregnant woman and the developing fetus. It should also take into account the gestational age at which the disease developed, as some drugs are strict indications for appointment of trimester.

 Treatment | Sinusitis in pregnancy - what should be done

The value of local procedures

When sinusitis Sinusitis - when a puncture is required  Sinusitis - when a puncture is required
   is a violation of the drainage function of the nose, so important in the course of treatment should be given to local procedures .  The most common treatment is to carry out a puncture of the paranasal sinuses and the evacuation of pus .  For these purposes special thin needle, the introduction which does not cause pronounced pain .  Such a procedure has no medical contraindications to assign pregnant, so it successfully carried out for therapeutic purposes .  For the full restoration of patency, or washing the sinus drainage is carried out using antiseptics .  Of all the drugs that have good therapeutic effect and are safe, we can recommend the use of miramistina .  The drug is approved for use during pregnancy, it is characterized by antiseptic properties and promotes faster recovery .

Regarding the use of nasal drops to relieve swelling of the mucosa and restore patency of the nasal passages, then drops to the widely used vasoconstrictor effect contraindicated. There are several kinds of drops that can be assigned in the most severe cases of the disease, so any drop of the pregnant woman should be used with a doctor's permission. Eyedrops should be no more than three times a day a few drops in the nasal passage. The frequent use of drops is unacceptable, it can lead to negative consequences.

 Treatment | Sinusitis in pregnancy - what should be done

Pregnancy and antibiotic therapy

Sinusitis refers to the inflammatory nature of the disease, so in this case, antibiotic therapy is prescribed to suppress the growth of pathogenic organisms. For pregnant women, it is not an exception, but there are groups of drugs that are approved for use with regard to their safety effects on the fetus. These antibiotics are permitted the following groups of drugs:

  • Group penicillin
  • Group cephalosporins (third generation)
  • macrolide

To minimize the risk of side effects or complications in patients receiving antibacterial agents, some experts recommend using them only locally, that is injected directly into the cavity of the maxillary sinus. The cavity can be washed with a solution of antibiotic Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   or antiseptic.

Antibiotics are also produced in the form of aerosols. This type of therapy helps the efficient liquefaction of pus, improving its outflow. Normalize outflow of contents helps parallel appointment antihistamines Antihistamines: how to neutralize the negative effects of histamine?  Antihistamines: how to neutralize the negative effects of histamine?
 . From this group of drugs can be recommended for the safe use of a number of medicines that will help to reduce swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   nasal mucosa and the respiratory tract as a whole. Clinical effect will promote only the complex therapy, which should be assigned to a specialist after examination of the patient.
