We all know that during pregnancy women have many problems with the gastrointestinal tract. But a pregnant woman is not advisable to take medication, and so many people have to suffer up to the birth. Is it necessary or still have some tools that can help?
The problem is that during pregnancy there are two physiological processes worsening condition of the gastrointestinal tract. The first process - is the impact on the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract of the main pregnancy hormone - progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
. Progesterone inhibits motor activity of muscles. It is its side effects, and the main objective is to reduce progestrona motor activity of muscles of the uterus, ie the prevention of miscarriage
Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
or premature labor. But the nerve endings that are appropriate to the abdominal organs and pelvis come from a single source, so the impact on the muscles of the uterus muscles is reflected in other organs. As a result of such exposure in the intestine begins to stagnate food, re-absorbed into the bloodstream from the intestines of some toxic products of metabolism. All this is a violation of the intestine in the form of constant constipation, bloating (flatulence) and general intoxication. In the second half of pregnancy to all these problems is joined congestion in the veins of the rectum and hemorrhoids, which are amplified against the backdrop of constipation.
The second process, which exacerbates all the problems with the gastrointestinal tract of a pregnant woman - a decrease in immunity. Immunity is reduced to the body does not "throw" the growing fetus as a foreign element. But at the same time, decreased immunity fraught with a variety of infections, including those of the gastrointestinal tract, "raises its head" and is actively developing opportunistic and pathogenic microflora growth which normally inhibits the normal intestinal microflora.
Bifiform assistance to a pregnant woman
Thus, it is obvious that a pregnant woman needs help. This help may be just as absolutely harmless drugs that do not adversely affect the child. It is to such drugs include probiotics - drugs that contain beneficial bacteria colonies - the inhabitants of the intestines. It bifidumbakterin
Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora
, Laktobakterin, colibacterin bifikol. Among the products of this series can be noted bifiform. But all these drugs, despite the fact that they receive no contraindications, still pregnant women should only be prescribed by a doctor.
Bifiform is composed of bifidobacteria and enterococci colonies - microorganisms that have a revitalizing effect on the condition of the intestine. Enteric capsule, which encloses the drug allows to deliver it directly to your destination - the intestine, where the capsule dissolves and the gut a pregnant woman rather quickly populated with new colonies of beneficial bacteria. This bacteria not only multiply and close opportunistic pathogens, but also produce special substances (lactic and acetic acid) that change the acidity of the intestine, thereby to conditionally pathogenic extremely uncomfortable conditions (these bacteria like alkaline).
The results of applying bifiform
As a result of inhibiting the activity of pathogenic microflora food begins to decompose properly, without isolation of large amounts of gas and it is better to move through the intestines, ie are constipation and flatulence, and with them, and intestinal colic. Establishing chair leads to the improvement of the rectum: in her veins is reduced congestion and thrombosis, and therefore diminish and the phenomenon of hemorrhoids.
Tidying intestine frees him from the wall mucus, metabolic products and stagnant feces that activates the immune system and reduces the risk of pregnant women infectious and inflammatory diseases. Most of these diseases occur in the kidneys and urinary tract. So welcome bifiform of course is the prevention of cystitis and pyelonephritis.
It also prevents the exacerbation of allergic diseases such as asthma, in which the condition of the intestine is of great importance.
Take bifiform
Bifiform - Drug Usage
and in some acute diseases, such as of mild intestinal infections. For a day or two, he is able to stop diarrhea and reduce toxicity without the use of antibacterial agents.
But the most important rule in pregnancy states: never anything even the most harmless and safe can not be used without a prescription, including bifiform.
Galina Romanenko