Hardening of children - the child is not ill

April 15, 2010

 Hardening of children
 In recent years, the good old tempering increasingly called buzzword "unusual effect." But the point remains the same: exactly proved that, both coached defenses, that is, the body learns to resist colds and infectious agents. Especially important hardening procedures for children whose immune system is not fully formed.

 Hardening of children - the child is not ill

What is hardening, and why it is especially important for kids

Hardening - a set of methods aimed at improving the functional reserves of the body and its resistance to the adverse effects of environmental factors (cold, heat, water, low atmospheric pressure, and so on) by systematic coaching dosed these factors.

Modern comfortable accommodation, clothing, transport, reduce the impact of changing weather conditions on the human body and reduce its resistance to meteorological factors.

Especially for children need to tempering, since the younger the child, the less perfect the mechanism of his immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   - Defenses that can cope with a cold, overheating, and various kinds of infections.

The main factors of hardening - air, water, the sun's rays. Combining them with exercise improves the efficiency of quenching.

 Hardening of children - the child is not ill

How does the hardening of the body of the child

The systematic repeated exposure on the child of a physical factor (eg, cold) there is a reorganization of its metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   and a number of physiological functions, aimed at preserving the homeostasis (constancy of internal environment). This process is called adaptation. In the process of adaptation is improving all the physiological processes in the various organs and systems, increase the body's defenses.

When hardening of children should observe the following conditions:

  • strength of the stimulus (eg, a cold) is necessary to increase gradually;
  • reduce or discontinue the impact at the first sign of hypothermia;
  • tempering procedures carried out daily, combining them with exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
  • take into account the individual characteristics of a particular child in the selection procedures, as children develop unevenly, and tempering procedures can they act differently.

 Hardening of children - the child is not ill

Hardening cold

In practice, the most important for the child is hardening cold as hypothermia - the most common cause of acute respiratory diseases.

It was found that when a person is frozen, the body initially compensates for the fact that included physical mechanisms of heat preservation: dilates blood vessels and the blood in large quantities supplied to the freezing places, warming them (for example, in the cold always redden the cheeks). If the cold continues to grow, in order not to hurt the internal organs, blood vessels constrict, and pale skin (especially noticeable with frostbite). If these adaptive responses is not enough, connect the chemical mechanisms of thermoregulation - increases metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 That allows the body for some time to maintain the normal temperature of the internal organs.

It was found that heat generation in humans, hardened to the cold, more than the nonhardened, so it can last longer nonhardened cold. Hardening cold coached both physical and chemical mechanisms of thermoregulation.

 Hardening of children - the child is not ill

How to harden children

Begin hardening of children with cold-air baths in the room with the optimum air temperature: for children aged up to one year - 21-22˚, from one year to two years - 20-21˚, from 2 to 4 years - 19-20˚, from 4 to 7 years - 16-19˚. Duration of air baths - from 3-4 to 10 minutes (the time is gradually built up). It is advisable to combine air baths with massage and gymnastics.

Quenched action also provides children's stay outdoors. In winter, the baby should be a total walk in the fresh air at least three hours a day in the summer - more. In summer, walks can be combined with air and sun baths. Children up to one year in direct sunlight can not stand, they must be kept in light and shade, under the trees. The area of ​​the exposed areas of the body while gradually increasing.

Tempering water begin within one to two weeks after the start of air baths. At the same time the water temperature is gradually reduced, while increasing the wetted area of ​​the skin. Gradually moving from the local to the general procedures - wiping, pouring, soul, swimming in open water.

Such procedures usually begin with pouring feet and lower part of the calf at the water temperature 30˚, a week start to reduce the temperature at 1-2˚ every two days, leading up to 22˚ for infants to 16-18˚ for children from Year up to three years and 14-16˚ for children 4-7 years.

For short-term common procedures (rubdown, pouring) with the water temperature 35˚ a week to start to reduce 1-2˚ every two days and left at 28˚ for children aged one to two years and 22-24˚ for preschoolers.

Water treatment should end dry rubdown with a light massage to enhance circulation.

Properly conducted hardening significantly reduces the incidence and improves physical and psychological development of the child.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • tempering

How to educate the younger child: 10 tips for parents

May 14, 2012

 how to educate the younger child Tips for Parents
 Younger children often behave defiant and provocative - all in order to divert attention from older brothers and sisters and to compensate for age. Although they use tactics to attract attention may vary from completely innocent to manipulation, you can turn this feature them in your favor. So, we offer a few tips to parents to educate their outgoing, open, cheerful and a little selfish younger child.

 How to educate the younger child: 10 tips for parents

Play by the rules

Parents often as addicted to the preparation for the school competition in the older child or efforts to keep the middle of the graffiti on the walls in the living room that ignore the needs of the younger son or daughter. Child psychologists emphasize how important it is to include the youngest child in the family life. When the eldest daughter constantly spends time with peers, parents should arrange a holiday for the youngest child. This will strengthen the relationship of the child with his family, will enable him to feel parental love and care.

 How to educate the younger child: 10 tips for parents

Do not treat the child as a child ...

Young children often feel abandoned, because "too small" for gaming and entertainment older. But do not relate to four year old boy as a baby, just because he is the youngest. Since childhood accustom young child to be independent and autonomous - let it helps you to set the table and collects the scattered toys. This will give him confidence, give the opportunity to feel "adult", regardless of the place in the family hierarchy.

 How to educate the younger child: 10 tips for parents

Do not give your child special privileges

The youngest child in the family in any way trying to win the attention of adults, so a five-year kid, dancing in front of TV, when parents watch the news - a fairly common pattern. Certainly, it is very important to pay attention to the child and the time to youngest did not feel deprived, but do not specifically set it apart from the others, allowing him that for the rest forbidden.

 How to educate the younger child: 10 tips for parents

Encourage your child to answer for their actions

It is clear that you love your chips, just the soul in it worships. But if you let your five year old daughter opened neglect family responsibilities, to disobey with impunity bullying older kids, you expect big problems with discipline in the future. In addition, this apparent injustice can lead to rebellion among the children. Psychologists recommend an early age to teach a child responsibility for their actions and be punished for violation of family rules and prohibitions. According to statistics, the younger children are least likely to punish, because to them the parents much more indulgent than a senior to their brothers and sisters.

 How to educate the younger child: 10 tips for parents

If you want to protect the child from older children

Parents in a family has to do unattractive role of referee. Older children are often treated dismissively to the younger, bullied and insulted them. When the situation gets out of control, parents need to intervene, not just scold an older child and say that to do so bad. No, you need to protect young, still not knowing how to fight back on their own. If older children do not allow younger to finish the sentence, you should say, "Come quietly, everybody calmed down. Your brother (or sister) wants to say something, and you disturb him. "

 How to educate the younger child: 10 tips for parents

Do not be afraid to say "no" - and do not beat yourself up about this

Youngest child to the family of a selfish and conceited than older children (which is natural), so do not be surprised if your six-year old daughter suddenly threw a tantrum in the store because you do not want to buy her favorite thing. But rather than give in to emotional blackmail and go on about my daughter, be firm and say a resounding "no." Do not rush to fulfill every request (or demand) your beloved youngest child. Treat it in the same way as the other children - buy what they need, and not what he wants. This will teach the child of humility and modesty.

 How to educate the younger child: 10 tips for parents

Age - it's just a number

Youngest child is often left aside when playing older children - he supposedly can not just run fast, jump as high or as fast to think and react. But for your four year old son, the exiled senior with children's playground, it does not matter. The only thing he knew - with him not want to play. Here you enter the scene and explain that playing football with a ten-year boys it's still early, but soon he will grow up and will be able to join them.

Explain to your child that he rides a tricycle, not because it is worse than others, but because his legs have not grown. A few years later he grows up, and then change to a two-wheeled bicycle. It is no worse than the others - a younger age, and it will soon change.

 How to educate the younger child: 10 tips for parents

Do not close your eyes to the lies of the Child

To attract the attention of others, often the youngest child "exaggerating" the facts. Your eight year old son complained that he had a high fever (forty degrees!), So he will not go to school? Do not be lazy to measure the temperature of it and prove that he is deceiving you - and you will not close its eyes to its hype!

 How to educate the younger child: 10 tips for parents

Talk with your child

Younger may hide their feelings and behave in a passive-aggressive if they feel that they are ignored. Therefore, if the child is kept to himself and offended, the first step should be made to communicate to adults, children otherwise fleeting anger escalate into a serious offense.

For example, if your five year old daughter stops to talk to you, because the older sisters did not want to take her with him, it is important to explain to her that it does not mean that the sisters do not like it or they do not want to play with her. No, it means that they have their own business, as well as her - his own, personal. Explain to her that every man should be a private space, which should be respected.

 How to educate the younger child: 10 tips for parents

Encourage your child's participation in the senior games

Due to differences in age The age difference between spouses: what is optimal?  The age difference between spouses: what is optimal?
   it is difficult to find something that would unite the children of thirteen, ten and six years. Your teenage son is not divorced from the game console, but these games are too difficult to understand ... Six-Year Sports? Children have different levels of development of motor skills ... But they all can visit the Natural History Museum, to go to an amusement park or a game of badminton. These lessons will be of interest to all.

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  • education
