Each year, thousands and thousands of boys and girls meet with sexual perverts and pedophiles, with whom they met on the Internet. They deceive friendly conversation in the chat, e-mail correspondence and social networks. Often children believe that interact with their peers. According to numerous organizations for the protection of the rights of children, sexual abuse on the Internet pose a real threat to the child, the more so that the identity of the user on the other side of the monitor can not be determined immediately - it may turn out to be your kind neighbor or postman, and a convicted pedophile or rapist.
How are sex offenders on the Internet
There are many ways that sex perverts and pedophiles are using the Internet to ensnare unsuspecting children and teenagers, but one way or another include the manifestation of interest in the child. For example, waiting for the next victim pervert chatting or leave it through mutual friends in the social network, and begins to bombard her messages. Gradually sex offender wins the trust of the child and the location, as it is always ready to listen and support, assuring that no one understands the child better than he. In a situation where parents, teachers, friends and family members are a child with disdain or distrust, such support is more than necessary.
Sex offenders on the Internet and send their children pornographic pictures to keep them explicit sexual conversations. Although this "communication" may remain only on the Internet, many sex offenders are asked for a personal meeting. Unfortunately, parents often underestimate the sex offenders and do not realize that they can be extremely convincing - it is absolutely unnecessary to abduct a child to corrupt and corrupting it.
Why trust the children sex offenders on the Internet
All children and adolescents are looking for those who "understands". Transitional age - a difficult time, a time of solitude - I am sure you still remember it - and even the most popular among their peers, children often suffer from a lack of understanding of others. Therefore, when an adult man or woman (this also happens, though rarely) shows the child alive, sincere interest, and said that he, too, went through it, he understands it, the child seems to be that he met a kindred spirit, a close human.
Sex offender may look like an ordinary businessman or representative of any other profession. It can not be identified by appearance or manner of dress; often he even very attractive and popular with the opposite sex. Children and adolescents who do not understand how there are sex offenders and perverts on the Internet, they can easily become a victim, and get into a situation that will not be able to control, even before he could realize what was happening.
How can parents protect children from sexual abuse
The most powerful weapon against sexual abuse on the Internet - is information. No wonder they say: forewarned - is forearmed. Do not hesitate to talk to children about sexual abuse on the Internet and other problematic issues: sex, drugs, violence. A child needs to understand that a computer and an Internet connection - it is not only direct access to the achievements of civilization, but also to all the poor, all the vices, so he must be alert and cautious to enter into conversation with unknown people. Teach your child that people online are not always who they say they are. When a child does not know who - or what - waiting for him on the Internet, it is much more likely to become a victim of sexual assault.
What should parents do if the child was a victim of sexual abuse
If you suspect - or you know - that your child has been the victim of sexual abuse on the Internet, the situation is complicated. Obviously, you should contact the police, but you should be prepared for the fact that your child may take the side of the offender, and even stand on his defense. Therefore it is better to refrain from talking to the child as long as the situation does not sort out the police that he did not have time to warn of the danger of the offender.
Be sure to save the child's correspondence with the sex offender that you found on a home computer and print it out if it is possible. Understand that your child will not face criminal punishment for what he did; your child is a victim, not a criminal. In such cases, the police at the time removes the computer and transmits it to the study of the technical department (or similar unit), which experts try to find the culprit Internet. So before you give your computer, save it to an external drive all you need for the documents.
Finally, immediately consult a lawyer. Sex offender has violated not only federal, but also civil laws. If the correspondence suggests sexual exploitation (as is usually the case), you can start a lawsuit against him.