How to care for a baby with Down syndrome?

May 25, 2012

 how to care for babies with Down syndrome
 Down's syndrome - a genetic disorder that occurs in about one child out of 800 non-congenital. Down syndrome results in various forms of physical abnormalities and developmental delays. How to care for a baby with Down syndrome?

 How to care for a baby with Down syndrome?


The first thing you should do the parents of such children - to enroll in a support group of parents. Experts and people who face the same problem, to help parents cope with anger and sorrow caused by the diagnosis of the child. In addition, the group will advise parents pediatrician, who has extensive experience working with children with Down syndrome.

Doctors are advised not to apply to one doctor and several specialists. The child will have to undergo a number of examinations, before you can get medical advice.

Children with Down syndrome often suffer from low muscle tone, hypotension. Babies with this problem often difficult to walk, sit and roll over. Parents can encourage children to commit these actions and to support the child in the process. To increase muscle tone in the infant classes to help with the physical therapist.

Always check the temperature of the baby's body at regular intervals, to make sure that it does not heat. High temperatures can be a consequence of palpitations in children with Down syndrome. If a child has an abnormality in the cardiovascular system, it is not necessary to treat the common cold decongestants, it could lead to tachycardia Tachycardia - the body to the limit?  Tachycardia - the body to the limit?

Article Tags:
  • baby care

Highchairs: gatherings

May 13, 2010

 The first furniture - the most important in a child's life. And not because it is the first, but because it brings it to a new stage of human development - the person sitting. Furniture today offers a lot of options for children's chairs - in particular, high chairs. Parents who buy their child his first chair, it is important to consider several factors purchase. In addition to meeting price and quality, chair must match the child's age and his physical development. After the first furniture - a decisive moment in the formation of posture Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight  Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight

 Highchairs: gatherings

Untie the hands

Sitting baby starts before going, therefore, to inculcate the culture of sitting parents can (and must) up to when the child makes the first steps. An excellent option such gatherings is a highchair. Baby sitting as adults at the table, we emphasize the role of the little man in the family. In addition, highchair literally unleashes mother who can feed her child full of a spoon or control the process of self-eating child.

Chairs for feeding (depending on model) are designed for children of different ages. Pediatricians are advised to use such furniture only when the baby learns to sit, ie 5-6 months. At an early age the child chair to anything: this is due to an inability to hold back elementary.

 Highchairs: gatherings

Caution: Scoliosis

Being on a chair (and more specifically - in the stool) child should not exceed 30 minutes at a time: 10 minutes before and after feeding (adjustment period before and after the meal), and 20 minutes during most of the meal. Overdoing the chair is unsafe. First, the child may be bored, from which he will make every attempt to get out of the chair. Second, children's immature bone formation which lasts till 15-16 years of age, inclusive, during prolonged sitting may take the wrong, twisted position. As a result - scoliosis Scoliosis - when the spine is curved  Scoliosis - when the spine is curved
   (a disease of the spine and pelvis). Children's doctors indicate that scoliosis to some extent today suffers every second child. And the roots of this disease go into early childhood. For the prevention of scoliosis (in connection with the use of a highchair) parents are advised to make your child a little massage - after the "get-togethers." Five minutes of relaxation on her mother's fingers - both pleasant and helpful.

 Highchairs: gatherings

Highly I sit ...

So, the next question in terms of the choice of children's furniture Children's furniture - made with love  Children's furniture - made with love
   will chair model: high - low, wooden - iron on the legs - on wheels ... It all depends on your imagination (and the volume of the purse). But there are requirements to which pediatricians advise all parents to listen completely.

Structural stability, locking brake (if a chair on wheels), seat belts, anatomic insertion to separate the legs (which provides the baby most comfortable position and further hold it in a chair) - the main components of the safety chair for feeding. The material from which the chair is made, must be secure. In this mode, temperaturnosoblyudayuschem wood or plastic. The seat should be at the back, but always soft.

The height of the chair depends on the height of the table at which the child eats. If this is a children's room furniture - chair should be low. "Adult" table requires a high position. Given the options, the manufacturer offers to the consumer model of the sliding chair. In addition, the highchair at the low mode (if it involves touch the floor feet) can be used as a walker. And that - a great rehearsal for the future "pedestrian"!

Do not forget that a bulky chair - not only inconvenient to use, but also spoil the interior of a room, kitchen. In addition, the chair can make your own hands dad (grandpa) baby. It's enough to look through some specialized magazine (a la economics) and turn sharpness. Chair "from the Pope" will not only save the household budget, but also brought together parents and child to understand.

Irina Maksimenko

Article Tags:
  • baby accessories

When a child cries: decode children cry

October 19, 2006

 screaming baby
 Today, many pediatricians believe that the cry for newborns is the same natural state as a dream Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and cautious attention to the world around them. However, young parents of such an explanation is not enough: they need to know exactly what the child screams that he needs. Sometimes the reason for screaming and crying is obvious. It happens that you want to raise their hands in surrender and burst into tears herself. If since the last feeding the baby was about two hours, maybe he was hungry and asked there. If the baby woke up more than two hours ago, maybe he was just tired.

Fortunately for parents, when the child reaches four months, his cry becomes meaningful and strongly depends on the environment. Cry for the child becomes more complex form of communication, a way to inform you of dissatisfaction or boredom. During this period, many parents - but not all - learn to distinguish meaningless shout for shout from screaming meaningful.

 When a child cries: decode children cry

For information, parents

 screaming baby
 We bring you the five most common causes of screaming and crying. We hope this will help you to calm the baby and find peace of mind.

A few caveats: according to experts, sometimes babies cry for unknown reasons, and it is impossible to appease them. Even if you isprobuete to calm the child all possible means, it is not necessary that at least some of them will work. In some cases, it is impossible to calm the child, and there is nothing abnormal. Since your baby is all right, and you - a wonderful mother. Also, remember about your child's personality and his unique character. Experiment to find out which method is right for soothing your baby.

 When a child cries: decode children cry

Perhaps the baby is hungry?

Sounds: harsh and demanding relentless cries; They tend to be very loud.

 When a child cries: decode children cry

Maybe the kid is tired?

 screaming baby
 Sounds: breathy, helpless. Shouts can be broken, and soothe your baby in this case easier than in others.

 When a child cries: decode children cry

Maybe the kid he was too bored or excited?

Sounds: most of these cries quieter than the others. Boredom can easily go into laughter, and excitement - result in a high-pitched scream.

 When a child cries: decode children cry

Perhaps the baby is uncomfortable or annoyed?

Sounds: unnatural and whimpering. Such a characteristic cry of repetition, such as "have-a, have-a."

 When a child cries: decode children cry

Maybe the kid hurt?

Sound: high-pitched scream.

Article Tags:
  • child psychology
