Allergic rhinitis - what flows from the nose? - Causes and Treatment

April 12, 2009

  • Allergic rhinitis - what flows from the nose?
  • Causes and Treatment

Where does the allergy

An allergy occurs when the malfunction of the body's defenses and immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
 . Immunity must defend our body against any external influences (including those from bacteria, viruses, protein foreign particles, etc.). In response to the introduction of such particles (antigens) in the body produces antibodies that bind to a specific antigen and excreted. In violation of the immunity the body begins to produce antibodies in excess, which is in itself cause harm to the organism causing allergic diseases.

Allergies can be congenital or acquired. Congenital form of allergy is called atopy. Atopy begins with the first months of life, and flows in a variety of cutaneous manifestations of up to two years. Then, it can go into another form, such as allergic rhinitis or asthma. Atopy may be with respect to many types of allergens: food, dust, food, medicines, bacterial, viral, and so on.

Acquired allergy usually begins with the fact that people frequent colds, or have a permanent source of infection in the body. Gradually pathogens (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and others.) Produced a large number of antibodies over time they begin to be developed not only an infection, but also to other allergens (eg house dust).

 Causes and Treatment | Allergic rhinitis - which flows from the nose?

What is allergic rhinitis and its causes

Rhinitis or runny nose - an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Allergic rhinitis can occur if inhaled allergens inhaled types: home and book dust, pollen or any other allergen enters the body through the nasal mucosa. Allergen which causes rhinitis, can enter the body and through the gastro-intestinal tract or through the skin.

Frequent development of allergic process is explained in the nasal cavity physiological conditions that contribute to extended contact with the tissues of allergen, the high permeability of the mucosa, sustained blood flow in the area and delay therein particles of different substances.

 Causes and Treatment | Allergic rhinitis - which flows from the nose?


In response to the introduction of the allergen responsible an allergic reaction of the body as a rapid swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   nasal mucosa, repeated sneezing, itching, heavy liquid discharge and obstructed nasal breathing. For allergic rhinitis is characterized by cyclic course with exacerbations in the form of attacks. In the long allergic rhinitis nasal mucosa is edematous and the interictal period, and in the nasal passages consistently found an increased amount of mucus.

Often a purely allergic reactions associated infection (infectious agents are always present in the mucosa of the nasal cavity and "waiting in the wings"). This nasal discharge becoming purulent.

 Causes and Treatment | Allergic rhinitis - which flows from the nose?


Diagnosis of allergic rhinitis is based on the typical symptoms, examination otolaryngologist, rhinoscopy (examination of the nasal mucosa using a special tool), characteristic changes in the blood count (a large number of white blood cells, eosinophils, which are "responsible" for the allergic disposition of the body) and special skin tests using a variety of allergens, which are held allergist-immunologist.

 Causes and Treatment | Allergic rhinitis - which flows from the nose?


Treating Allergic rhinitis is divided into general and local. General treatment in turn divided into specific and non-specific. Specific treatment - this is the cessation of contact with the allergen and specific immunotherapy (subcutaneous injection of allergen extracts in gradually increasing doses), which removes the allergic disposition of the body in relation to a particular allergen.

Non-specific treatment - is prevention of exacerbations of rhinitis with drugs that reduce the allergic disposition of the body (for example, Tavegilum, suprastin, klarititna and so on), restorative treatment, physiotherapy (such as electrophoresis with calcium chloride and hydrocortisone), physiotherapy, reflexology Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
 , Therapy and spa treatment.

Locally used in acute vasoconstrictor drops that relieve swelling and nasal congestion. In this case, it is important to remember that such drops can be used no more than three or four days in a row, as the body gets used to their action, and blood vessels dilated for a long time remain stable - the swelling is very difficult to remove later. Therefore, in allergic rhinitis Rhinitis: a runny nose - is quite serious  Rhinitis: a runny nose - is quite serious
   such drops may be used only in emergencies.

Moreover, locally conducted intranasal novocaine blockade, cauterization of the mucous membrane in various ways, the impact on her cold. Sometimes they resort to surgical removal of overgrown areas turbinate.

Remember, if not promptly treated allergic rhinitis, allergy may take new shapes and occur, for example, a bronchial asthma.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • rhinitis

Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat - Adverse effects

April 16, 2009

  • Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
  • Adverse effects

What is an allergy

Allergy - a heightened sensitivity to the effects of some environmental factors, called allergens. Allergy leads to allergic diseases, the most frequent bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, urticaria and others.

Allergies - this is not a phenomenon of our time, it is known from the time of Hippocrates (5-4 centuries BC.), Who described some cases of food allergies. The term "allergy" was proposed in 1906 by Austrian pediatrician Pirque.

 Adverse effects | Allergic reaction: how to understand why you tickle in the throat

Allergic reactions and types

In response to the introduction of an allergen into the body experience an allergic reaction is specific (specific for the introduction of the given allergen) and nonspecific - they are also called non-immunological or pseudoallergic.

With the development of any specific allergic reaction occurs first sensitization of the organism - the development of antibodies (cell protectors designed to destroy the allergen, which in this case is called an antigen). During the initial introduction of an allergen into the body generally does not appear any signs of allergy, but upon repeated administration developed in the process of sensitizing antibodies destroy the "enemy", compromising the human body.

Nonspecific allergic reactions occur at the first contact with the allergen without prior sensitization. As factors causing such reactions may be called the heat or cold, as a result of which the body without the organisms can form immune mediators (bioactive substances formed during allergic reactions) and develop pseudoallergy reaction.

All specific allergic reactions are divided into four types: the immediate type, cytotoxic, with tissue damage and immune complexes delayed type.

 Adverse effects | Allergic reaction: how to understand why you tickle in the throat

Immediate type allergic reactions

Allergic reactions of immediate type (reaginic, or anaphylactic-type reactions apopichesky) proceed with the formation of antibodies, which are called reagin belonging to the class of immunoglobulin E (IgE). Reagin secured to certain types of leukocytes (white blood cells - basophils). When connecting with the appropriate allergen-reagin from these cells release mediators (such as histamine), which cause 15-20 minutes after exposure to the allergen allergic reactions.

Immediate allergic reaction that occurs when parenteral (bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, for example, after the injection or inhaled allergen) Proceeds allergen called anaphylaxis. Immediate type allergic reactions underlie anaphylactic shock, urticaria, edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   Angioedema and so on. In the development of these diseases is very important hereditary imperfection of the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
   - Increased ability to respond to an allergy to the impact of external factors. This condition is called atopy.

 Adverse effects | Allergic reaction: how to understand why you tickle in the throat

Cytotoxic (cell-killing tissue) allergic reactions

With this type of allergic reactions allergens are cells of the organism's own tissues. This occurs most often damage tissue cells drug substances, as well as decomposition products of bacteria and viruses. In response to the altered tissue cells produce antibodies (IgG and IgM). Antibodies bind to the appropriate cells, whereby the cells are destroyed.

By the cytotoxic type of reaction are different manifestations of drug allergy, the destruction of blood cells transfusion of incompatible blood or incompatibility of Rh blood of mother and fetus (hemolysis of the blood).

 Adverse effects | Allergic reaction: how to understand why you tickle in the throat

Tissue damage immune complexes

When tissue injury by immune complexes of allergen is typically present in a soluble form. This can be bacterial, viral, fungal allergens, medicaments, nutritional substances and so on. In response to the introduction of antibodies are formed, which also belong to the class of IgG and IgM. These antibodies bind to the allergen (antigen) to form immune complexes that are partially removed from the body, and partly deposited in organs and tissues, causing them irreparable harm. This type of reaction is the basis of autoimmune diseases (rheumatism, glomerulonephritis Glomerulonephritis - a severe infection of the kidneys  Glomerulonephritis - a severe infection of the kidneys
   and so on).

 Adverse effects | Allergic reaction: how to understand why you tickle in the throat

Delayed hypersensitivity

With this type of role of antibody responses operate sensitized lymphocytes or T-killer cells (white blood cells), which have on their bodies structure similar to antibodies. This reaction appears 24-48 hours after contact with the allergen. The formation of T-killers due to the fact that in certain chronic pathogen infection develops intracellularly human tissues (e.g., chronic hepatitis). T-killer cells are able to recognize and destroy these cells. At failures immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   T-killers can "attack" and healthy cells.

Delayed Type Hypersensitivity reactions underlie infectious and allergic diseases such as bronchial asthma.

Any allergic reactions - a complex mechanism, in which besides the immune system participating nervous, endocrine system and other organs, and so treatment of allergic diseases should always be integrated.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • allergy
