Anti-stress massage of the head and neck: a pleasant relief from headaches
January 4, 2012
- Anti-stress massage of the head and neck: a pleasant relief from headaches
- Stages of
Frantic rhythm, which is always the man of the new millennium, is often the cause of negative emotions
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and poor health. Too many worries and everyday problems weary body and deprive it of energy, causing tension, but harmonious balance between body and spirit - it is a prerequisite for good health. Stress disturbs this balance.
Stress - a reaction to the mind and body to internal and external pressures, due to some events or situations. The term "stress" is used to describe the effect of the events that violate the physical and mental well-being. Stress - is not something that is happening to us, but our reaction to what is happening around us.
Sometimes, in order to regain the harmony of body and soul, is enough to make a small pause, to devote time only to their welfare and to completely relax.
Anti-stress massage is a pleasant and relaxing technique for reducing stress. During the massage, the body and mind to relax and rest on a variety of issues, concerns and habits. This brings inner harmony and helps the healing of body and soul.
How to anti-stress head massage
Head massage - is a great way to relieve stress
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. It is an art and a science, it is constantly changing and adapting. Its beneficial properties have evolved from simpler methods that provide relaxation and improves sleep
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, To more complex, able to alleviate or eliminate a disease. This type of massage is very good for the scalp, it helps to expand the blood vessels, as well as provides the perfect relaxation. This massage is highly recommended to relieve tension, stress from work, for maximum relaxation to enjoy moments of calm and even as a means of getting rid of headaches. It also helps reduce mental and muscular tension.
Another great benefit of massage is that it improves blood circulation in the head and neck. It also improves mobility and muscle tone in the head, neck and shoulders, reduces eyestrain, helps with migraines, sinusitis, insomnia, and in case of overload. Massage made with vegetable oil is very beneficial for the health of hair because scalp massage stimulates blood flow to the hair follicles. Made with special oils, massage remove dandruff
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and prevent hair loss, fostering their growth and beauty.
Subtleties of massage
The surrounding atmosphere during the anti-stress massage should be a pleasant and quiet. It is important to take a comfortable position to relax and feel comfortable. Conversations should be avoided, and if you want to say something, then it is necessary to do a soft tone. The person who performs the massage, should have soft, sensitive and skilled hands. Head massage should work three deep levels: superficial (skin), medium (subcutaneous tissue) and deep (muscle). We need to move from the surface to depth.
For best results you need to make a circular motion, keeping the tips of the fingers in the neck and exerting slight pressure up and down. Then continue doing the same in the central part of the head, moving in the direction to face. Both hands on the sides of the head, put the thumbs below the ears and the other to massage your fingers in a circular motion moving down the sides of the head, slowly moving his fingers. Keep moving until you feel the temperature change due to increased blood circulation. Finally, gently massage the entire head downwards, to the neck and shoulders. To achieve the greatest effect to do a massage once a week.
This type of massage - a unique direct attack on the effects of stress. It takes only a few minutes, but a great benefit.
Massage the neck is extremely important to remove the tension and eliminate stress. It is also important to ensure that the skin is in good shape, because over time the skin starts to sag neck. The reason is that slowly and gradually reduced skin elasticity, and it starts to become more loose. Such skin begins to be covered with wrinkles. Therefore, in addition to reducing stress, neck massage is vital in order to stay young for a long time.
Cup massage - good old tool
August 9th, 2009
- Cup massage - good old tool
- How to spend
Cup massage - a wonderful ancient technique that has been applied in modern medicine can massage action is based on the stimulation of blood flow to the skin and irritation of the skin receptors through a vacuum is created in the bank. The vacuum causes the local rush of blood and lymph circulation to the skin, which has a reflex influence on vessels of internal organs. In addition, the impacts are produced biologically active substances that stimulate the metabolic and regenerative processes. Therefore, cupping massage improves blood circulation, eliminates stagnation of interstitial fluid (lymphatic drainage effect), stimulates metabolism
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and massaged into the skin breath the body. The skin becomes firmer, improves skin tone and elasticity.
History can massage
The prototype of the cans in their present form is considered to be hollow horns of animals. They were used to suck the poison out of the body after a snakebite and toxins in the skin lesions. Over time, the horns have evolved and turned into bamboo cups, which were eventually replaced by glass bowls. Technicians can massage developed together with the construction of its main tools. The exact origin is unknown can massage.
The Chinese have expanded the scope of canned massage - they used banks in surgery to divert blood flow from the operated area. Ultimately, can massage into an independent type of therapy used to treat a variety of diseases. Ancient Chinese sources say: "Acupuncture and banks to help treat illnesses more than half." Ancient Chinese doctors say that can massage removes blood stasis and Qi energy, and also helps to reduce the effect of external pathogenic factors that influence poor health.
In ancient Egyptian texts on medicine, cupping massage is prescribed for the treatment of fever, pain, dizziness, menstrual cramps, poor appetite and accelerate the "crisis" of the disease. From the Egyptians can massage the Greeks took over, and over time it has spread throughout the ancient world as well as in many countries of Europe and America. Carried out in the twentieth century, scientific studies have confirmed the clinical efficacy of canned massage. In China, this kind of therapy included formal treatment, and can massage the breast is traditionally used to relieve inflammation of the breast during breastfeeding (because there practice sucking milk).
Medicinal properties of canned massage
Cup massage can be used both independently and serve as a complement to traditional massage, physiotherapy, facials and body treatments. It soothes the nervous system, and is often included in the kneaded state of deep relaxation
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. At therapeutic levels can massage is useful in the treatment of many diseases and conditions, including hypertension, increased anxiety
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, Fatigue, chronic headaches, fibromyalgia and neuralgia
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. Body Treatments combined with canned massage helps eliminate cellulite; overstrained or stiff muscles relax quickly and come in tone after a few minutes, can massage.
For massage large areas of the body such as the back, used cups large and strong suction effect can achieve the same effect as when a mobile deep-tissue massage, but without the concomitant discomfort. The movement of the cans may be smooth or intense and challenging (this helps to relax tense muscles and summarized restore blood flow and lymph flow in the deep tissues). With strong vacuum effect much skin is red, indicating that the blood flow to the skin. Often, after can massage the skin rubbing ointments, creams and essential oils - they are easily absorbed into the skin and penetrate deep into the tissue. When can massage kneaded feels pleasant warmth emanating as if from the depths of the body, as well as a slight tingling of the skin.
Cup massage does not cause inflammation of the skin and does not harm the internal organs. It can relieve inflammation but do not amplify it. Can massage technique is very effective when used as a contrasting treatment with hot or cold compresses or ointments.
One of today's most popular applications can massage deep - cellulite treatment. Although the modern spa industry, there are many effective hardware eliminate this cosmetic defect, can massage remains the leader among anti-cellulite treatments. The vacuum effect ensures good drainage, and stimulates circulation, thus eliminating stagnation of interstitial fluid and get rid of the annoying "orange peel". Cellulite is performed can massage the thighs and buttocks. Banks move in a circular, zigzag and straight. To enhance the effect of the surface smeared antivotsellyulitnym massaged cream or butter. The results of anti-cellulite massage canned noticeable within a month.