Stretch marks on thighs - the basic principles of the struggle

October 16, 2011

 stretch marks on thighs
 Stretch marks usually appear on the thighs with obesity. In this case, the skin simply can not withstand too much stretching, and tiny collagen fibers in her mid break. Over time, the gap formed on the site of a small scar - it says that the break took place ordinary connective tissue.


Why do I get stretch marks on thighs

As extensions on any other part of the body, stretching the hips appear if too much stretching the skin, such as obesity or during pregnancy. This breaks the collagen fibers in the skin depth, and instead grows connective tissue. But sometimes stretch marks do not appear at a time when there is excess weight, and when a person quickly loses it. This suggests that the skin loses not only oil, but also moisture, wrinkles or creases are formed in the depth of which collagen fibers are easy to crack.

Newly formed stretch marks have a reddish color due to the presence in them of a large number of blood vessels. Over time, the blood vessels zapustevayut and stretching turn white, as characterized by a common color.


The basic principles of the fight against stretch marks

Reduce stretch themselves virtually impossible. The main objective is to make them invisible. To do this, first of all, we need to accelerate their maturation, and then stretching acquire white color will become more subtle and unnoticeable.

The second objective - to improve the condition of the surrounding tissues, and then improve the look and streamers.

Finally, the third objective - is to level the surface of the stretch with the rest of the surface of the skin. As a result of all these manipulations stretching does not disappear, but it becomes invisible.


How to improve the appearance of stretch marks on thighs

To do this, there are many methods: special cosmetics, mesotherapy, physical therapy procedures. Today, for this purpose, and a special technique dermotoniya - a kind of a vacuum apparatus massage of reflex zones of the skin. Dermatoniya improves blood circulation in small blood vessels of the skin, thereby reducing swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   skin, increases its elasticity, breaking connective tissue adhesions Adhesions - how to get rid of them?  Adhesions - how to get rid of them?
 Are accelerated metabolic processes in the skin are removed from the surface of dead skin cells. Improved blood and lymph circulation helps to eliminate toxins from the skin, accelerate the formation of collagen, resulting in improved and the overall condition of the skin. On scars or stretch marks dermatoniya also acts positively contributing to their maturation. To tidy up the skin in the thigh area will take about ten - twelve treatments.

Dermatoniya performs all three tasks to combat stretch marks: it accelerates ripening, improves skin surrounding the stretching and compares the surface of the skin to the surface of the stretch marks.

To improve the skin condition are assigned different procedures such as cosmetic products that improve the skin moisture. They all contain hyaluronic acid that attracts water. Furthermore, they contain substances, skin-nourishing and natural proteins collagen and elastin.

In order to level the surface of the stretch with the skin surface, and apply various types of peeling. But if extensions are located on the inner thighs, then apply the peeling is problematic, as it is very thin and vulnerable skin.


Can I somehow at least partially sucked connective tissue stretch marks?

To this end, a lot of treatments, but most of them are ineffective. Not so long ago began to produce cosmetics, prevents the appearance of stretch marks by using plant extracts (essential oils of rosewood, lemon, mint Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
 , Vegetable oils, wheat germ, nuts, biosaharidov). How effective are these drugs show life, but high hopes for them to lay, apparently, is not necessary.

For the same purpose, the retinol (vitamin A), which stimulates the formation of protein in the skin (as is known, elastic fibers composed of elastin and collagen protein).

Produced and preparations containing DMAE (demitil aminoethanol) - a natural substance synthesized in the human body, which helps to improve the condition and smoothing scar.

There are also ways to hide stretch marks simply by using, for example, applying bronzer or powder tone. In any case, modern cosmetology will help a woman to hide stretch marks.

Stretch marks - a connective tissue scarring, remove that, in practice, it is impossible, whatever is not mentioned in the advertisement. But if in good faith to deal with this problem, stretch marks can be made completely invisible.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • extensions

Stretch marks after childbirth: prevention is cheaper

September 28, 2011

 stretch marks after giving birth
 Born a child, everything is fine. Only mar the appearance of whitish stripes on the abdomen and thighs, which is popularly known as stretch marks. Many consider them to pay for the child and try not to notice, resigned to their presence. Other extensions are not actively looking for and they have resorted to various measures to get rid of them. To do this is not easy. It would be profilaktirovat their appearance - it's easier, but also to compete with the existing is also possible.


What is a stretch

Stretch marks are called stretch marks (striae) and are scar tissue .  There are those nasty skin blemishes due to its distension and hormonal changes, and therefore the skin loses its elasticity, becomes thinner and toiling under excessive load for her .  Red and blue stretch marks attached to blood vessels .  Over time, the defects are replaced by connective tissue, blood vessels zapustevayut and red-purple color changes to white stretch .  Stretch marks are more visible on tanned skin, as the connective tissue contains no pigment and can not change color .  In pregnancy, the most common extensions are located in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, at least - in the chest, they are of different thickness and length - it depends on the genetic predisposition of the skin and the ability to stretch .  Striae, the occurrence of which is related to childbearing, it is safe for health are considered a cosmetic defect .


Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

Profilaktirovat appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy is necessary, especially if the older women in your family have this trouble with the skin. Even if you can not completely avoid them, it is possible to reduce the area of ​​the lesion, which is important.

Prevention is simple steps:

  • Do not gain weight rapidly. Weight gain during pregnancy - normal and necessary phenomenon, however, need to ensure that this process took place smoothly, without jumps. You need to eat right, avoiding the excessive consumption of carbohydrate foods as cakes and sweets, preferring plant foods rich in vitamins and trace elements.
  • Regular walks and allowed to engage in forms of physical activity, maintaining muscle tone and skin elasticity.
  • The swimming pool and take water treatments, which are natural tonic for the skin.
  • Moisturize the skin moisturizer is always safe after a visit to the soul. By the way, it is very useful in this regard douche Douches - effectiveness is proven time  Douches - effectiveness is proven time
  • Every evening do self-massage of problem areas with special creams for stretch marks, bought at the pharmacy, or ordinary olive oil.
  • Do not forget to wear a supportive bra for pregnant and bandages.


Fight with the existing stretch marks

Unfortunately, there is currently no effective methods, which would get rid of stretch marks completely, but to fight for the best appearance possible and necessary. There are several ways.

  • Self-massage of the skin, which should be done every day with special creams for stretch marks that contain hyaluronic acid and collagen.
  • A visit to the salon for a pleasant complex procedures to facilitate deeper penetration absorbable means in scar tissue. It can be various wraps, physiotherapy and some other tools.
  • The use of special funds for resorbable scar tissue area, on the recommendation of a medical specialist, such as Dermatiks.
  • A good result has girudoterapiya, especially if less than three months from the date of occurrence of stretch marks.
  • The surgical technique used in large striae when large cosmetic defect, and it causes depression in women.

Svetlana Shimkovich

Article Tags:
  • extensions
