Artificial nails: they would like to hide from you workers nail salons?

March 19, 2013

 false nails danger
 Because of the growing popularity of artificial nails Artificial nails: benefit or harm  Artificial nails: benefit or harm
   different types, many do not pay attention to the information appearing in the media that the build-up can be dangerous both for the clients of nail salons and nail for themselves masters. Some studies in which studied the properties of the materials used for building, the owners and employees of nail salons, probably would prefer to hide from their customers.

Nails, like our skin are porous - they are capable of absorbing a variety of chemicals. Every time you make a gel or acrylic build-up, nails (and sometimes leather) are exposed to the direct effects of chemicals. At present, the tools used to build acrylic, are considered the most dangerous. They contain substances potentially able to penetrate into the bloodstream. Moreover, these substances, among which - formaldehyde resins, associated with increased risk of developing cancer. Women who regularly make acrylic build-up exposed to them very often, which means that the risk of cancer Breast cancer - the verdict?  Breast cancer - the verdict?
   they may be considerably higher than average.

Another danger acrylic nail connected with methyl methacrylate (MMA) - a substance that can cause serious damage not only to the nail plate, but also light. Prolonged exposure to MMA nail may fall. In some states the use of MMA is illegal. Many modern interiors are used instead of MMA etimetakrilat (UAE) - is less dangerous, but in some cases, causes irritation of eyes, skin and respiratory tract.

 Artificial nails: they would like to hide from you workers nail salons?

Research results

According to numerous studies, under the acrylic nails a fertile breeding ground for many microorganisms that can cause infection of the nail bed. These infections are not only very painful; they can weaken the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
 And sometimes to treat them require surgery.

When acrylic nails removed together with them are often removed and part of the nail plate, which makes it much weaker.

Acrylic build safe and nail technicians. The researchers note that the specialists who make acrylic nails may develop occupational asthma, and some women have an increased risk of miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
 . Because of this, many women working in nail salons, forced to abandon their work in the early stages of pregnancy. A particularly dangerous for pregnant women and unborn children acrylate - a substance that is used for fixing false nails.

Among nail technicians who have been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, many believe that the disease is caused by chemicals used for acrylic increase.

According to the research, many people for a long time working in the nail salons, pointed out the problems with concentration, memory, learning and sense of smell. Studying the composition of air in the cabin showed that it contains formaldehyde, acrylics evaporation, dibutyl phthalate, ethanol, acetone and toluene. Many workers salons noted that because of the odors in the workplace, they often feel unwell. Among the symptoms were named headaches, breathing problems and skin. It seems obvious that what is dangerous for those who work in salons, may not be safe for customers.

 Artificial nails: they would like to hide from you workers nail salons?


For women who have become accustomed to the false nails and do not want to give them up, there is a relatively safe alternative to acrylic - gel capacity. The materials used for the gel capacity, no formaldehyde and many other harmful substances. It is believed that the gel can be worn for longer nails because they practically do not harm natural nails. In addition, these nails look more natural and have a beautiful sheen that does not tarnish with time. Unlike acrylic, gel nails are not yellow, and to maintain them in good condition, it is enough to go to the nail salon every 3-4 weeks, when your nails grow back significantly. Since gel nails are not porous, they really protect the natural nails; they are less likely to break down and exfoliate. Another plus gel capacity that during the procedure you will not inhale harmful toxins.

Have you ever wondered why do acrylic nail art build-up in masks and close all the jars immediately after taking out enough material? The fact that they know - a substance with which they are concerned are harmful. Gel capacity is much safer, although this does not mean that you should forget about the precautions. Perhaps the only reason that acrylic capacity is still more popular than the gel, is that the former is cheaper - both for interior and for the client. However, many people are already aware that the price of beauty will never be compared with the price of health is better to pay a little more in the future than spend time and effort to combat diseases that could easily have been avoided.

Article Tags:
  • nail extension

Treatment of stretch marks: the impossible - possible?

June 4, 2013

  • Treatment of stretch marks: the impossible - possible?
  • Creams
  • Home remedies

 treatment of stretch marks
 It is natural that many aspects related to pregnancy and childbirth, women are remembered with fondness. However stretching hardly refer to such aspects. But there are ways to prevent them, or, if there is already stretching to make them much less noticeable using the treatment of stretch marks. Why is such a beautiful time in life, such as pregnancy, leads to such a cosmetic defect, and how can this be avoided?


Why do I get stretch marks

The fact that the increasing uterus stretches the skin on the abdomen is quite obvious, but the reason for the appearance of stretch marks, not only in this (in addition, they may appear, for example, on the thighs and breasts).

One of the most important factors here is genetics. Experts say that if you were stretching your mother or other close relatives, most likely they will have you. Skin elasticity is set at the genetic level, and with the same conditions, someone will be happy stretching, who - no.

Furthermore, stretching all look different. Their appearance is very dependent on skin color. At first she light skin have a pinkish, reddish or brownish tint (sometimes they are even dark brown), and eventually become lighter and silver.


How to get rid of stretch marks

Treatment of stretch marks is more effective the sooner you start it. When they become a silver hue, get rid of them will be much more difficult.

It is important to moisturize the skin intensively. When the skin is dehydrated, it becomes more pliable and elastic. Parts of the body, which most often appear stretch marks - abdomen, chest, thighs and buttocks - during pregnancy should be 3-4 times a day moisturizing products containing cocoa butter or shea butter. Apply creams or massage oils to provide deep hydration.

On sale you can find a product that is attributed to the ability to eliminate stretch marks, but the most that is capable of such cosmetics - is to make them a little less noticeable. Remove existing stretching using just creams and lotions impossible.


Laser treatment

With laser therapy it is also impossible to completely remove stretch marks, but you can make them much less noticeable. It is best to undergo treatment soon after the appearance of stretch marks.

The procedure is completely painless and the patient may be on the same day to go home and back to work. The laser energy is absorbed by the blood vessels, which are located under the streamers. The walls of the blood vessels are destroyed, stretching lose their reddish color and is virtually indistinguishable from healthy skin Healthy skin - daily program for skin care  Healthy skin - daily program for skin care
 . It usually takes several sessions of laser therapy to achieve satisfactory results. The exact amount depends on the type and color.


Cosmetic Surgery

Treatment of stretch marks by surgery is expensive, and it is recommended only in rare cases. If you have a lot of stretch marks on the stomach, and the skin has lost its elasticity, you can help abdominoplasty Abdominoplasty - whether to give your stomach into the power of the surgeon?  Abdominoplasty - whether to give your stomach into the power of the surgeon?
 Or a tummy tuck. During this operation removes part of the skin and fatty tissue and eliminating stretch marks. After abdominoplasty should be a fairly long period of recovery. Additionally, surgery may cause more or less severe complications.


What are the substance and the procedure used for the treatment of stretch marks, and how effective they are

  • Wheat germ oil. One recent study showed that this oil can reduce stretch marks, if you start to use it early enough. However, there is not enough information that a final conclusion on the effectiveness of wheat germ oil Wheat germ oil - undeniable benefits  Wheat germ oil - undeniable benefits
  • Glycolic acid. As with other alpha-hydroxy acids, glycolic acid stimulates collagen production, thereby changing the structure of stretched skin. Products with a high content of glycolic acid are most effective, but they may use only a dermatologist; you will need three or four treatments before the results become visible.
  • Vitamin C is a part of some cosmetics for the treatment of stretch marks. It is particularly effective in combination with glycolic acid. It is also recommended to take 500 milligrams of vitamin C a day - it will significantly improve the condition of the skin.
  • The peptides are found in many creams for the treatment of stretch marks. They advertised as a means of restoring the skin, but the effectiveness of the peptides Peptides: The new panacea?  Peptides: The new panacea?
   in the treatment of stretch marks has not yet been confirmed.
  • Retinoids quite effectively stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity. It is believed that they very well may remove fresh stretch marks, but the problem is that they can not be used during pregnancy and lactation. Retinol, tretinoin, and prescription drugs - Differin, Renova, Retin-A, and Tazorac - these are just some examples of retinoids.
  • Glycolic acid in combination with retinoids. The combination of these substances is very effective for the treatment of stretch marks, but for pregnant and lactating women, it is not safe.
  • Laser treatment of stretch marks. In the formation of stretch marks is damage to the collagen fibers, and the impact of the laser stimulates the synthesis of new collagen. For the treatment of fresh stretch typically used so-called vascular or vascular laser. To remove the old stretch marks requires treatments with fractional laser. As a general rule, it requires at least three sessions a pretty expensive to get good results.
