Beautiful skin - achieving

July 20, 2013

  • Beautiful skin - achieving
  • Secrets

 beautiful skin
 Your skin works hard to maintain your health and protect against external threats, and you can thank her, providing her proper care. Make it very simple, but beautiful skin is here to stay.

The skin consists of outer layer - the epidermis, and an underlying soft tissue - dermis. The epidermis is constantly growing and updated, and on the surface of the skin there is always a certain amount of dead skin cells, which have been replaced with new, living cells.

The surface area of ​​the skin of an adult is, on average, two square meters. 1.27 square centimeters of skin is about 10 hairs 5 sebaceous glands, sweat glands 100; on the same square fit thin blood vessels with a total length up to one meter.

The skin acts as a barrier that protects the body from the environment. It regulates temperature, detects potentially dangerous microorganisms and fighting with them. Located on the skin nerve endings allow us to feel touch, a breath of wind, changes in air temperature. Leather - the largest and one of the most complex organs in our body, which contains hair follicles, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, nerve endings and blood vessels. Caring for the skin can be both outside and inside - at the expense of proper nutrition. Experts point out that a balanced diet is essential for skin beauty - if a person is properly fed, the health of the internal organs is reflected on the skin. However, a healthy diet of skin care is not limited.

 Beautiful skin - achieving

UV protection

Ultraviolet radiation is a major cause of skin aging; It also serves as one of the factors contributing to the development of skin cancer. It is necessary to protect the skin from ultraviolet light at any age, but particularly important, such protection is for small children and teenagers. Severe sunburns, lead to the appearance of blisters received before the age of 20 years doubles the risk of future malignant melanoma - the most dangerous form of skin cancer. To secure the maximum protection, as little as possible are in the open air in the period of maximum solar activity, summer wear long clothes, hat or cap, sunglasses, and be sure to use a quality sunscreen.

 Beautiful skin - achieving


The fact that smoking is one of the factors that increase the likelihood of premature aging of the skin, confirmed by scientific data. Because smoking the skin becomes rough and covered with wrinkles earlier than usual. It is believed that smokers decreased collagen production, and destroyed the already formed collagen fibers, causing the skin quickly loses its natural elasticity. Even among non-smokers with age the body produces less collagen - a natural part of the aging process. However, smoking is much faster. Because smoking is also disrupted the supply of nutrients to the skin, and the skin becomes dull and pale.

 Beautiful skin - achieving


Drinking alcohol leads to dehydration of the skin and internal organs; the most visible sign of aging of the skin becomes. To avoid dehydration you should drink lots of water and stick to the recommended standards of consumption of alcohol. In addition, alcoholic beverages should be alternated with soft - such as juices or soft drinks.

 Beautiful skin - achieving

Cleansing and moisturizing the skin

Regular cleansing of the skin helps prevent odors and development of certain infections, but if you clean it too often, or use aggressive means, for example, soap, skin will lose natural oils needed in order to keep it healthy and young. Use a mild soap, shower gels, or different foam for washing.

Hydration helps to keep the protective function of the skin and prevent it from drying out. Choose a moisturizer according to your skin type, and do not judge them by price - all products of this type perform the same task, and expensive creams do not differ much from cheap. (This is a simple moisturizing creams; when choosing anti-aging creams and other designed to eliminate certain problems with the skin, the price often does give an idea of ​​the quality of the product).

People who by occupation is regularly in contact with water or certain chemicals, are often faced with problems such as inflammation and itching of the skin. Usually, these symptoms indicate contact dermatitis. Contact your doctor to recommend you the right medicine; Typically, a patient is prescribed ointments that help rather quickly cope with dermatitis.

 Beautiful skin - achieving


Do not give sleepless nights to age your skin. People who regularly do not get enough sleep, the skin looks old and tired. Lack of sleep can also cause anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
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   and depression, which is why some people develop a true insomnia, which is not always possible to cope without professional help. So try to sleep at least a few times a week, and if you have any serious problems with sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 Refer to a specialist.

Always remove makeup before going to bed. To improve sleep, yoga, swimming, or running. For half an hour before going to bed try not to watch the news, do not read the mail, and it is desirable not to think about the current issues. All this contributes to the full relaxation Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!  Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!
 That, in turn, is reflected on the skin.

How to make a shot in the buttock - a useful skill

September 21, 2014

 how to make a shot in the buttock
 How to make a shot in the buttock of interest to many people whose profession is far from medicine. And it is not a useless skill, it is especially useful to those who have often long ill relatives. Bedridden patients with stroke and other serious chronic diseases are constantly in need of injections.


Can I learn to do injections buttocks?

This manipulation learn quite possible. Of course, the nurse does an injection in the buttocks better, but for some reason it is not always available. Therefore, learn to conduct intramuscular injections worth it. But one indispensable condition: the injection should appoint a doctor.

Education intramuscular injections should be full-time, that is, it must teach professional: tell, show and control, as it turns out at the layman. The first part of the program - "tell" it is possible to replace this article.


Why make injections in the buttocks

For intramuscular injection selected area of ​​the body and muscular, located away from the location of the major blood vessels and nerves. Ideally suited for this breech. But injections can be done not by any stretch of the buttocks, but only in the upper outer quadrant - this is the safest place.

In order to determine where to make an injection in the buttocks, it is to be divided in half at first horizontally and then vertically. Get 4 of the circle - quadrant.

For injection, the upper outer quadrant is chosen, located at 5-7, 5 cm below the crest of the ilium (it is easily detectable above the buttocks).

It was at this point is a strong gluteal muscle, no large blood vessels and nerve trunks. If the injection site is correct, the possibility of injury is reduced to zero. If you shift down or to the middle, you can get into big sciatic nerve The sciatic nerve: how to avoid the excruciating pain?  The sciatic nerve: how to avoid the excruciating pain?
 And it does not only cause pain and numbness, but also lead to the disruption of movement in the leg. Therefore, do intramuscular injections only in certain places, but in different buttocks in turn.


How to make a shot in the right buttock

Before the introduction of the drug syringe needle pick up and pushing the plunger, releasing the air. The skin at the injection site thoroughly treated cotton swab with alcohol and fixed fingers grasping a fold of skin with subcutaneous fat. You can on the contrary, firmly press your thumb and index finger of his left hand the skin at the injection site. Needle assembly in disposable syringe, pierce the skin perpendicular to its surface, subcutaneous tissue and muscle fascia (cases in which muscles are enclosed).

Then the suction motion of the piston of the syringe needle check extravascular location (the syringe must not be sucked in the blood). After this pressurizing piston motion and produce injection needle removed.

To understand how to make a shot in the buttock, special attention should be paid to the position of the syringe during injection.

It takes the right hand, the needle pointing down. Pinky captures the needle in place of its connection with a syringe, index, middle and ring finger are located on one side of the syringe, a large - on the other. After the puncture needle is fixed with the left hand, the body of the syringe is between the index and ring fingers of the right hand and right thumb pressed on the piston. The drug should be administered slowly.


Terms of aseptic

Asepsis - a complex of measures aimed at the prevention of infection in the wound. Terms of aseptic technique during injection:

  • prior to injection, wash your hands with soap and water; they can also process cotton swab with alcohol;
  • vial with the medicine or the rubber stopper of the vial (tilting pre paten) cotton swab is rubbed with alcohol, after which the needle and injected the drug gain; if it pierces the rubber stopper, the needle is changed;
  • before the injection of the injection site is wiped with a cotton swab with alcohol;
  • after injection of the wound treated with a solution of iodine and cover for 2-3 minutes cotton swab dipped in alcohol.


Possible complications

Complications with proper conduct of the injection are rare and are mainly related to the patient's individual response to pain or drug administration. There are complications following groups:

  • anaphylactic shock - a very serious complication with which to cope at home is impossible, so the first few injections of a new drug recommended in the treatment room clinic;
  • complications resulting from drug hit in adjacent media in violation of the injection technique; for example, any particles of oil solutions into the blood vessel; This raises the risk of embolism and occlusion of large blood vessels; puncture a blood vessel at the injection site may occur bruise (hematoma); When injected into the nerve trunk may numb legs, and even in violation of her movements;
  • local inflammatory processes in contact with the wound infections - abscesses and cellulitis, they can be avoided carefully observing the rules of antiseptics.

How to make a shot in the buttocks while avoiding complications can teach only medical worker.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • injection
