Thyroid cancer in children - a rare disease

February 2, 2013

  • Thyroid cancer in children - a rare disease
  • Treatment
  • Restoration

 thyroid cancer in children
 Thyroid cancer occurs in members of all ages - from children and teenagers to the elderly. Children under ten years of thyroid cancer is very rare - in the world each year less than one case of cancer per million people in this age. In older children and adolescents carcinoma Carcinoma - how to prevent disaster?  Carcinoma - how to prevent disaster?
   thyroid cancer develops most often - 15.9 cases per million persons aged 15 to 19 years. The peak incidence occurs in people aged 50 years and a little older. In recent years the incidence of thyroid cancer in girls and teenage girls has increased slightly. Boys under the age of fifteen years, these changes are not marked.

The thyroid gland - an organ, shaped like a butterfly, located under the "Adam's apple" in the front of the neck. It produces hormones necessary for a person throughout his life, that govern:

  • Reaction to low and high temperatures;
  • The energy level of the body;
  • Weight and appetite.

Thyroid cancer in children is rare, and in many cases respond well to treatment. For example, in the US for one year, on average, only one out of 1000-2000 children ill with thyroid cancer. From diseased cured about 95% of patients.

 Thyroid cancer in children - a rare disease

Types of thyroid cancer

There are four main types of thyroid cancer:

  • Papillary thyroid cancer - is slowly growing carcinoma, which is the most common type of thyroid carcinoma.
  • Follicular thyroid cancer. This kind of carcinoma is growing slowly and has a high survival rate.
  • Medullary thyroid cancer Thyroid cancer: it is curable  Thyroid cancer: it is curable
 . This species has a negative impact on the ability of the thyroid gland to maintain normal levels of calcium in the blood.
  • Anaplastic thyroid cancer. This is the most rare and most rare form of thyroid carcinoma.

In most cases of thyroid cancer in children (and adults) do not cause any symptoms. Suspected carcinoma doctor may occur if, during the medical examination in the thyroid gland was discovered node - or a seal, which is usually benign.

Sometimes the symptoms of thyroid cancer are difficulty breathing and / or swallowing, or change the voice of a child. The reasons for the suspicion of cancer of the thyroid gland may also be changes in the sensitivity of the child to the cold or heat, palpitations of the heart (sudden increase in heart rate without objective reasons, such as physical activity, and / or irregular heartbeat), as well as sudden, significant fluctuations in body weight .

The most commonly found in children following types of thyroid cancer:

  • Differentiated thyroid cancer. This type includes papillary and follicular thyroid cancers with all their varieties. Papillary carcinoma is the most common type of thyroid cancer among children and adults.
  • Medullary thyroid cancer is less common in children. In 30-35% of cases it is hereditary cancer, the development of which is caused by a gene passed from one child to the parents.

 Thyroid cancer in children - a rare disease

Further information on the differentiated thyroid cancer in children

  • Because of the small number of studies and scientific data, differentiated thyroid cancer in children and adolescents treated, as a whole, as well as in adults. In papillary cancer that affects children most often, the best prognosis compared to other types of thyroid cancer.
  • Despite common features, which are characteristic of cases of thyroid cancer in different patients, in each case an individual approach, two and treatment of patients with the same diagnosis is not always the same.
  • In children and adolescents papillary thyroid cancer Papillary thyroid cancer - the most common type  Papillary thyroid cancer - the most common type
   usually diagnosed at later stages than in adult patients with the same disease.
  • Most children with papillary thyroid cancer at diagnosis has metastasized to regional lymph nodes. We found 10-20% of children remote metastases, most often - in the lungs. In adult patients, remote metastases at diagnosis is only 5% of cases.
  • Recurrence of papillary thyroid cancer occurs more frequently in children than in adults. However, despite the high risk of recurrence of cancer and the presence of metastases at diagnosis in most cases the prognosis is very good.
  • Follicular thyroid cancer is less common in children, is more aggressive, and the forecast at such diagnosis is worse - it is associated with vascular invasion, that is, the tendency of cancer to spread to the blood vessels. However, the prognosis for children with follicular thyroid cancer, more favorable than for adults with the same diagnosis.
  • Metastases to the lymph nodes thyroid follicular cancer is a rare (compared with papillary carcinoma). Because vascular invasion the risk of development of remote metastases, particularly in the lungs and bones.
  • Among children mortality from thyroid cancer is very low. Even children with distant metastases at diagnosis have a better chance to live many more years or decades.

The main objectives of the treatment of thyroid cancer is to stop the growth of tumors, prevention of metastases, and reduced risk of cancer recurrence. Typically, the tumor was removed surgically. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are only used in cases where complete tumor removal is impossible.

 Thyroid cancer in children - a rare disease


If during the examination of a child in his thyroid gland is found node, the doctor usually appoints ultrasound. To accurately determine the nature of tumors, a biopsy may be required. Most thyroid nodules Thyroid nodules - abnormal growths  Thyroid nodules - abnormal growths
   They are benign.

Sometimes in the process of diagnosis of thyroid cancer are used and diagnostic procedures such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and X-ray examination.

Thyroid disease in adolescents: it is important to react

March 15, 2012

  • Thyroid disease in adolescents: it is important to react
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Hypothyroidism

 thyroid disease teens
 The thyroid gland - a small gland located under the skin and muscles on the front of the neck, about where wear a bow tie. It is a brownish-red color, has two separate halves (called fractions) that look like butterfly wings. In addition, she and light as a butterfly, usually weighs less than '30

Despite its small size, the thyroid gland is very important for the body, especially for teenagers. It produces hormones that help control metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and growth. In order to carry out their work, the thyroid gland needs iodine chemical element which the body gets from food and water. Throughout the human body contains approximately 50 mg of iodine. 1/5 to 1/3 of this amount (10-15 mg) was stored in the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland combined iodine and tyrosine (an amino acid) and important hormones are produced.

Thyroid hormones are extracted from it and traveling through the bloodstream, enter the cells of the body. They help to control the growth and structure of bone, puberty Puberty child - stages of a complex path  Puberty child - stages of a complex path
   and many other body functions. Helping cells to process oxygen and calories into energy that they need to work well, these hormones are very important to determine the correct maturation. Thyroid hormones directly affect the operation of most of the organs of the body. So if your thyroid gland is not working properly, you may have problems in different parts of the body.


What is thyroid disease

Thyroid disease appear when the iron body does not provide the necessary amount of hormones. If the thyroid gland is too active, it emits excessive amounts of hormones into the blood, which leads to hyperthyroidism ("hyper" - the Greek word for "over" or "above"). Hyperthyroidism causes the body to use energy faster than you need, and reactivity (metabolism) in the cells are accelerated.

If thyroid less active than necessary, and produce too little hormone, it leads to hypothyroidism ("hypo" means "below" or "lower"). When the amount of thyroid hormone Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
   in blood is too low, the body uses energy more slowly than it should, and reactivity (metabolism) in the cells slows down.

Although these are two different diseases, and in hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism: increased secretion of thyroid hormone  Hyperthyroidism: increased secretion of thyroid hormone
   the thyroid gland can be increased. Enlarged thyroid gland looks like a tumor under the skin that can be felt. When it is increased so that it can be clearly seen, it is called a goiter. People who do not get enough iodine from food, too, can suffer from goitre. But in the US, such cases are rare, the food is usually contains enough iodine.


Thyroid disease, growth and puberty

During puberty, the body is very noticeable changes occur. Since thyroid hormones play an important role in this process, thyroid disease can slow or interfere with the physical development of the adolescent. But it is important to know that all developing at different ages and different rates. If your boyfriend or girlfriend suddenly increased by ten centimeters, and you do not, it does not mean that you have a health problem, or even thyroid in particular.

Thyroid problems can cause changes in the menstrual cycle in women. These diseases may cause an increase or decrease of menstruation and changes in the period between periods. However, women who have just begun menstruation cycle may be irregular for about the first year, so usually there to worry about.

If there is a suspicion of thyroid disease should consult a doctor. Perhaps the problem is something else. But if you still found a thyroid disorder, diagnosis and proper treatment (including the restoration of normal levels of thyroid hormones in the blood) generally prevent or solve any problems.
