Treatment of cystitis in children - for the information of parents - Bacterial

August 8, 2013

  • Treatment of cystitis in children - for the information of parents
  • Bacterial

 treatment of bacterial cystitis in children

Treatment of bacterial cystitis in children

Children younger than three months

If you suspect a cystitis Cystitis: urgently take action  Cystitis: urgently take action
   a child under the age of three months, as soon as possible address to the pediatrician. Generally, young children are hospitalized with cystitis, and make them intravenous antibiotics. Improvement usually occurs within 24-48 hours.

 Bacterial | Treatment of cystitis in children - for the information of parents

Children older than three months

Patients with bacterial cystitis in children older than three months are usually sent to the hospital for treatment if there is a risk of serious complications. Signs indicating the likelihood of these complications include:

  • Increased body temperature (over 38C), which can not be permanently reduced with the aid antipyretics;
  • Dehydration, due to which children become drowsy and lethargic. Also in dehydration child can cry without tears, urine is much less usual;
  • Nausea;
  • The presence, in addition to cystitis and other diseases affecting the urinary system;
  • Kidney disease is a family history.

Sometimes even small children hospitalized in the absence of any of these symptoms. But often, if the doctor considers that the risk of severe complications is missing, or it is small, the baby is left for home treatment. To eliminate pathogens cystitis prescribe antibiotics for oral administration and to ease symptoms such as fever and pain are advised to take paracetamol. Children who can not swallow tablets or capsules, to prescribe medication in a liquid form. The course of treatment can last from three to seven days. Usually, most of the symptoms takes place 24-48 hours later, but you need to take antibiotics for as long as the doctor said. This is important because the only way to completely cure the infection and reduce the likelihood of developing resistance to the antibiotic Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?

Some children antibiotics cause various side effects, which normally disappear soon after the baby stops taking the drug. Among these side effects:

  • Malaise, and nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Stomach upset;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Lack of appetite.

In very rare cases (less than one child out of five thousand) antibiotics containing penicillin, cause a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). Symptoms of an allergic reaction Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
   Penicillin can be:

  • Skin rash;
  • Swelling of the hands, feet and face;
  • Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing.

If you experience any of these symptoms, call an ambulance immediately, and tell the dispatcher that the child may have anaphylaxis.

 Bacterial | Treatment of cystitis in children - for the information of parents

Treatment of constipation

If a child suffers from constipation, it is important as soon as possible to take measures for its treatment, as constipation can lead to the re-development of cystitis. First recommendation for the treatment of constipation in adults and children, is a change in diet. If this does not help, your doctor may prescribe laxatives (do not let the baby laxatives on their own - even if they are sold without a prescription, and well help you, children can be taken only when prescribed by a specialist). Usually first prescribed osmotic laxative, and then, if necessary, stimulating laxatives.

Osmotic laxatives increase the volume of fluid in the intestine. With this chair becomes softer, which greatly facilitates defecation. Stimulant laxatives act on the intestinal peristalsis, and promote the advancement of fecal matter in the colon and rectum.

To prevent constipation in the future, a child needs to follow a healthy, balanced diet, which includes plenty of vegetables, fruits and grain products.

 Bacterial | Treatment of cystitis in children - for the information of parents

Surgical intervention

Treatment of surgical methods is assigned only in the following cases:

  • The child has been persistent vesicoureteral reflux (a condition in which urine flows from the bladder back into the ureters)
  • The child has frequent recurrences of urinary tract infection, which can lead to permanent kidney damage.

Surgical intervention is aimed at restoring the valve between the bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
   and ureter; This valve normally prevents the backflow of urine. It can be used two types of surgeries:

  • Open surgery. This operation is performed under general anesthesia, and the child, usually need to spend several days in the hospital to the doctors were convinced that the recovery is going well. After surgery, children usually do bladder catheterization. Complications of open surgery may be an infection, blood clots and bleeding.
  • Endoscopic surgery. Operations of this type are less invasive as compared to open surgery, but they are not always as effective. With cystoscopy (a type of endoscopy), the doctor can assess the condition of the bladder, and to inject a substance that enhances the damaged valve. Endoscopy also make a general anesthetic, but if all goes well, the child can go home a few hours after the operation.

Article Tags:
  • treatment of cystitis

Cataracts in children - a problematic vision - Treatment

May 2, 2014

  • Cataracts in children - a problematic vision
  • Treatment

 treatment of childhood cataracts

Treatment of children's cataracts

The main method of treatment of cataract surgery is, however, whether it is necessary child depends on how his vision impaired. If a cataract does not cause serious problems - and this is not so rare - in the immediate surgery is not needed. In such cases, children are usually only recommended to have regular eye exams.

If the child's vision is violated, it is usually sufficient one operation to remove the clouding of the lens (or lenses), after which he will have for a long time to wear glasses or contact lenses.

Because cataracts in children is rare, it is difficult to tell in advance to what extent the child's vision will improve after surgery. Many children even after treatment of vision in the operated eye (or eyes) remains low, although most of them it does not prevent to go to a normal school and live a full life.



The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and typically lasts from one to two hours. If the child has congenital cataract Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?  Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?
 , The operation is carried out as soon as possible - usually a few weeks after his birth. Before the surgery, the doctor again causes the mucous eye drops, pupils dilate. Then, the cornea make a very small incision through which the cataract is removed. Without the lens of the eye can not focus properly, and sometimes instead inserted intraocular lens made of transparent plastic. However, infants and small children is associated with an increased risk of complications, in addition, be used if the intraocular lens, after they require further surgery. Therefore, in most cases, ophthalmologists recommend just removing the affected lens and then wear contact lenses or glasses. After the operation the incision is sewn up the threads of a special material, which gradually dissolves.

After surgery, the child's eyes a bandage or cover a special protective plate made of a transparent material. In most cases, children need to stay in the hospital for at least one night to doctors can observe their recovery.

If cataracts in both eyes of a child struck, as a rule, operate each eye separately to eliminate the risk of serious complications for both eyes at once. In the surgery, the patient can stay at home for a while. The second step is usually carried out one week after the first.

Before discharge from the hospital, the doctor prescribes your child eye drops that parents will have to dig in his own home. They are used primarily to reduce inflammation following surgery. Usually Bury drops every two to four hours while awake.



The majority of the operated children have to wear contact lenses Contact lenses - whether they can completely replace the glasses?  Contact lenses - whether they can completely replace the glasses?
   or points (if the operation was performed on both eyes) because their eyes could no longer focus on their own. Glasses or lenses are needed and children, in an operation which put artificial intraocular lens. The fact that such lenses usually allow to focus on distant objects and close objects may appear dull and blurred, as in farsightedness Hyperopia - than it is fraught?  Hyperopia - than it is fraught?

Usually doctor selects a child glasses or lenses a few weeks after the surgery; it should also explain the child's parents, how often to change the contact lenses (typically it is done every day), and how to do it. After that, the child will have to undergo regular examinations by an ophthalmologist.

If the child was operated on only one eye, your doctor may recommend a while wearing special bandages that will cover the eyes with good eyesight. This is necessary in order to improve vision in the eye, cataract damaged, forcing the brain to recognize the signals from the eye, which previously could not ignore it, using only the information from a healthy eye. Wearing a bandage can be very unpleasant for the child, and during this period it will need the continued support of the parents.

Article Tags:
  • cataract
