Gliatilin children - used with caution, and only on the testimony

August 5, 2012

 gliatilin children
 In the instructions, the manufacturer's gliatilin Italian pharmaceutical company Italfarmako no data on how the drug acts on children. It mentions only the possibility of the appointment of the drug for children with brain injuries and their consequences.

 Gliatilin children - used with caution, and only on the testimony

How does gliatilin

Gliatilin - a drug that can restore cerebral blood flow and metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   in brain cells. But gliatilin basic action is that it improves the conduction of nerve impulses in the brain.

The principle of action of this drug is that if it enters the patient's blood it is decomposed into two substances are actively involved in the biochemical processes of brain cells, - choline and glycerophosphate. Choline is an additional source of formation in the body of acetylcholine - a neurotransmitter, which control the transmission of nerve impulses from cell to cell in the brain tissue. Glycerophosphate is a source material for the formation of phospholipids, which are indispensable for the existence of the membranes of nerve cells.

This action causes the nerve cells "alive", they improve metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   and the ability to plastic transformation - that is, the ability to recover partially destroyed and create new links between them. Thus, when organic lesions in the brain (eg, after a traumatic brain injury), transmission of nerve impulses is bypassing the lesion, thereby compensating for the violations. This contributes to the rapid recovery of brain function.

It is believed that after a traumatic brain injury should be as soon as possible to appoint gliatilin. It is especially effective for severe traumatic brain injury with impaired consciousness.

 Gliatilin children - used with caution, and only on the testimony

In what diseases and conditions in children can be used gliatilin

Gliatilin has no age restrictions. At the same time, the instruction tells us little about its use in children. The instructions to gliatilin can be found only a small mention of the fact that the drug can be used in the complex treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in children. Obviously, this is due to lack of clinical trials of this drug in children.

TBI injuries in children are common, while even a slight concussion of the brain can affect the entire subsequent period of child development. However, in children due to high compensatory possibilities of the body more often than in adults, there is a favorable outcome even severe head injury.

In young children, disturbance of consciousness at TBI are rare, usually a child becomes sluggish, lethargic, vomiting occurs. The most common head injuries received by children from three to seven years, with children more often than adults, there are damaged skull bones - this is due to structural features of the bones in children. Damage to the bones often leads to serious injury in children with disorders of consciousness.

Children with TBI appointed complex treatment, which in the absence of intracranial bleeding from the first day is recommended to include gliatilin.

Begin treatment with intravenous or intramuscular administration gliatilin, and then when the child's condition improved and he regains consciousness, go to the reception of its interior in the form of capsules. Apply gliatilin and during the rehabilitation period after a traumatic brain injury - it helps to restore the basic functions of the brain, including intelligence, memory, learning and acquiring new skills.

 Gliatilin children - used with caution, and only on the testimony

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

In accordance with the instructions contraindication for appointment gliatilin children is only heightened sensitivity to the body of the child components of this drug.

Side effects are mainly known gliatilin allergic reactions Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
 Which while taking the drug administration can take the form of an itchy rash or hives. Far more dangerous allergic reactions by parenteral (injection) administration of the drug. They can be heavy, up to anaphylactic shock.

Occasionally during treatment gliatilin Gliatilin - stimulates memory  Gliatilin - stimulates memory
   nausea, but it does not require drug withdrawal, simply reduce the dose. Overdose gliatilin also manifested by nausea and usually is not dangerous - removal of the drug leads to the fact that all the unpleasant sensations are.

Gliatilin prescribed to children with brain injuries. In other diseases and conditions it is used much less frequently, as of today there is not much experience with this drug in children.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • gliatilin

Autism is a child: the world in a different light

July 24, 2012

 autistic child
 Children suffering from autism, differently than other children perceive the world. These children are difficult to engage in conversation with other people and express their thoughts and feelings through words. Children with autism usually keep away from others, and many of them can not communicate without the help of a specialist.

They may be a strange way to respond to the events that occur around them. Ordinary sounds can scare this child so much that he will close his ears with his hands. Many of them do not like to touch, even the lightest.

 Autism is a child: the world in a different light

Features of behavior

A child with autism, as opposed to a healthy baby, can not easily make friends with other children. For example, when someone smiles, we know that this person is happy or friendly set. But a child with autism is difficult to associate the smile with joyful feelings of man.

So it is difficult for children to associate words with their meanings, as well as to choose the right words to express his thoughts.

The behavior of a child with autism can be strange. They can wave their arms like wings, again and again repeated the same words fly into a rage, or play only with a certain toy. Most of them are hard to tolerate any changes or deviations from the traditional way of life.

The development of autism in a child is a violation of an important function of the brain - a function of understanding the world. Every day, our brain interprets the sights, sounds, smells, and other sensations that we receive. If the brain can not help in the understanding of this information, disrupt the entire process of life of the child. He can not talk, go to school and do lots of other everyday things. The disease can take place in an easy manner, delivering a child only a small problem. In severe autistic child needs constant care and attention.

 Autism is a child: the world in a different light

How to help a child with autism

Helping your child with autism - a very difficult task, as it required a constant, intense and multifaceted care. Typically, children with intelligence 60-70 improvements in language skills appear to 5-6 years.

How to help your child:

  • The child should be part of the family, but not its center. Excessive attention of parents did not bring any benefit to the child.
  • Consistency and persistence. Autistic child needs to establish clear regulations, which he will be able to follow on a daily basis. If a parent behaves in an unorganized and trying to convert a bunch of things at once, the child can respond to this situation in a strange way.
  • Praise the child must always be the same words. The same applies to the expression of dissatisfaction with his behavior. Children with autism are not able to learn from its experience. Each situation is completely new to them, even if the same thing happened to them yesterday.
  • To eliminate unwanted behaviors of the child, his actions need to be adjusted. In order to strengthen the motivation, it should be from the heart to praise the child. In one remark should account corrective ten proposals praise.
  • It is necessary to learn for some features distinguish when a child is going to behave correctly, and prevent the situation from the beginning. The child may cry or refuse to look into the eyes of parents.
  • You should be careful and understand the warnings, give him clear instructions to help him cope with the tasks, while remaining impartial, and then praise him.
  • A child with autism need to explain in advance what you are going to do. Changes lead them into confusion.
  • It is necessary to choose the best training program that best meets the needs and abilities of the child. The course of treatment for autistic children of preschool age is offered a special training program.
  • The health department or pediatrician you must know which kindergartens and day schools are in your area. You can also ask for information to Internet resources.

It must be remembered that for a child with autism, and for its successful development is extremely important in the whole sequence.

Article Tags:
  • autism
