Pantokaltsin - infants replace pantogam

August 12, 2012

 pantokaltsin infants
 Pantokaltsin - a nootropic drug, which is only available in tablets. This formulation is a contraindication for use of this drug to infants. But pantokaltsina analogues produced in the form of syrup, for example, Pantogamum.

 Pantokaltsin - infants replace pantogam

What Pantogamum and how it affects the baby

Pantogam has the same basic active ingredient as pantokaltsin - hopantenic acid. The advantage of this formulation is the only formulation - it is available as a tablet and as a syrup. Yet the choice of drug for the purpose of his child before the year is up to a pediatrician or pediatric neurologist, some doctors prefer to prescribe these children is pantokaltsin.

Pantogam acts just like pantokaltsin, ie activates the metabolism in the nerve cells of the brain. Pantogam activates mainly carbohydrate metabolism, increasing glucose assimilation Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   neurons. Since glucose is the energy source, the energy potential of neurons increased, which helps to activate and all other types of exchange. Furthermore, Pantogamum promotes that brain cells can exist without compromising conditions of oxygen deficiency and toxicity developing in some diseases.

Pantogam also helps to reduce the excitability of the child, as has an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system. It regulates the processes of excitation and inhibition.

 Pantokaltsin - infants replace pantogam

Pantogam when perinatal encephalopathy in infants

Most often Pantogamum appointed by infants during the perinatal (emerging from 22 th week of fetal development on the seventh day after birth) encephalopathies - focal point of the brain lesions that can manifest symptoms of varying severity. These children at birth can be increased or decreased muscle tone, shaking little chin and pens, they are different or lethargy, or increased anxiety, often vomit, interrupted suckling cry or just suck listlessly. Often these children have increased convulsive readiness, which manifests itself in viral and bacterial infections. In severe encephalopathy may develop respiratory failure, cardiac, hydrocephalic syndrome (water on the brain), seizures, and so on.

These children as part of a treatment prescribed Pantogamum from the first days of life. This drug act gently and gradually, it is prescribed long courses of one to six months. If necessary, within six months, repeat the treatment. It helps to improve the general condition of the child. It becomes less excitable, sleeps better and suckles less regurgitation improves his neuro-psychological and physical development.

Especially effective is the use of pantogam children who on the background of perinatal encephalopathy developed convulsive readiness or even convulsions. In addition to improving metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   and protect brain cells from hypoxia and toxic effects, Pantogamum has an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, helping to reduce seizure.

Will Pantogamum and severe disorders such as cerebral palsy and hydrocephalus. It activates the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   in brain cells, which will help to improve the general condition of the child. Of course, these children are not Pantogamum appointed independently and as part of complex treatment.

 Pantokaltsin - infants replace pantogam

In some cases, Pantogamum is contraindicated in infants and its side effects

Pantogam contraindicated in infants with acute renal failure (a serious condition that requires resuscitation) and hypersensitivity to the drug.

Side effects are mainly known pantogam allergic reactions, they are quite often in the form of skin rashes, including urticaria and angioedema, which are very dangerous for infants. May develop allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis. If you suspect allergies should immediately stop taking pantogam and consult a doctor, who appointed him.

Moreover, early treatment can worsen the child sleep disturbances Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   in the form of insomnia or, conversely, lethargy and sleepiness. But this is a temporary phenomenon, which passes quickly and does not require discontinuation of therapy.

There are sometimes a drug overdose in which enhanced its side effects. In this case you need to call an ambulance, which will help to wash the baby stomach.

Pantogam syrup acts just like pantokaltsin, but children under one year is preferable to appoint a drug in the form of syrup.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • pantokaltsin

Spray throat Children strictly on age readings

October 21, 2011

 Spray throat
 Sprays that are used to treat throat in children, should have special properties not irritate the mucous membrane, possess allergenic properties and not to give when you press too intense jet that could get into the child's airway.

 Spray throat Children strictly on age readings

Diseases of the pharynx and larynx in children

Viral and bacterial infections often occur in childhood, affecting mainly the nasopharynx and larynx. But if adults they flow easily with defeat mainly pharyngeal mucosa, the inflammatory process in children tends to spread quickly to the mucous membranes of upper respiratory tract.

Most often it suffers from the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords. In adults, laryngitis Laryngitis - deadly  Laryngitis - deadly
   manifested hoarseness or loss of voice, the children also have a tendency to the appearance of pronounced edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   the larynx and vocal cords as a result of which can be blocked by the access of air into the airways.

 Spray throat Children strictly on age readings

Features throat sprays for the treatment of children

Allergy using a spray can cause edema of the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords, which is very dangerous for a small child. In addition, a strong jet of spray can get into the respiratory tract if the child took a breath during spray application, and it will cause a reflex respiratory arrest Stop breathing (apnea) during sleep - upper airway obstruction  Stop breathing (apnea) during sleep - upper airway obstruction
 . Therefore sprays pose a danger to the children's age and limited in application.

By the use of anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, drugs in spray for diseases of the throat in children should be treated with great caution.

These sprays should not be toxic and irritating to the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx to be hypoallergenic, have a low rate of absorption and assist with the necessary antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect and relieves irritation.

Mainly used in children based sprays purified sea water (eg Aqua Maris - he is approved for use with three years), which have all these properties. However, a strong jet of spray until recently excluded the use of such sprays and children up to three years. Today in pharmacies can buy the same spray that can be used from birth - akvalor.

 Spray throat Children strictly on age readings

Spray that can be used from birth - akvalor

Akvalor Spray is a sterile isotonic (having the same osmotic pressure) natural sea water. In seawater, as is known, contains a large amount of trace elements - potassium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, selenium, calcium, zinc, copper, iron, etc., Which have a positive influence on the state of the nasopharynx. Akvalor anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling of the mucous membrane, moisturizes and improves the local resistance to infectious agents.

It is used for washing the nasal spray, it helps to maintain the normal physiological state of the nasal mucosa, reduce the incidence of viral and bacterial infections, decrease in the degree of allergic inflammation, reduces the recovery period and the risk of complications after operations on upper respiratory tract.

To avoid any complications characteristic sprays akvalor available in five forms that vary the intensity of the jet, the type and the amount of spray nozzle. Such a variety of forms of the drug are allowed to choose the form that best suit the child of this age. Available forms of the drug, even for babies.

Apply sprays all children up to six months only in the nose after being hit in the nose, they flow down the back of the throat and have an impact on its mucosa. Spray the mouth small children can not, because there may come a reflex stop breathing.

With six months of age can apply akvalor Spray with Aloe Vera Aloe - its amazing healing properties  Aloe - its amazing healing properties
   faith and natural Roman chamomile extract. But it is also administered through the nose, so that he then ran down the back of the throat. When a child learns to regulate his breathing (3 - 5 years), this spray can be applied within the mouth.

Akvalor Spray with Aloe Vera and natural Roman chamomile extract has a more intensive anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, regenerating and immunostimulatory effects. It is recommended for use in children with pharyngitis and laryngitis.

 Spray throat Children strictly on age readings

Other anti sprays

Such sprays as ingalipt, Tantum Verde and some others do not contain any substances that would have a toxic or irritating to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx. But the rule is the same: any spray can be applied through the mouth only after the child learns to control his breathing, that is, at least after three years. Some children master this skill later on 5 - 6 years. Before that age spray application through your mouth is better not to use it.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Spray throat
