Porentsefalicheskaya cyst - rare disorder

December 1, 2014

 porentsefalicheskaya cyst
 Porentsefalicheskaya cyst - a cyst that forms in the tissues of the brain; often it is formed in utero or shortly after birth. This is a sign of a cyst porentsefalii - disorder in which the brain appear cysts and cavities containing fluid.

Porentsefalicheskaya cyst is considered a rare disorder, but it is not known exactly how often it develops. While this data is available only through a study conducted back in the eighties of the last century. In this study, doctors studied medical records of 18,000 patients with epilepsy Epilepsy - a sacred disease  Epilepsy - a sacred disease
   and / or a variety of malformations of the nervous system. Eleven of them were identified porentsefalicheskie cyst, that is, that the violation was detected in one of the 1650 patients. However, these data can not be used to make assumptions about what percentage of people who do not have these health problems can be porentsefalicheskie cysts.


Reasons porentsefalicheskoy cysts

It is believed that any of the factors that result in local tissue necrosis of the brain, can cause the formation of cysts porentsefalicheskoy. Around the area of ​​dead tissue sheath is formed by a special and necrotic tissue within it, eventually substituted with cerebrospinal fluid. Initiated the process can viral infections caused by, for example, cytomegalovirus Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?  Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?
 . Porentsefalicheskaya cyst of the brain can be caused by infection transferred by the mother during pregnancy, and the diseases that the child was infected after birth. The cause of this disorder may also be a variety of injuries. In very rare cases, a cyst is formed as a result of accidental damage caused by needle amniocentesis.

The question of whether the associated formation of cysts porentsefalicheskoy to genetic factors, is still open, but it is actively exploring.

This issue is very important for professionals involved in genetic counseling, as well as for people who want to take advantage of this service. If it is found that the likelihood of developing a cyst caused by heredity, can be assumed that if a woman previously had a baby with the disorder, her future children are also at increased risk of porentsefalii. So far, however, the role of genetics in the development of this disorder remains unclear.


Symptoms porentsefalicheskoy cysts

Symptoms of this type of cysts are very diverse - they are connected with the brush size, the number of cysts and their location; It depends on the extent to which the cyst will affect the development and health. Porentsefalicheskaya If the cyst is very small, it might be a long time - if ever - will not cause any symptoms and most likely, will not be detected. Typically, relatively large detected porentsefalicheskie cysts, which could lead to early death, epilepsy, moderate or severe mental retardation Mental retardation - if the mind is underdeveloped  Mental retardation - if the mind is underdeveloped
 , Reduction of visual acuity and blindness, sensory disturbances and / or mobility of certain parts of the body, paralysis.

Sometimes porentsefalicheskie cysts develop symmetrically, ie, in both hemispheres of the brain cavity have a similar size and located opposite each other. When these cysts become very large, between them may be only a thin strip of tissue in the cortex of the brain, which resembles a handle on top basket (which is why in the English language this phenomenon is informally called basket brain). Such a violation is called gidranentsefaliey - this is a very rare malformation. It should not be confused and gidrotsifaliey in which, as a rule, important structures of the brain are normal, and people with this diagnosis, if he receives prompt and adequate treatment, may live a full life.

Gidranentsefaliyu often diagnosed until several months after birth, as it seems at first quite healthy (hydrocephalus, on the contrary, at an early age there is a characteristic increase in the skull). Some time later, however, there are signs of delayed mental and physical development, beginning epilepsy, hearing and vision deteriorates.



Typically, treatment of porentsefalicheskoy cyst focused on relieving the symptoms, i.e., it is merely supportive. For example, a patient may have to take antiepileptic drugs, physical therapy, and regularly carry out special procedure to remove fluid that accumulates inside the skull.

Complete cure gidranentsefalii at this time is impossible.

The prognosis of this disorder is very unfavorable, many children with this diagnosis die before they reach one year. In rare cases, these patients live for several years and even decades ("survivor" among patients gidranentsefaliey lived for more than thirty years), but because of the underdevelopment they always need help families and professionals.

Article Tags:
  • cyst

Activated charcoal children how and when to apply

February 19th, 2014

 activated charcoal children
 Activated carbon - is absorbent preparation that helps to bring the body of many harmful substances. Activated charcoal may be given to children with dysbacteriosis, poisoning and certain other conditions. It is important to stick to the recommended dosage and not exceed the permissible period of use.


Does activated carbon babies with dysbacteriosis

While the child is in the womb, its digestive tract is completely sterile. After the birth of the baby colonize the gut bacteria that get there from the environment. Microorganisms are not only useful, but also opportunistic. If the latter are actively proliferate, it will lead to disruption of the normal balance between bacteria and bacteria overgrowth occurs.

This condition develops when the child later put to the breast or early transferred to artificial feeding. Diseases of the digestive tract, acute intestinal infections Acute intestinal infections - the most common disease in the autumn and summer  Acute intestinal infections - the most common disease in the autumn and summer
   and the use of antibiotics in infants and prevent the formation of normal microflora.

When dysbacteriosis quickens chair, changing the color of feces, intestinal colic child concerned. Excessive flatulence manifested in the form of bloating.

Some parents in such a situation, provide an infant charcoal Baby man, though with a little finger  Baby man, though with a little finger
 . This drug absorbs gases and toxic products, which are formed by digestive disorders.

But too often it can not be used. After activated carbon Activated carbon - old but indispensable  Activated carbon - old but indispensable
   together with the harmful substances outputs the vitamins and minerals that are essential to the child. Because of this constant reception adsorbent may impair development. Use of activated carbon for a long time gives rise to constipation.

Activated charcoal may help in severe bloating, but it is used only in rare cases. It is best to treat goiter using prebiotics and probiotics. The first group of preparations (e.g., Lactusan) stimulates the growth of beneficial microflora in the own intestine and a carbohydrate. Probiotics (laktumbakterin, bifidumbakterin) contain live beneficial bacteria (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria).


Is it possible to give activated charcoal for poisoning children

Most often, the child can be poisoned spoiled food, alcohol, medicines, household chemicals, industrial and agricultural toxins and salts of heavy metals. If poisoning is necessary to immediately call a doctor and describe him all the symptoms that are seen in children. It is important to establish the cause to begin to provide first aid before the arrival of professionals.

  • Abdominal pain occur when poisoning of organophosphorus compounds (OPC), cauterizing toxins and salts of heavy metals;
  • If poisoning dyes, iodine, potassium permanganate, salts of heavy metals or change the color of the mucous membranes;
  • If poisoning FOS or atropine disturbed breathing;
  • If poisoning FOS noted excessive salivation Increased salivation - deviation from the norm  Increased salivation - deviation from the norm
  • Pupils dilate when poisoning atropine, belladonna, and bleached;
  • If a child is poisoned with sodium nitrite, nitrobenzene, aniline or nitrate, it will be noticeable cyanosis (bluish color) of the skin and visible mucous membranes.

If a child is poisoned through the mouth, before the doctor arrives, urgently need to wash out the stomach. The best method is to use boiled water at room temperature.

First, it is recommended to give the child a few tablets of activated charcoal, which is necessary to grind and mix with a little water. The drug adsorbs on the surface of toxic substances and does not allow them to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

The water for washing can also be added activated charcoal. Gastric lavage is best to perform several times. Once again, it is necessary to give comminuted tablets sorbent.

Activated carbon should not be used in cases of poisoning by alkalis, so it can make the diagnosis. Also, it can not be used in the gastro-intestinal bleeding, signs of intestinal obstruction and severe vomiting.


In what other situations makes activated carbon

Activated carbon is used for children still in some situations. These include:

  • Digestive disorders due to improper diet (too frequent feedings for non-compliance of food the child's age, a sharp transition from natural to artificial feeding);
  • Diarrhoea intestinal infections;
  • Allergic diseases: asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis and atopic dermatitis.

Activated charcoal can be given to a child not more than seven days. It is important to observe the recommended dose.



Activated carbon for newborns need to grind into a powder and mixed with a small amount of water. The resulting mass should be homogeneous, without large granules.

The child may be given medicine with a spoon or syringe without a needle. Activated carbon is washed down with water. Newborns usually enough for about twenty milliliters of liquid. Also, carbon may be added to baby food and juices. Children older than two years are allowed to give the drug in tablets. Parents need to know that the drug feces stains in black.

Permitted daily doses of activated charcoal depend on the age of the child. This number of tablets to be divided by several stages. For children:

  • To year - one or two tablets;
  • From one to two years - from two to four tablets;
  • From two to four years - from four to six tablets;
  • Over four years - six or more tablets.

Activated carbon - is a safe preparation which can be used in children. But best of all before taking consult with your doctor, because before starting any treatment, the child's need to explore and establish the correct diagnosis. A timely and correct treatment of any disease can help prevent the development of complications and relapses.

Article Tags:
  • Activated carbon
