Purulent tonsillitis in children: the disease

April 17, 2014

 purulent tonsillitis in children
 Purulent tonsillitis in children - a common disease in this age. It is an infectious disease, the development of which is associated with the action of certain bacteria. When purulent tonsillitis tonsils seen some changes and symptoms in children have their own characteristics. Treatment of angina should be under the supervision of a doctor who prescribed antibiotics, restorative and local antiseptics.



Purulent tonsillitis in children caused by streptococci, staphylococci, diplococci, pneumococcus and certain other bacteria. Viruses (eg, influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus) often provoke the activity of the bacterial microflora of tonsils. The infection enters the amygdala mainly by airborne droplets or with food. Sometimes a sore throat caused by germs that live on the mucous membrane of the throat and tonsils. Less inflammation develops after surgery on the nasal cavity and nasopharynx.

TO angina predispose various factors. These include:

  • Hypothermia;
  • A sharp change in the ambient temperature;
  • Dust, fumes in the air;
  • Dampness;
  • Insufficient insolation (exposure to direct sunlight);
  • Intoxication with various substances;
  • Unfavorable living conditions;
  • Fatigue;
  • Poor nutrition.

Against the backdrop of these factors, the microorganisms that live on the surface of the tonsils may become pathogenic. Purulent tonsillitis combines two forms of the disease: follicular and lacunary, under which pus on the tonsils are formed pockets.


Symptoms of purulent tonsillitis in children

When tonsillitis tonsils visible multiple whitish-yellowish islands that are in shape, size and color resemble millet grain. This festering follicles, they can grow and opened, the contents thus falls into the cavity of the throat. When lacunar angina in the edematous and reddened surface of enlarged tonsils visible raids whitish and yellowish-white stoppers in the mouths of the gaps. The division into follicular and lacunar tonsillitis conditional, sometimes it happens that one tonsil showing signs of lacunar angina, and the second - follicular.

When follicular and lacunar angina Lacunar tonsillitis how it should be treated  Lacunar tonsillitis how it should be treated
   body temperature reaches high numbers, rapidly growing signs of intoxication. The child may complain of general weakness, malaise, severe pain in the throat when swallowing, which often gives to his ear, increased salivation. Due to the sharp pain the children try not to eat or swallow saliva.

Because of the pronounced inflammatory changes in the voice becomes nasal tone. With a significant increase in the size of the tonsils may be difficulty breathing, and sometimes temporarily decreased hearing. Local lymph nodes enlarge and become painful at a palpation. Sometimes there is pain in the joints and the heart.


Age features of sore throats in children

The children of the first months of life usually do not occur tonsillitis and nasopharyngitis, that is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. In infants and young children angina is rare, but it runs hard, dominated by common manifestations.

The child suddenly becomes moody and irritable, and sometimes sleepy, she refuses to eat. Fever, and develops severe intoxication. Against the backdrop of difficulty in swallowing and increased production of saliva may disrupt breathing. Sometimes there is vomiting, cramps, dizziness or loss of consciousness. May be abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
   and diarrhea.


How to treat angina purulent child

A sick child at the beginning of the disease requires bed rest. Proper diet - another important component of the non-drug treatment. Food should be semi-liquid or pureed, so the child will be easier to swallow. At its preparation is not necessary to add spices, as they will irritate a sore throat.

Drinking plenty of fluids helps to reduce the signs of intoxication. The child may be given compote of dried fruits, fruit juices, tea with lemon, rosehip infusion, milk. Eating and drinking should be warm.

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis in children include the use of antibiotics. If the angina is treated on an outpatient basis, these drugs are prescribed in. Preference is usually given to penicillins as β-hemolytic streptococcus, a frequent causative agent of angina, is highly sensitive to this group of drugs. Often ampicillin and amoksiklav Amoxiclav - an effective tool against infections  Amoxiclav - an effective tool against infections
   (ampicillin in combination with clavulanic acid).

If your child is allergic to penicillin, then the macrolide antibiotics and cephalosporins I and II generations. From macrolide azithromycin is assigned (sumamed). The tonsils quickly achieved the necessary concentration of the drug, which is stored in the tissues as early as one week after the end of treatment. Of the cephalosporins, Cefuroxime and Cephalexin are used.

Sulfonamides of their activity is significantly inferior to antibiotics. Many pathogens angina resistant to these drugs, so the treatment of angina, they almost do not apply.

For the symptomatic treatment of children prescribed painkillers and antipyretics. Showing vitamins, especially the group B and C, may be administered immunomodulating agents (agents that improve the immune defense).

As a topical treatment can gargle decoction of calendula, chamomile, sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
 A solution of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide (two tablespoons per cup of water), furatsilina (nitrofural). Also apply antiseptic formulations as aerosols, sprays and solutions (Hexoral, stopangin, strepsils plus).

For topical use bioparoks exposure - a drug that contains the antibiotic fusafungine. When purulent tonsillitis is used as an auxiliary means.

Treat purulent tonsillitis in children recommended under medical supervision. Specialist prescribe the necessary drugs and give its recommendations to the period of the disease. This will prevent the development of many dangerous complications. In cases where the child's condition serious, require hospitalization.

Article Tags:
  • purulent tonsillitis

Loose cough in a child - do not leave without attention

October 17, 2014

  • Loose cough in a child - do not leave without attention
  • Preparations

 cough in a child
 For wet cough, unlike dry, characterized sputum, which in most cases is transparent and odorless. Loose cough in a child often begins with the benign viral infections of the respiratory tract, but sometimes it is a sign of serious illness.


Reasons moist cough in children

For various diseases characterized by various types of wet cough and associated symptoms. The following attributes are only for reference; ascertain the cause of cough in a child can only be a doctor.

Features cough: cough in a child at night or during the day, not accompanied by wheezing sounds, shortness of breath or rapid breathing. Other symptoms - sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes and the temperature not higher than 38.6 C. The most likely cause of these symptoms are common cold, and various viral infections sinuses (sinusitis). Cough may also occur when flu is usually at the end of the acute phase of the disease or after its completion. At the beginning of the disease is more often a dry cough or absent. As a rule, all the symptoms of the conditions listed above completely disappear in 7-10 days, but sometimes rare cough in a child is saved for another one or, at least, two weeks - in most cases this is not a sign of relapse.

Characteristics of cough: dry at first, and then - productive, cough with expectoration greenish or yellowish color. Sometimes the cough is accompanied by vomiting. Other symptoms: sore throat, weakness, runny nose, chills, body temperature from 37.7 to 38.3 C. The most common cause of these symptoms become bronchitis.

In severe cases, there are symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, high fever and prolonged cough that can persist for several weeks - as long as the inflammation of the bronchi will not pass completely.

Features cough: cough (in some cases - dry), accompanied by palpitations, shallow breathing. Other symptoms include irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   or lethargy, rattling breath, poor appetite, vomiting after meals. These symptoms are often observed in bronchiolitis - an inflammatory disease of the bronchial tubes. Although most cases of bronchiolitis occurs with relatively mild symptoms that resemble the symptoms of common cold, sometimes it can cause a high fever (up to 39.4 C) and lead to various complications.

Features cough: a lingering cough from a child who is sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Other symptoms include fever, nasal congestion, shortness of breath (sometimes other symptoms are absent or very weakly expressed), chills, chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
 , Shortness of breath, abdominal pain, lethargy, poor appetite, in the most severe cases - a bluish or grayish lips and nails. These symptoms can occur with pneumonia Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes  Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes


Treatment of moist cough in children

If the cough is accompanied by high body temperature (above 38 ° C in infants and above 38.6 C in older children) must consult a doctor. This should be done in the case if the child refuses to eat, it is very sluggish and is poorly responsive to external stimuli, and if he has difficulty breathing.

Without the advice of a doctor giving your child cough medicine is not recommended.

A drug used in the treatment of cough, can be divided into two broad categories: antitussives, which suppress cough by affecting the cough center, and expectorants, which stimulate the excretion of mucus (which include, for example, mucolytics). Expectorant drugs when wet cough is not required because the excretion of mucus has already begun, but they can be used to accelerate the healing process. But cold preparations for children (as well as, and adults) used for the treatment of wet cough is not recommended. The fact that a wet cough is an important function - it clears mucus from the airways. Inhibiting the cough center with the help of drugs can temporarily alleviate the condition of the child, but it does not speed up his recovery. In addition, the cough does not usually cause severe discomfort such as dry cough Dry cough - whether to worry about it?  Dry cough - whether to worry about it?
   - Its episodes are relatively rare and of short duration.

There is one important fact to be taken into account when deciding on what to treat cough in a child; it consists in the fact that not all cough medicines for children are safe .  They are widely advertised, they earn a lot of money, but every year thousands of children around the world come to the hospital after treatment for cough .  Possible serious side effects of these drugs - hallucinations, cardiac arrhythmia, dependence .  In the United States during an extensive study, scientists have linked the death of 123 children with the use of cough medicines and the common cold .  The cause of the unfortunate outcomes are not always getting the excess of the recommended dose of the drug .  The fact is that for many cough medicines is not set precise safe dose for children, particularly for children under two years old .  For obvious reasons, they do not participate in clinical trials, and to calculate the optimal dose, based on the dose of adults - an unreliable method .
