Salmonellosis in children - what to do?

June 1, 2014

  • Salmonellosis in children - what to do?
  • Treatment

 salmonellosis in children
 Salmonellosis - a fairly common infection that is usually transmitted through food. Her pathogens can live in water, soil, animal feces, raw meats, eggs. Salmonellosis in children is not uncommon.

In the last two decades have seen an increased incidence of typhoid salmonellosis in Europe and North America. Perhaps this is partly due to the fact that people are increasingly traveling to and including, visit third world countries where the risk of Salmonella contamination is particularly high. In countries such as typhoid fever is common - a very dangerous disease, caused by a salmonella. For example, in India and Pakistan typhoid fever ill people from 40-50 million - is much greater than in developed countries. Worldwide registered annually 16 to 33 million cases of typhoid fever, and 500-600 thousand people a year die from the disease.

Not everyone in the body which gets salmonella, ill with salmonellosis. However, children, particularly breast, are most vulnerable to the disease because their immune systems are not yet sufficiently developed.

The most common in children as in adults, there are gastrointestinal form of salmonellosis. Carriers of the bacteria causing the disease, can be chicken, beef, and some reptiles. Typhoid Salmonella - causative agent of typhoid fever, is carried exclusively by people and is usually transmitted through the feces of an infected person.


Symptoms of salmonellosis in children

We generally healthy children Gastrointestinal salmonellosis usually proceeds in mild to moderate. The incubation period for salmonellosis in children lasts 12 to 72 hours, that is, as time passes since entering the bacteria into the body before the first symptoms of the disease. Symptoms of the disease include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, headache. Typically, the temperature is reduced by no more than three days, while the other symptoms may persist for up to seven days. Salmonellosis in children under one year sometimes be severe, and causes severe symptoms that persist for a longer time.

When the disease typhoid fever first symptoms are usually the same as in the gastrointestinal salmonellosis. But in the second week in children increases the liver and spleen, and there is a characteristic pinkish skin rash. Fever and other symptoms of the disease when the disease persists for ten days or more.


Consequences of salmonellosis in children

In most cases children suffer intestinal Salmonella infection is relatively easy, with no serious consequences for health. However, in some cases, gastrointestinal salmonellosis in children can lead to the same complications which sometimes causes typhoid fever. The most severe complications of the disease include meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
 , Hydrocephalus, sepsis, intestinal perforation, myocarditis, abscesses, aortic aneurysm, and nephritis. Early diagnosis and proper treatment of salmonellosis Treatment of salmonellosis - Recommendations for all ages  Treatment of salmonellosis - Recommendations for all ages
   children dramatically reduces the risk of complications.


Causes of salmonellosis in children

Most often, children become infected with Salmonella as a result of eating products containing salmonella. These products include:

  • Raw meat, poultry and seafood. Faeces, which contain salmonella, can get into meat during butchering animals or birds. The seafood Salmonella usually enters from contaminated water;
  • Raw eggs. Eggshell seems reliable barrier against pathogens salmonella, but if the chicken is a carrier of salmonella, the bacteria penetrate the egg before the shell formation. Therefore, consumption of homemade mayonnaise and other sauces, which are used for the manufacture of raw eggs is considered unsafe, particularly for children;
  • Fruits and vegetables. For irrigation of fruits and vegetables, especially those grown in third world countries, it can be used by water contaminated with salmonella Salmonella: unknown facts  Salmonella: unknown facts
 . Infection can also occur in the kitchen, for example, if fruit and vegetable juice gets raw meat.

Failure to comply with sanitary norms during cooking is one of the main reasons that the salmonella Salmonellosis - features of the disease  Salmonellosis - features of the disease
   in kindergarten it remains a frequent phenomenon, including in developed countries.

So, in 2013 in one of the kindergartens Irkutsk salmonella infected 27 children. In April 2014 salmonellosis was diagnosed in fifteen children attending kindergarten in Vologda. However, child care facilities in the European Union, the disease is also not shy away from. In 2012, ill with salmonellosis three kids who went to the younger group of kindergarten in northern Italy. One child, whose age was 2.5 years, required hospitalization. In May 2008, there was a well-known case of mass disease salmonellosis in Estonia. Then, in one kindergarten sick 85 children and 9 staff members, including one worker cuisine.

In addition, some outbreaks of salmonellosis associated with the consumption of spices contaminated with disease-causing bacteria. At present, specialists in a number of countries are trying to decide how to improve the quality assurance of spices to make them safer for consumers.

Another common cause of the disease salmonellosis is a failure to comply with the elementary rules of hygiene. Children often touch their pets (cats, dogs, turtles), but also, for example, to frogs, which they can see in your garden or on a walk, and then put his fingers in his mouth, or eat with dirty hands. This may result in contamination of salmonella.

Celiac disease - not quite intestinal pathology

November 17, 2013

 Celiac disease
 Celiac disease - a violation of the digestive system, in which the body can not properly digest gluten. It is estimated that suffers from celiac disease, 1 out of 100. Some experts believe that these figures may be much higher, as mild forms of celiac disease is sometimes not diagnosed or their symptoms mistaken for symptoms of other diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Women celiac disease occurs in 2-3 times more often than men. The disease can develop at any age, but most often the symptoms first appear or in early childhood - from 8 to 12 months, or in middle age - between 40 and 60 years.



The most common symptoms of celiac disease are:

  • Stomach upset;
  • Bloating;
  • Slight or moderate pain in the stomach;
  • Easy diarrhea or diarrhea (usually, they occur only occasionally);
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Anemia (with the characteristic symptoms, fatigue, shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat);
  • Weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • Tingling and numbness of the hands Numbness of hands - not such a harmless symptom  Numbness of hands - not such a harmless symptom
   and feet;
  • Vomiting (usually occurs in children);
  • Alopecia (in adults).

All these symptoms can sometimes appear and disappear, and patients often feel that they are not related to nutrition. Most soft forms of celiac disease often does not cause any symptoms persist, and they can be identified only when the patient is undergoing tests for some other reason. However, the treatment is recommended, even if a person does not cause celiac any discomfort, because even in such cases, it can lead to some complications.

Severe forms of celiac disease can cause the following symptoms:

  • Diarrhoea, which often begins suddenly in the night, and over time can lead to such problems as fecal incontinence;
  • Stomach cramps;
  • Muscle cramps;
  • Swelling of the hands and feet.

The patient's feces can contain large amounts of fat, which is why they have a particularly strong odor. For this reason, patients often have to press several times to drain the toilet - a fatty substance is difficult to wash off with water.

If celiac disease is not treated, over time it can lead to a deficiency of essential nutrients, which results are fatigue, lethargy, and other problems. In children, it can cause growth retardation and puberty Puberty child - stages of a complex path  Puberty child - stages of a complex path



Celiac disease - an autoimmune disorder caused by an abnormal immune system response to the protein gluten, which is found in foods such as bread, pasta, cereals and biscuits. In some patients with celiac disease oatmeal also causes a negative reaction.

The immune system of the patient perceives gluten as a potential danger to the body, and the resulting antibodies cause inflammation of the intestinal wall, trying to cope with a possible threat. Due to the fact that it happens regularly damaged villi of the small intestine, which normally increase its surface area and help to more effectively digest food. Over time, the intestine loses its ability to properly process food and absorb it contains nutrients, which leads to the appearance of symptoms characteristic of celiac disease.

It is not known why some people develop celiac disease, as well as why some it flows in softer, while others - more severe.

It is believed that the susceptibility to the development of celiac disease is inherited. The probability of disease in people with celiac disease, whose family history has the disease, 10% for all others - 1%. If a person has an identical twin who was diagnosed with celiac disease, it is very likely to develop into a violation of the 85%. Studies have shown that celiac disease is associated with a number of gene mutations that are passed from generation to generation. However, these mutations are very common - they occur in about one-third of the population, so it is assumed that triggers the development of celiac disease may be other factors, such as the Past infection of the digestive system, as well as eating foods containing gluten in the first three months of life . Type 1 diabetes, ulcerative colitis and neurological diseases such as epilepsy, also increase the likelihood of developing celiac disease.



Typically, for the treatment of celiac disease it is recommended to simply eliminate from the diet foods that contain gluten. This helps prevent damage to the villi of the small intestine, and the appearance of symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea.

  • Dietary

People who have been diagnosed with celiac disease, referred to a dietitian who will explain in detail what you can and can not eat at the same violation. It also tells how to eat a balanced and full, despite the restrictions. Patients have to completely abandon the products that contain corn, wheat and barley Barley - a clear sign of impaired immunity  Barley - a clear sign of impaired immunity
 . Even by eating a small amount of gluten in the patient may have symptoms of celiac disease; if he uses regular gluten, it will significantly increase the likelihood of developing osteoporosis Osteoporosis - he threatens you?  Osteoporosis - he threatens you?
   and cancer in the future.

Should be excluded from the diet of bread, pasta, cereal porridge, biscuits, some sauces, baked goods (with the exception of products that are labeled as gluten-free). You should carefully read the labels of products you buy. Many foods, especially the last treatment, contain gluten in the various additives, for example, in a modified starch.

However, the patient may well properly and fully fed, despite his illness. In the meat, vegetables, fruits, cheese, potatoes, rice and many other common foods no gluten and can be eaten without fear.

Gluten is found in some non-food products such as lipsticks and certain medications. Patients with celiac disease need to be sure to get acquainted with their staff in order to avoid the re-emergence of symptoms.

  • Vitamin supplements

In addition to diet changes, your doctor may recommend the patient supplementation with vitamins and minerals, at least for the first six months after he was diagnosed with celiac disease. It is necessary that a person receives all the necessary nutrients, the digestive system is recovering from his injuries.
