Seasonal allergies in children: Causes and Treatment
April 26, 2012
Even if your child is not yet able to speak, you can still notice the symptoms of allergies. To help them, you need to reduce exposure to allergens and give the child medication that the doctor advises.
Allergies - it's too sharp reaction immunity
Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
on the substance harmless to the body. Immunity takes the allergen for a hazardous substance and produces antibodies
Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
To get rid of unwanted "invasion."
Seasonal pathogens
In the spring, during the flowering plants and trees, the air gets pollen - one of the most common allergens. Particularly troublesome for people with allergies, dry windy weather - when pollen is spread quickly everywhere, and avoid contact with it is almost impossible. In the autumn the number of allergens in the air naturally decreases.
The most common manifestation of seasonal allergies - allergic rhinitis
Rhinitis: a runny nose - is quite serious
. During an attack of allergies in children begins runny nose, watery eyes
If your eyes are watering - the emergence of the problem and its solution
, Lays his nose so that he has to breathe through the mouth.
Pinpoint allergens allows special test: baby injected substance under the skin, which may be allergens, and watch the reaction. Redness and swelling indicate an allergy.
It should be possible to reduce the likelihood of the child's contact with the allergen. Your doctor may also advise reception antihistamines (substances that limit the production of histamine, which causes an allergic reaction). Do not give your child the usual OTC allergy medications without first talking to your doctor.
Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?
November 17, 2013
Birth trauma is called the damage to a child as a result of complications of childbirth. Birth injuries vary considerably in severity.
Most birth defects are not the result of medical errors. However, if the parents believe that a child is injured because of an error doctor, they can apply to a lawyer, so that together with him to establish what really happened, and whether it makes sense to solve the matter in court.
The most common birth injuries
- Hematomas. Sometimes the body of the newborn are just bruises due to the passage through the birth canal, or from contact with the mother's pelvic bone. The most common are bruising on his head. If during labor used forceps on the baby's head can also be a hematoma. In rare cases, the use of forceps leads to the appearance of dents on the skull - if this happens, the surgeon should be consulted.
- Subconjunctival hemorrhage - common birth trauma, in which around one or both pupils of the child appear bright red patches on the whites of the eyes. It is not associated with a serious eye injury, and bleeding symptoms disappear completely within a period of a week to ten days.
- Generic swelling on the head of the fetus is often a consequence of the vacuum extraction of the fetus. The swelling usually disappears within a few days after birth.
- Cephalohematoma - so it called a hematoma, which is formed between the bone and the adjacent fibrous tissue. As a result of childbirth cephalohematoma can be formed on the head of a newborn. It usually disappears within a period of two weeks to three months, but especially large cephalohematoma require medical assistance. The reasons may be kefalogematomy abnormal position of the baby before birth, the large size of the child, the anomalies in the structure of the pelvis of the mother.
- The paralysis of the face. The pressure on the face of a child during labor or the use of forceps can cause damage to facial nerves of newborn. If the nerves are only slightly damaged, paralysis usually takes a few weeks. In more severe cases, the treatment may require surgical intervention.
- Brachial plexus injury - is the common name of birth injury that result from damage to the brachial plexus (group of nerves that control the movement of the arms). These birth injuries are often the result of a so-called shoulder dystocia - complications of childbirth in which the baby's shoulders hinder passage through the birth canal. If the injury of the brachial plexus caused only bruising and swelling, the child usually recovers within three months. In more severe cases, possible permanent damage, and to cope with them, need physical therapy or surgery.
- Fractures. Among the birth defects of this type is the most common fracture of the clavicle
Collarbone Fracture - Children at risk
; As a rule, such an injury as a result of newborns receive serious complications of labor. In most cases, the child is recovering shortly after the immobilization of the bone.
- Damage to the brain. Complications of labor can lead to a lack of oxygen or blood loss as a result of compression of the umbilical cord. Prolonged oxygen deficiency can cause brain damage, which in turn can lead to epilepsy
Epilepsy - a sacred disease
, Cerebral palsy and mental retardation.
Causes of birth injury
Probability of birth injury is greatest during the complicated birth. Common causes of childbirth complications are the following factors:
- The size of the child. If the child's weight exceeds four kilos, the risk of getting a birth trauma increases significantly. Children with low birth weight and were born to term (before 37 weeks gestation) is also subject to various birth trauma.
- Clinical narrow pelvis - a feature of the structure of the mother's body, which can make it difficult labor, and lead to birth trauma.
- Breech - a condition in which a child at the time of birth is in the womb feet first, and significantly increases the probability of obtaining a birth injury.
If during previous births to a woman of her children received birth defects or complications arise, which did not lead to injury, the doctor will take the following generations, must know about it.
The cause birth trauma can also be a medical error. The most common ones are:
- Failure to anticipate birth complications that arise due to the large size of the baby or health problems in the mother;
- Failure in time to stop the bleeding and to eliminate its consequences;
- The inability of doctors to notice problems, such as compression of the umbilical cord, irregular pulse of the fetus, and so on;
- Later, the appointment of cesarean section in cases where it is medically necessary;
- Improper use of forceps or vacuum extractor during delivery;
- Improper use of pitocin - a synthetic analogue of the hormone oxytocin, which is used to speed up the delivery.
In some cases, birth trauma causes inattention medical staff, for example, if the hospital staff do not have time to notice signs of infection of the newborn, the pathogens which entered his body during childbirth.