Syphilis in children: how the disease appears

February 6th, 2014

 syphilis in children
 Syphilis is most often in children congenital transmitted syphilis the child's mother during fetal development. Occasionally there are also cases of acquired syphilis infection occurs while household way with a kiss through the dishes, spoons and any other items which could get separated from the skin of elements of syphilis.


Congenital syphilis in children

Congenital syphilis in children is the result of transmission of syphilis from sick mother to child during fetal development. If congenital syphilis Congenital syphilis - infection of the fetus in utero from sick mother   may be affected by the placenta and the fetus. Congenital syphilis can also manifest itself in infants, young children and in children after four years.

The disease begins with the infection of the placenta. Syphilis placenta manifested in the form of swelling of the placenta and reduce its ability to pass through the blood nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. Syphilis causes the placenta, which is 6-7 months pregnant dramatically disturbed nutrition of the fetus, resulting in miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
 . But developing miscarriage is not always, and sometimes the child continues to develop in utero and had syphilis, the fetus develops - there syphilitic lesions of many organs and systems, sometimes incompatible with life.

Syphilis in the newborn - a continuation of fetal syphilis. Symptoms of syphilis infant - is pemphigus newborns, which after a while replaced papular rash and damage internal organs. At the age of four years, the congenital syphilis occurs as well as infants, but with less severe symptoms.

Late congenital syphilis in children develops after the age of four years. Often the disease first manifests itself in a few years or even decades after the birth. Symptoms of late congenital syphilis can be reliable and credible. The former include features specific to syphilis - Hutchinson triad: visual disturbances, irregular teeth and labyrinthine deafness. By the probable signs of late miscarriage are congenital curvature of the nose (saddle nose), saber shin yagoditseobrazny skull and so on.

There are also the stigmata of congenital late syphilis: thickening of the sternal end of the clavicle, the increase in the parietal and frontal skull mounds, high (or Gothic lancet) hard palate and so on.


Acquired syphilis in children: Symptoms

Acquired syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
   in children is a consequence of domestic infection of non-compliance with the rules of hygiene in a family where someone has syphilis. Often infection occurs when the child kiss the skin of the patient direct contact with the skin of the child, through toys, underwear and so on.

Syphilis develop in children in the same way as in adults. It begins with the emergence of on-site implementation of infection chancre (primary syphilis). After the chancre disappears, the skin of the child appears abundant spotted, papular or pustular rash - a sign that an infectious agent in a large amount is in the blood (secondary fresh syphilis).

After some time passes, and the rash begins the latent period of the disease - a sign that the immune system coped with its task and destroyed the majority of infectious agents. But after a while treponemy again begin to multiply, and a recurrence of the disease. There may be several relapses, until finally win immunity and the disease will not go into a new stage - the stage of tertiary syphilis Tertiary syphilis - the final stage of the disease  Tertiary syphilis - the final stage of the disease
   with lesions of the skin, internal organs and nervous system syphilides (tubercles and gum) formed on the background of hypersensitivity to Treponema pallidum.


Treatment of syphilis in children

Treatment of syphilis in children should begin as soon as possible. In this case, it will be possible to achieve complete cure of a child suffering, both congenital and acquired forms of syphilis, not leading to the development of serious complications.

Treatment of syphilis in children conducted by the Ministry of Health approved schemes. The therapy is based on antibiotics penicillin group to which syphilis exhibit stable sensitivity over time. Furthermore, appointed immunomodulators, restorative treatment, local procedures, if the skin has open sores.

With proper and adequate treatment is quite possible to get rid of syphilis. Unfortunately, with the help of treatment will not be able to change the structural damage in the body of the child, arose during the prenatal period.

Syphilis in children - a phenomenon not often, but parents should be aware that a child infected with syphilis is quite possible, if you do not comply with all the necessary safety measures.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • syphilis

Enterol and grudnichki - required a careful and measured approach

November 11, 2012

 enterol and grudnichki
 Enterol - a drug test of time, as it has existed for several decades. But it is mainly used for the treatment of adults and children after a year. Data on the use of this drug in children under one year are contradictory, whereas in the instructions, the manufacturer's indicated that children under one year was not prescribed. So how do things stand in reality?

 Enterol and grudnichki - required a careful and measured approach

Enterol - especially drug

Enterol peculiarity is its wide range of effects on the gastrointestinal tract. The reason is that in the Enterol include yeast - Saccharomyces boulardii, a yeast, as we know, are not destroyed by antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 That it allowed the wide use of this drug is at dysbacteriosis (violation of the ratio between beneficial and pathogenic microflora), caused by the use of antibiotics. Saccharomyces boulardii suppress the activity of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic intestinal flora and contribute to reproduction of beneficial microflora as improve the digestive process.

Under the influence of Enterol Enterol - stop the development of an intestinal infection  Enterol - stop the development of an intestinal infection
   activated own intestinal enzymes which neutralize the exogenous (e.g., bacterial) and endogenous (resulting from improper metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   in various diseases, especially liver and kidney with a violation of their functions) toxins and improves the process of digestion.

Colon Cleansing helps to improve the blood supply to his wall and activates the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
   (in the intestine has the largest body in the cluster of lymphoid tissues), which leads to improved resistance to any infection.

These unique capabilities Enterol attracted the attention of doctors of many specialties, including pediatricians and neonatologists (physicians who treat children under native month).

 Enterol and grudnichki - required a careful and measured approach

Enterol in the treatment of children under one year

Children under one year often suffer a dysbacteriosis and intestinal infections, including developing on the basis of congenital anomalies of the intestine and the use of antibiotics. Very often these states develop against lactase deficiency - lack of activity of the enzyme lactase, which is needed to digest milk sugar (lactose). When undigested lactose, lactase deficiency contributes to the formation in the intestines of the child of a large number of gas (flatulence), and improper digestion of food, that is a breeding ground for the emergence of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms.

Enterol in this case is perfect: it activates the lactase and inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria, thus preventing the development of dysbiosis or intestinal infection. In neonatology and pediatrics are already sufficient evidentiary papers on the effective use of Enterol under lactase deficiency.

Unfortunately, this drug is not as secure as it is written in the instruction. Children under one year have a very delicate and fragile mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. When dysbacteriosis and lactase deficiency on the walls of the intestine may be areas of irritation through which Saccharomyces boulardii can enter the bloodstream and cause fungal sepsis - fungemia. This is a very serious complication that is difficult to treat.

In the instructions, the manufacturer's Enterol, clearly states that it is permitted to use the children after a year. This suggests that clinical trials on children under one year have not been conducted. But at the same instructions have a warning that enterol should not be given to patients if they have a permanent catheter is in the vein - were cases of catheter colonization by fungi and hit him in the blood with the development of sepsis.

 Enterol and grudnichki - required a careful and measured approach

Whether it is necessary to appoint enterol babies

It is obvious that this question can be solved only by a doctor. Enterol appointed in the case when the risk is justified, for example, severe lactase deficiency, when a child has been losing weight, is lagging behind in the physical and psychological development.

But whether or not to apply it at a dysbacteriosis and intestinal infections of children under one year - the big question for the treatment of these diseases, there are other, more proven drugs. The risk of ingress of yeast cells in the blood is still there, especially at intestinal infection when inflamed intestinal mucosa.

Enterol - a quality, proven probiotic life (a drug that contains useful for intestinal bacteria), but sufficient experience of its application for the treatment of diseases in children is not. Therefore, its use in such cases can only be a doctor when there are serious indications.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • enterol
