Male menopause: what should be remembered

December 5, 2010

 male menopause
 It turns out that menopause occurs not only in women but also in men. And there is a reasonable explanation - with age comes a natural aging and fading of gonadal function. But men rarely pay attention to emerging signs of or embarrassed to talk about them. Although male menopause as well as for women, a danger to the body.

 Male menopause: what should be remembered

Determination of male menopause

Male menopause - it's late underdeveloped function of male sex hormones - androgens, or hypogonadism. Male menopause occurs later than women, aged 40-70 years, and is a physiological process associated with natural aging. There are two types of male menopause: physiological and pathological. Pathological menopause is characterized by impaired functioning of the cardiovascular and urogenital systems and the need to appoint treatment. Also, male menopause can be an early (40 to 60 years) and late (over 60 years).

 Male menopause: what should be remembered

The causes of male menopause

In addition to the general aging of the body against the male menopause is influenced by other factors that could cause its early start:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (orchitis, epididymitis, orchiepididymitis);
  • testicular tumors (both benign and malignant);
  • circulatory disorders of the testicle (thrombosis, atherosclerosis);
  • radiation exposure;
  • the impact of toxic substances (harmful production);
  • smoking and alcohol intoxication;
  • castration in any way.

 Male menopause: what should be remembered

The clinical picture of male menopause

Symptoms of male menopause manifests itself in violation of the cardiovascular, urogenital and endocrine systems and the appearance of psycho-emotional clinic. Many of the symptoms of male menopause are similar to the symptoms of the female. The only difference is that male menopause clinic is growing gradually.

 Male menopause: what should be remembered

Violation of the cardiovascular system

Manifestations from the cardiovascular system is exacerbated by concomitant diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease) and can lead to strokes and heart attacks. Complaints of patients varied:

  • palpitations, hot flashes with redness of the face and shoulder girdle;
  • persistent dizziness, threatening loss of consciousness;
  • feeling short of breath, shortness of breath;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • when physical and nervous overload appear disruptions in heart rhythm;
  • constant aching pain in the heart;
  • changes on the electrocardiogram and blood pressure rise.

 Male menopause: what should be remembered

Violation of the genitourinary system

The manifestations with the urogenital system can cause the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia or aggravate the disease. Sexual function is closely associated with urethral organs and appears in:

  • reducing operation genitals;
  • abuse and decreased sex drive;
  • shortening the duration of sexual intercourse The duration of intercourse - is there a norm?  The duration of intercourse - is there a norm?
   and reduce emissions of semen;
  • impotence and sexual weakness;
  • urinary disorders (reduced pressure of the jet of urine slows urination, urine drop by drop at the end of urination, urinary retention);
  • the appearance of aching pain in the bladder.

 Male menopause: what should be remembered

Violation of the endocrine system

Malfunction of the endocrine system may lead to the development of diabetes, gout and obesity. The clinic is as follows:

  • decreased muscle mass, joining sagging skin and muscles;
  • in the blood decreases the content of male hormones;
  • involution of secondary male sex characteristics, deposition of fat on the female type (in the hips and buttocks);
  • may cause gynecomastia Gynecomastia - known since ancient times  Gynecomastia - known since ancient times
   (breast enlargement).

 Male menopause: what should be remembered

Violations of the psycho-emotional sphere

It manifested in excitability, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   and tearfulness. Some patients become lethargic, drowsy. You may experience feelings of fear, anxiety, until the depression. Many complain of memory loss, loss of interest in work and family.

 Male menopause: what should be remembered

Treatment of male menopause

Male menopause treatment should be comprehensive and performed several specialists (internist, urologist, neurologist, psychiatrist). First you need to normalize the daily routine and diet. If possible, avoid exposure to harmful factors (alcohol, toxic substances). Widely used psychotherapy and sedatives (tincture of Leonurus, valerian, peony). For the normalization of the brain are used nootropics piracetam and cardiovascular drugs (trental, chimes, cavinton). In severe cases of depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   using antidepressants. When expressed manifestations of menopause prescribers of male sex hormones (testosterone, Sustanon, methyltestosterone). For the purpose of sexual stimulation used multivitamins and adaptogens (tincture devil, echinacea, lemongrass).

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • menopause and health

When menopause: how to define

January 26, 2012

 when menopause
 Female reproductive function continues a fixed time. The duration of this period depends on many factors, but primarily by heredity. After the reproductive function is over, there comes a decrease in hormonal activity and the restructuring of the entire body.

 When menopause: how to define

Why does menopause

Menopause - is the date of the last menstrual period. The time before menopause called premenopausal and post - menopause. All the same period, reducing the activity of the female hormone called menopause or menopause.

Menopause due to declining production of female sex hormones estrogen. This process can occur naturally without significant disturbances in the internal organs and systems, and in this case is called physiological menopause. Starting menopause at different ages, the length of premenopause may also be different. But the average decrease in estrogen secretion starts in a period of from 45 to 50 years, and continues for two to ten years.

 When menopause: how to define

Physiological menopause

During this period, gradually decreasing the amount of estrogen under physiological menopause, when a woman is busy work or just an enjoyable experience, it can not notice any violations of his fortune. During premenopause reduction in estrogen leads gradually to the fact that the egg cell in the ovary do not mature and ovulation does not occur. Such cycles are called anovulatory or single phase - the second phase of the menstrual cycle is not because they do not produce progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology

Since estrogens are allocated unevenly, duration of menstrual cycles may be different, but most often during premenopause duration of cycles increases. Finally, comes the last menstrual period. But the time of its occurrence is recorded only in a year, because menstruation can be repeated after a few months. Thus, physiological menopause can occur unnoticed by the woman.

 When menopause: how to define

Pathological menopause

Pathological menopause or menopausal syndrome can occur with significant changes in the status of women. Changes in the ovaries at the same time may be accompanied by prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding that can eventually lead to iron deficiency anemia. At the same time a woman has a constant feeling of fatigue, lethargy, malaise, decreased appetite, skin becomes pale.

Pronounced changes occur in the central nervous system. It appears irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   and even malice, the excitement gives way to lethargy, mood can be reduced to depression develops insomnia, reduced working capacity.

Blood pressure during this period can then rise, then fall sharply, often disturb heart palpitations, flushing with heat sensation in the head and upper torso. Tides can greatly affect the quality of life of women. For some women, they occur several times an hour, and sometimes completely deprived of her disability.

Another sign - sweating, especially at night. All these signs indicate violations of the autonomic nervous system, which provides innervation of internal organs and blood vessels. Such a state can be held before menopause and in some women remain in post-menopausal.

 When menopause: how to define

After menopause

After menopause, estrogen is released quite a few and this leads some women to significant violations of all types of metabolism - metabolic syndrome. In this period reduced the rate of metabolism, which leads to a rapid increase in body weight, if a woman does not understand what was happening to her, and the root will not change your lifestyle.

If at this time does not reduce the number of daily calories derived from food and increase motor activity, it can begin obesity, which is a distinctive feature of the deposition of fat in the abdomen and the abdominal cavity. There is a deposit under the influence of male sex hormones, which are always present in women. This is called central obesity or visceral. Visceral fat produces biologically active substances, which further alter the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and contribute to the emergence of new unpleasant symptoms.

Violated fat and carbohydrate metabolism, increases the excitability of the sympathetic nervous system, which contributes to a narrowing of blood vessels. As a result, during this period can be a persistent increase in blood pressure, diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 , Aggravated all chronic diseases.

 When menopause: how to define

How to help yourself move pathological menopause

First of all, no matter what, you need to deal with the case: the more a woman is busy, the less it pays attention to the manifestations of menopause.

But it should be remembered, and that it is necessary, at times, completely change the diet and increase physical activity - it promotes weight loss, which will lead to lower blood pressure and improve all kinds of exchange.

If the condition does not improve, you should contact your doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • menopause
