Menopause - Treatment: therapies

December 22, 2011

  • Menopause - Treatment: therapies
  • Pills
  • Vitamins
  • Phytomedication
  • ethnoscience

 Menopause Treatment
 Treatment during menopause is conducted in different ways - it all depends on the condition of women. When a serious condition and pronounced changes in the number of required complex treatment with the appointment, including hormone replacement therapy.

 Menopause - Treatment: therapies

Principles of treatment of women during menopause

When menopause use different medicines, it all depends on how it occurs during this period. But in any case, even if the menopause occurs without complications, it requires reduction of energy intake and increased physical activity, otherwise it may begin at the central type obesity, which is accompanied by multiple, often very severe complications.

In addition, women during menopause prescribe vitamin and mineral supplements (they stimulate the metabolism), homeopathic remedies, and of vegetable origin (have a stimulating effect on the ovaries), hormone replacement therapy (strictly on the testimony and after the test), and symptomatic treatment (sedatives lowering blood pressure and other drugs).

 Menopause - Treatment: therapies

Non-hormonal therapy during menopause

Some women are afraid to take hormones, while others are contraindicated. In such a case is assigned to non-hormonal therapy, which includes vitamin and mineral supplements, herbal and homeopathic medicines as well as symptomatic treatment.

Vitamin-mineral complexes, which are produced especially for women during menopause, contain all the necessary to restore the metabolism of vitamins and minerals. Most of this period requires B vitamins (source of energy) and vitamin E (it has a positive effect on the ovaries). Of mineral substances in recent years established a unique effect of boron during menopause - it delays bone calcium, thereby preventing the formation of osteoporosis (thinning and brittle bones). For vitamins and minerals that are recommended during menopause include, for example, drugs such as menopause and Menopace.

For homeopathic remedies, designed specifically for women in menopause are Klimaksan, klimaktoplan. These drugs have estrogenpodobnoe and soothing (spleen removed Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Headaches, sweating, hot flashes, improve sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and so on) effect. They are used for a long time, up to six months. Furthermore, appointed such herbal preparations as Estrovel (Ecomir, Russia), feminal (Jadran, Croatia), femikaps Easy Life (Hankintatukku, Finland), femivell (Hankintatukku, Finland), Chi-Klim (Evalar, Russia) and others . They all contain plants having estrogenic activity.

Required appointed symptomatic therapy, depending on what the symptoms of menopause, a woman concerned. When high blood pressure is prescribed ACE inhibitors and AT2 blockers (Enam, Enap, losartan) - these drugs are appointed permanently, it is believed that they are more suited to the period of menopause.

An increase in blood sugar hypoglycemic agents are assigned at the neuro-psychiatric disorders and insomnia - Calming and sleeping. Assign as physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises classes and massage, hydrotherapy, spa treatment.

 Menopause - Treatment: therapies

Hormone replacement therapy during menopause

If you start menopause complications such as central obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   Type 2, marked osteoporosis fractures, then prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT). HRT appoints a doctor, since it has a number of contraindications. Therefore, before prescribing hormones woman carefully examined.

HRT is contraindicated uterine bleeding Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach  Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach
   whose origin could not figure out, cancer, genital and breast cancer, state after recent myocardial infarction, stroke or thrombophlebitis, severe liver disease, kidney and thyroid in violation of their functions before the upcoming surgery, and bedridden patients, who are constantly in a fixed state.

Available drugs for combined HRT (which contain small amounts of female hormones estrogen and progesterone) and mnonterapii (containing only estrogen. Hormone monotherapy given to women with hysterectomy (proginova, estrofem, Premarin, hormopleks). The rest of the products are used as a combined HRT in different periods of menopause.

For tsikloproginovu, climate, klimonorma, Divino, femoston, divitren and other similar drugs are taken when menstruation is not yet over, these drugs relieve discomfort, reduce menstrual bleeding and make menstrual cycles more regular. Kliogest and take Livial when menstruation has ended - they are against this drug is not renewed.

Treatment of women in menopause should be prescribed by a doctor.

Complications of menopause - hormone deficiency problem

August 8, 2012

 complications of menopause
 Menopause or menopause is a natural process in a woman's life. The main age-related changes in the bodies dominated by the reproductive system. In some women, this period may be complicated by the formation of the climacteric syndrome, which is a pathological condition and requires treatment measures. Complications of menopause varying severity occur in 80% of women.

 Complications of menopause - hormone deficiency problem

What is the reason the appearance of menopausal disorders

During the entire reproductive period of the female body is under the influence of cyclical influences hormone levels. On average, at the age of 50 years comes menopausal period, which is characterized by a gradual decrease in ovarian hormonal function and "off." The greatest changes occur in the reproductive system, and the whole body can detect effects of exposure to hormonal deficiency.

By the nature and time of occurrence of climacteric disorders Climacteric disorders - can you avoid them?  Climacteric disorders - can you avoid them?
   It can be divided into several groups:

  • early symptoms, which include vasomotor, emotionally vegegativnye symptoms. The most typical are vasomotor symptoms - "tides", feeling of heat alternating with chills, excessive sweating, increased heart rate and unstable blood pressure numbers (fluctuations to hypotension or hypertension). Join mood disorders (depression, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Forgetfulness)
  • time average symptoms developing after three years of menopause. For this group of symptoms characterized by changes in the reproductive system and urogenital symptoms - feeling of dryness and itching in the vagina, discomfort during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia or) and incontinence. The changes also apply to the skin and its appendages. Hair and nails become brittle, wrinkles
  • Later symptoms develop after five years of menopause. These symptoms vary and the most severe complications associated with changes at the level of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Because of long-term hormone deficiency in bone tissue are observed phenomena of osteoporosis. Clinically it is manifested by an increase of bone fractures in women in this age group. Fractures occur at light load or injury, have a long recovery period

Menopause is a physiological process, but if this period occurs in severe form, or with the development of complications, it is necessary to complete a comprehensive survey of women to detect the presence of disease from other systems of the body and properly establish the diagnosis.

 Complications of menopause - hormone deficiency problem

Basic principles of therapy

Most of all diseases that occur in menopausal are the result expressed female hormone deficiency Female hormones: because you - a woman!  Female hormones: because you - a woman!
 . To fill the deficit is only possible through the introduction of externally hormones via special drugs. Conducting such therapy has been called hormone replacement or HRT. There Restores hormonal ovarian function using hormones Hormonal treatments - not only contraceptives  Hormonal treatments - not only contraceptives
 . Medications can achieve a certain concentration of hormones in the blood of women, which not only leads to an improvement in the general clinical condition, but take steps to prevent the later development of metabolic or metabolic disorders.

When selecting the optimal scheme of HRT should adhere to an individual approach and assign the administration of hormones only after a special examination. Categorically unacceptable appoint a female hormones alone, as there are a number of contraindications for their reception, both absolute and relative. If this is not taken into account, there is a high risk of developing a variety of subsequent complications. In order to achieve positive results should start treatment early. This is a preventive HRT if a woman is at high risk regardless of whether she had symptoms of climacteric syndrome (prevention of osteoporosis).

The average duration of hormone therapy is about five years. Her physician performance must be evaluated throughout the period of hormone administration, there may need to be adjusted to the type and dose of drugs. Before the appointment of such a course of treatment the patient should be informed about the possible risks and benefits to remain informed choice of the woman. In this situation, the doctor can only advise and provide the necessary amount of medical assistance, and a woman should make their own decisions about hormone treatment.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • menopause
