Birth control pills induce terror in the women, and yet, despite all the doubts, the choice is made in their favor. Of course, once there is a lot of questions: What to choose birth control pills? Where to buy? Do I need to see a doctor, or you can choose the most? How often mature women, not to mention the young girls who follow the advice of friends, or colleagues, or neighbors, and often just relying on advertising. Such is, independent selection of contraceptive pills, definitely no good will not. In the best case will be shown minor side effects and there will be unwanted pregnancies, and at worst can lead to disability and even death.
Types of birth control pills
All birth control pills are divided into two groups: combined oral contraceptive pill and mini-pill. The structure of combined oral contraceptives include ethinyl estradiol and progestogen (levonorgestrel or desogestrel). In turn, the amount of hormone contained, combination tablets are divided into: monophasic, two- and three-phase. Thus, in a monophasic contraceptive hormone dose remain unchanged in all tablets. The biphasic oral contraceptive in the package contains two types of tablet with different doses of the hormones, as in three-phase, respectively, the three groups of tablets. Mini-pill contains only progestin.
Furthermore, combined hormonal tablets may be mikrodozirovannymi, low-dose, and vysokodozirovannymi.
Given this classification, it is clear that the choice of contraceptive pills is not easy to implement, and it must be a doctor.
Important points before taking the tablets
To choose the most appropriate birth control pills, every woman necessarily must do the following:
Consultation with gynecologist is required, ideally, should visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist. The doctor will collect anamnesis, find out the presence of chronic diseases and transferred, allergies and bad habits (such as smoking). It also determines the relative or absolute contraindication to receiving hormone pills.
Ultrasonography of the female genitalia sure, it will help to reveal hidden or unnoticed in the examination of the disease, as some of them are absolute contraindication to hormonal contraception
Hormonal contraception: Modern birth control pills
Mandatory blood test for ovarian hormones (FSH and luteinizing hormone, testosterone).
Consultation specialists required in the case of chronic diseases (diabetes, thyroid disease
The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
, Vascular disorders, hypertension, etc.).
Selecting means
After a preliminary examination of the woman doctor begins to pick hormonal contraceptives in view of the data.
Young nulliparous women suitable mikrodozirovannye hormone pills such as Lindinet, Novinet, Logest, Mersilon and others.
These drugs are monophasic contraceptive containing ethinyl estradiol constant dose (20 micrograms) and progestin (75-150 mg). These tablets are ideal for teenage girls, as almost no side effects.
Low-dose hormonal contraceptives are recommended for young nulliparous women if mikrodozirovannye drugs do not block ovulation
Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
. These tablets include Regulon, Yasmin, Tri-merci, Silest, Mikroginon and others. The dose of ethinyl estradiol in them is 30 mg, and the dose of progestin is increased to 150-300 g.
High-dosage preparations, such as Trikvilar, Triziston Three-regolith appointed with curative intent (correction of hormonal disorders). These tablets are also recommended for women who are taking drugs that weaken the effect of contraceptives.
Mini-pill ideal nursing women (no effect on breast milk) and women older than 45 who have various gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, endometriosis
Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
and others).
Anna Sozinova