Logest - analogues: complete and incomplete

November 18, 2011

 Logest - analogues
 Logest - a drug, which is composed of synthetic analogues of female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. Today there are several analogs of natural sex hormones, which are used in hormonal contraceptives in different combinations and dosages.

 Logest - analogues: complete and incomplete

Which hormonal contraceptives are complete analogues Logest

In one Logest pills contain 20 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol (synthetic analog of estrogen) and 75 micrograms gestodene (a synthetic analogue of progesterone). Ethinyl estradiol is a synthetic analog of one of the estrogen - estradiol, which is involved with a hormone of the corpus luteum in the regulation of the menstrual cycle. The synthetic analogue of progesterone gestodene is superior in strength and selectivity of action is not only natural progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 But all of its modern synthetic analogs (progestin). Because of its high efficiency of gestodene used in small doses, in which it does not exhibit androgenic properties (properties characteristic of the male sex hormones), and almost no effect on the lipid and carbohydrate exchanges.

Complete analog Logest composition and dosage of its components is only lindinet 20. These hormonal contraceptives as Femoden, lindinet 30 gineleya, milvane, minulet, Merrill also incorporate ethinylestradiol and gestodene, but other dosages.

 Logest - analogues: complete and incomplete

Lindinet 20

Lindinet 20 is a complete analog Logest. It is available in tablets, coated white shell 21 takbetke in the package of the Hungarian pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter.

Take lindinet 20 as well as logest - one tablet for three weeks with a week break. It begins taking pills from the first day of the menstrual cycle (first day of menstruation). Just as logest, lindinet 20 is sufficiently safe low-dose drug, which gives a little adverse effects. However, before applying it is required to conduct a thorough examination of the woman.

Contraindications for use Lindinet 20 fully comply with contraindications when taking Logest.

 Logest - analogues: complete and incomplete

Other hormonal contraceptives, which contain ethinyl estradiol and gestodene

All drugs containing ethinyl estradiol and gestodene, low-dose and have the same indications and contraindications, and side effects. Almost all drugs are monophasic, ie contain the same components in all dosage tablets. But some (milvane) are three-phase, ie, different doses of the drug are taken on different days of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases

Gineleya - a monophasic combined hormonal contraceptive, contains 75 micrograms gestodene and 30 micrograms ethinyl estradiol, is available in pills to 21 pieces per pack, the producer - Laboratory Elea (Argentina)

Femoden - a monophasic combined hormonal contraceptive, contains 75 micrograms gestodene and 30 micrograms ethinyl estradiol, is available in pills to 21 pieces per pack, the producer - Schering (Germany).

Lindinet 30 - a monophasic combined hormonal contraceptive, contains 75 micrograms gestodene and 30 micrograms ethinyl estradiol, available in tablets of 21 pieces per pack, the producer - Gedeon Richter (Hungary).

Minulet - a monophasic combined hormonal contraceptive, contains 75 micrograms gestodene and 30 micrograms ethinyl estradiol, available in tablets of 21 pieces per pack, the producer - Vaeth-Lederle (Germany)

Milvane - phase combined hormonal contraceptive, contains 21 pills of different colors in the package. Dragees beige (6 pieces per pack) contains 30 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol and 50 micrograms gestodene. Drops dark brown (5 pieces per pack) contains 40 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol and 70 micrograms gestodene. Drops of white color (10 pieces per pack) contains 30 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol and 100 mcg of gestodene. Manufacturer - Schering (Germany). Adopted in accordance with the instructions within 21 days one week apart.

Merrill - a monophasic combined hormonal contraceptive, available in packs of 28 tablets, 21 of which are active and 7 - auxiliary. One active tablet Light yellow, film-coated, contains 60 micrograms gestodene 60 mcg of ethinyl estradiol and 15 micrograms. One auxiliary tablet (placebo) contains substances that help to restore useful microflora of the vagina The microflora of the vagina: purity  The microflora of the vagina: purity
 . Take active pills for 21 days, then move on to a placebo Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis  Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis
 , Open intake of hormones leads to menstrualnopodobnoe bleeding. All 7 days of bleeding are taken pills - a placebo. Manufacturer - Schering (Germany).

If you decide to take hormonal contraceptives, then start this process with a visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist, or prevent complications.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • logest

Contraceptives for nulliparous if it is too early to give birth

November 7th, 2011

 Contraceptives for nulliparous
 Young women, including teenage girls, often sexually active. Protection from unwanted pregnancy, they are usually relegated to the background, hoping to chance. However, all the known harm of abortion, especially if the first pregnancy. In this regard, the selection of contraception for nulliparous acquires special significance.

 Contraceptives for nulliparous if it is too early to give birth

Methods of contraception

There are several methods of contraception, and each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages. To methods of contraception include:

  • physiological (calendar, basal temperature control);
  • coitus interruptus;
  • chemical;
  • Barrier;
  • hormones;
  • intrauterine contraception;
  • surgical sterilization.

The best option of contraception in nulliparous women, many doctors believe hormonal method, in particular combined oral pills.

 Contraceptives for nulliparous if it is too early to give birth

Combined oral contraceptives

The structure of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) contains two hormones: estrogen and progestogen. Depending on the content of hormone pills, isolated, single-phase, two- and three-phase combined oral contraceptives.

Monophasic contraceptives contain a constant dose of estrogen and progestogen component in each tablet. These include: Silest, Logest, Marvelon, Novinet and others. Two-phase oral contraceptives - are drugs that contain a constant dose of estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   and changing the dose of progestogen, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle (Anteovin). Combined three-phase contraceptives differ changing content of steroids respectively phases of the menstrual cycle. (Three-regolith, Trikvilar, Triziston). For nulliparous women, they are most appropriate.

 Contraceptives for nulliparous if it is too early to give birth

The mechanism of action of oral contraceptives

The mechanism of action of COCs is based on the blockade of ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   by revenues from outside the hormones. Accordingly, the ovaries stop producing its own hormones. In addition, under the influence of COCs regression occurs in the endometrium functional layer, making it impossible for the implantation of a fertilized egg. In addition, the observed changes in the vaginal mucosa and cervical mucus seal, which leads to disruption of sperm motion and also causes a change in the transport of the egg. COC and have a therapeutic effect. If their application is reduced blood loss, recovering irregular menstrual cycle, offset symptoms algomenoree Algomenoreya - with age and can not pass  Algomenoreya - with age and can not pass
   and premenstrual syndrome. Reducing menstrual blood loss reduces the risk of iron deficiency anemia. Hormone pills reduce the incidence of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages. This is due to the action of progestogen on cervical mucus, which hinders the penetration of infection from the vagina. Use of oral contraceptives reduces the risk of ectopic pregnancy by suppressing ovulation. Also combined oral contraceptives reduce the incidence of endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer. COCs often used for the treatment of functional ovarian cysts. Another positive aspect is the reduction of the frequency of COCs acne.

 Contraceptives for nulliparous if it is too early to give birth

How to take oral contraceptives

Hormone pills should be taken at the same time of day (preferably at bedtime). Daily from the package is accepted only one tablet. You must start taking on the first day of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
 . After 21 days (that is how much is in a blister pack of tablets) begins menstruating. After a seven-day break to start taking the pill again. If a woman has forgotten to take the pill on time, it is necessary to drink immediately as soon as you remember, and the next three days to use additional contraceptive measures (eg a condom). Vomiting, diarrhea weakens contraceptive effect. In this situation it is necessary to take a second tablet.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • Contraceptives
