Yarina - Instructions for use: a qualitative hormonal contraceptive

November 30, 2011

 Yarina - Instructions for use
 Yasmin - a hormonal contraceptive with antiandrogenic (inhibits the action of male sex hormones) action. Yaryna inhibit androgen synthesis and, therefore, has a positive effect on the course of acne, which in most cases is a consequence of the content in the blood of large amounts of androgens.

 Yarina - Instructions for use: a qualitative hormonal contraceptive

The mechanism of action Yarin

Yasmin - a combined (it consists of two hormones) monophasic (adopted by the same dose of the drug, ie the menstrual cycle consists of one phase) low-dose hormonal contraceptive with antiandrogenic action. Available Yarina German pharmaceutical company Schering tablets 21 pieces per pack.

The composition of Yarin includes two synthetic female sex hormone, which are more efficient natural counterparts. Each tablet contains Yarin 30 mcg ethinyl estradiol (an analogue of the female sex hormones estrogen) and 3 mg drospirenone (analogue another female sex hormone progesterone).

Included in the Yarina inhibit the synthesis of hormones gonadotropin (stimulates the sex organs) of pituitary hormones. It was under the influence of pituitary gonadotropins occurs oocyte maturation in the ovary and its exit from the ovary for fertilization (ovulation). Regular (daily at the same time) taking Yasmin ovulation does not occur, it is reliable to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Under the influence of hormones also increases the viscosity of mucus of the cervical canal, whereby the sperm can not penetrate into the uterus and fallopian tubes to further fertilization.

Upon receipt of Yarin normal menstrual cycle, there are less pain and other unpleasant phenomena associated with menstruation, it decreases the amount of bleeding, which in turn reduces the risk of iron deficiency anemia. Also decreases the risk of developing hormone-dependent cancers genitals.

If taken regularly Yarin, the efficacy of the drug is very high: in the course of the year there is at least one hundred pregnant women to use it (Pearl Index). At irregular reception Yarin efficiency is greatly reduced.

 Yarina - Instructions for use: a qualitative hormonal contraceptive

How to apply Yarin

Assigned to receive Yasmin may only obstetrician-gynecologist after a preliminary examination of the woman. This ensures that women's lack of serious complications from the drugs in this series.

Yarin begin to take on the first day of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
   (the first day of menstruation) and receive daily tablet daily at one and the same time for three weeks, followed by a seven-day make a break. The sharp break intake of hormones causes the rejection of the mucous membrane of the uterus and bleeding menstrualnopodobnoe. Exactly seven days (even if the bleeding has not yet ended) it is necessary to start taking pills from another package. Regular intake of pills is crucial to the effectiveness of the drug: the deviation from the time of receipt shall not be more than 12 hours.

The instructions to the drug clearly itemized admission rules Yarin in any situations.

 Yarina - Instructions for use: a qualitative hormonal contraceptive

Contraindications Yarin

Contraindications for the use of Yasmin are:

  • the tendency of the body of women to the formation of blood clots - venous insufficiency, ischemic heart disease (including angina and myocardial infarction), cerebrovascular accident (both persistent and transient), stroke, severe cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure (including and in the past) long being stationary, after 35 years of smoking, diabetes mellitus Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   with vascular complications, inflammation of the pancreas;
  • migraine attack, accompanied by temporary sensitivity or movement disorders (including the last);
  • severe liver disease in violation of its functions, benign and malignant liver tumors;
  • severe kidney disease with a significant reduction of their functions;
  • oncological diseases;
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • individual intolerance of components.

 Yarina - Instructions for use: a qualitative hormonal contraceptive

Side effects that may occur when applying Yaryna

Upon receipt of Yarin, the following side effects:

  • very rarely have serious complications such as thrombosis and thromboembolism (blood clot and blockage of the tear them large vessel), but they occur mostly in women who have not passed the preliminary examination before taking the drug;
  • severe complications from liver is also rare, they do occur, if you do not take into account all contraindications for receiving Yarin;
  • changes in the genitals - intermenstrual bleeding (spotting or breakthrough bleeding), especially during the first months of use; the changing nature of vaginal discharge, decreased or (rarely) enhancing sexual desire;
  • changes in the breast - increased sensitivity, tenderness and engorgement of the breast, sometimes - discharge from the nipple;
  • changes in the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
  • changes in the central nervous system - headache (including migraine), depressed mood, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
  • changes in the eye - the eye tissue irritation when wearing contact lenses;
  • changes in the metabolism - increase or decrease in body weight, covert and overt edema (very rare);
  • allergic reactions.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Yarina

Emergency Contraception - side effects are common

December 12, 2012

 side effects of emergency contraception
 Emergency contraception, whatever means it is not carried out, always has a significant impact on a woman's body. Therefore it is better if a physician contraception spent considering all the indications, contraindications and possible side effects of a particular method.

 Emergency Contraception - side effects are common

Side effects of hormonal methods of emergency contraception

When the hormonal methods, emergency contraception is a woman's body receives hormones kick in as large doses of hormones. In the application of the special emergency contraceptive pill containing the progestogen (synthetic versions of the female sex hormone progesterone), such as levonorgestrel at a high dosage (Postinor eskapel, El Eve EC 72), inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins of the pituitary gland (follicle - FSH and LH - LH) and the release of the hypothalamus releasing factors (they stimulate the secretion of FSH and LH). This causes a sharp decrease in volume (atrophy) mucosa of the uterus, which leads to disruption of introduction into the uterine wall of the egg.

Such sudden hormonal changes, including in the activities of the pituitary and hypothalamus, may lead to menstrual disorders, the emergence of inter-menstrual bleeding and bleeding, increase or prolongation of the menstrual cycle. There may also swelling and pain in the breast. If such emergency contraception is rare, it is usually normal menstrual cycle after a certain period of time. But frequent use might prolonged menstrual disorders, infertility complicated.

In addition, the application of levonorgestrel for emergency contraception may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headaches, dizziness, muscle weakness, fatigue - these side effects are quick and do not require discontinuation of therapy. But if there were signs of allergy (itchy rash, hives, swelling), apply the emergency contraceptive pill can not.

 Emergency Contraception - side effects are common

Side effects when administered mifepristone for emergency contraception

Mifeprriston refers to non-hormonal drugs. However, the effect it has is a hormone, since it inhibits the action of the female hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology

Mifepristone suppresses ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 , Changes the state of the mucous membrane of the uterus, which prevents attachment to the uterine wall of a fertilized egg.

Side effects in single application may be limited to the appearance of bleeding Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
 . Eventually female reproductive system in most cases is restored. But the frequent use may develop persistent menstrual irregularities, including amenorrhea The absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) - ambiguous symptom  The absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) - ambiguous symptom
   (complete absence of menstrual periods) and infertility.

There may be side effects and other organs: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness, headache, allergic reactions.

 Emergency Contraception - side effects are common

Side effects of IUD

Intrauterine device (IUD) is a very effective means of emergency contraception, which also will be no less effective in routine contraception. With the introduction of the IUD into the uterus it causes a slight constant inflammatory process that does not allow the fetus to become stronger in its wall. In addition, the copper, which is part of the Navy, suppress vital functions of the egg and sperm.

But the Navy, there are side effects. First of all, the accession of infection - this contributes to the constant inflammatory process. Another side effect of IUD is that after its removal increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy (some four times).

Navy has many contraindications for use. It is any inflammatory processes (they will be more active on the background of the Navy), benign and malignant tumors (stimulated by the growth of the tumor tissue), pregnancy.

Relative contraindications for the Navy are defects in the development of the internal sex organs, a significant growth of the mucous membrane of the uterus, some menstrual irregularities (for example, too long and heavy menstrual bleeding), blood diseases, especially anemia.

Emergency contraception should be effective. But it will be effective only in the hands of a professional - an obstetrician-gynecologist, who will appoint a woman individually chosen method of emergency contraception with all the indications and contraindications, as well as his state of health and the reproductive system.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Emergency Contraception
