Liposuction of the abdomen - whether to resort to extreme measures?

December 14, 2011

 Liposuction of the abdomen
 Remove fat from the abdomen - this is one of the most common plastic surgery. But take up her plastic surgeons are not always, but only when the big belly is not in harmony with the figure by changing the contours of the body. If the patient simply obesity, then it is recommended to first consult an endocrinologist.


How can I remove the fat from the abdomen

Liposuction of the abdomen is the removal of fat from the area of ​​subcutaneous fat on the abdomen to create a harmonious figure. Liposuction of the abdomen do when stomach upsets contours of the figure, for example, it is too large or uneven. Irregularities often occur after previous liposuction not very successful in this area. Too big, bulging belly is often left after a sharp drop the weight, as well as after birth. Remove it with diet and exercise is often impossible.

Make liposuction can be different methods. If a lot of belly fat, then held operational liposuction, when the fat is sucked through small incisions in the skin and excreted from the body. Operating liposuction can be carried out by vacuum, tumescent or ultrasonic method. The first two methods require removal of fat cells, and the latter - after removal of the fat emulsion prior ultrasound cell destruction.

When a small amount of fat or bumps on the belly fat is removed using a syringe or a non-surgical method. Non-surgical method of abdominal liposuction can be performed using ultrasound, laser or radio-wave equipment. And in fact, in both cases on fat cells contactlessly affect ultrasound or radio waves, whereby they are destroyed fatliquor comes first in the extracellular space, and then (mainly through the lymphatic vessels and partially through the veins) excreted naturally. With non-surgical liposuction can remove up to more than 0, 5 kg of fat.

If the operating liposuction on the abdomen skin droops, then do the operation for its lifting. After this non-surgical liposuction is usually not required, as under the influence of ultrasound or radio waves is a reduction surface of the skin at the site of action (lifting). More clearly lifting obtained by exposure to radio waves.


Who can and who can not carry out liposuction of the abdomen

Liposuction is performed under its belly significant (compared to the whole figure) enlarged or irregular surface, when the stomach is a solid bumps and pits. Most often, this appearance of the abdomen appears after already carried out earlier liposuction.

Liposuction is contraindicated:

  • obesity when fat on the abdomen is the same as the whole body;
  • infectious diseases and exacerbation of chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • with severe heart disease, broncho-pulmonary system, kidneys and liver;
  • in severe diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
  • oncological diseases;
  • patients with mental illness Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?  Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?
   and epilepsy Epilepsy - a sacred disease  Epilepsy - a sacred disease
  • in severe allergic diseases;
  • in disorders of the skin in the area of ​​a proposed transaction (wounds, abrasions, skin rashes, and so on);
  • when a bleeding disorder;
  • venous insufficiency Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease  Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease
   and thrombophlebitis;
  • pregnancy.

Non-surgical liposuction is not carried out if the patient has any metal structures (for example, a pacemaker in the heart, or an artificial joint), with hernia and differences of the abdominal muscles, wounds, abrasions, burns or rashes any origin on the skin at the site of the expected impact, severe liver and kidney diseases in violation of their functions, reducing the laboratory parameters of blood clotting and pregnancy.

Any kind of liposuction is contraindicated during menstruation. In addition, it is impossible to carry out liposuction in patients receiving hormonal contraceptives are advised to stop taking them for at least six weeks before liposuction.


Liposuction of the abdomen and its results

Operating abdominal liposuction is performed under local anesthesia (if removed a small amount of fat) or under general anesthesia (with large volumes of fat).

Liposuction surgery involves a small incision or puncture, through which the skin are special cannula sucked fat and using negative pressure or ultrasound. Tumescent liposuction begins with an introduction in the subcutaneous fat of a large volume of liquid, after which the fat easier to remove. When a small amount of fat it is removed with a syringe. After surgery, cosmetic overlap the seams, leaving a wound drainage for the outflow of fluid.

Non-surgical liposuction is performed without breaking the skin. The procedure is painless and requires no anesthesia. To remove the right amount of fat usually requires several sessions.

After operating liposuction stomach tissue swelling and bruising keep for about a week, required to wear a compression garment for about three weeks. The result of liposuction will be seen in about a month. After a course of non-surgical liposuction effect is also seen not once, but usually a month belly for any form of liposuction is flat. The effect of this is forever - the fat in place of liposuction is no longer delayed.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Liposuction

Hair removal: perfect skin without hair

September 29, 2011

 Today, in a fashion woman's body without hair, so there were all sorts of ways to remove them. All of them are divided into two groups: depilation Waxing: the easy way to beauty  Waxing: the easy way to beauty
 When the hair is removed only from the surface of the skin and hair removal, when there is a more profound impact, and the hair is removed from the root.


How does hair removal and its main types

As a result of epilation broken bulb (root) of the hair and the hair is not growing. But this ideal. As it turned out, any effect on the hair follicle is only possible when the hair is in a state of growth. The rest of the onion as it closes from any external influences. This leads to the fact that after the treatment in any way part of an epilation bulbs dies, and part remains, and after some time the hair grow again. Therefore, any hair removal procedure is carried out courses at regular intervals. Complete removal of body hair is possible through one - two years of regular course of epilation.

Contraindications for any type of hair removal are:

  • oncological diseases;
  • all types of tumors (both malignant and benign) on the skin at the site of action);
  • any manifestations of skin diseases or violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of impact;
  • the presence of keloid scars on the skin - there is no guarantee that a keloid is formed and after hair removal;
  • diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 Accompanied by immune disorders;
  • varicose veins (if hair removal occurs on the legs);
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system: high blood pressure, angina (coronary heart disease), severe cardiac arrhythmias;
  • any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • mental diseases, including epilepsy.

Hair removal can be of different types: electrolysis, epilation, laser, ultrasound, hair removal enzyme. There is bioepilyatsiya - hair removal Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?  Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?
   using wax, but this method is more applicable to depilation, as hair follicles with almost no damage. However, with regular use of this method in a few years hair may stop growing.



The principle of electrolysis Electrolysis: a proven method of hair removal  Electrolysis: a proven method of hair removal
   It built on the fact that hair growth status is a conductor of electric current, which destroys the follicle. Accordingly, the hair that were not in the stage of growth, keep your bulbs. During one procedure, it is recommended to work on the skin no more than ten minutes. The procedure is quite painful, so performed under local anesthesia. In addition, it can produce complications in the form of small pustules on the skin, which then pass into the hems.


Enzyme epilation

This type of hair removal performed using vegetable enzymes (enzymes) of similar enzymes that are produced in the human body (trypsin, chymotrypsin). After application to the skin enzymes droop under the influence of heat in the hair follicles and cleave there protein from which the hair is constructed. In other proteins, these enzymes do not have harmful effects.

Enzyme epilation conducted usually in combination with subsequent hair removal wax residues.


Ultrasonic Hair Removal

Ultrasonic hair removal is of secondary importance, as applied after bioepilyatsii wax. Skin special gel is applied, the molecules and ions which enter via ultrasound into the skin, partially destroying hair follicles. Naturally, in such a way at once, and the complete destruction of the bulbs can not be achieved. The result will be seen not earlier than in a year of regular use. How do the procedures and with what intervals, solves a doctor.


Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal involves heating and destruction of the hair follicles laser energy absorption by the hair pigment melanin. As the largest amount of melanin found in dark hair, that they are best removed with a laser. Bright and white hair scarcely amenable to laser action. People with dark skin laser hair removal is contraindicated due to the presence of a large amount of melanin pigment in the skin - you can get burned.

Laser hair removal is effective, but still is not able to destroy all the hair, so it is required to carry out a few times.



Laser hair removal is performed pulsed light source of high power. The light energy is absorbed as melanin and hemoglobin, which allows you to remove hair as dark melanin rich and bright, due to the absorption of light energy by hemoglobin of blood and sealing of blood vessels (the remaining power supply without the bulb dies). A very effective way of hair removal, lasting effect occurs after the fifth procedure (they are carried out at intervals of several weeks).

Field treatments hair removal for some time can keep redness and swelling of tissues, and then some patients may remain on the skin brown or, on the contrary, deprived of pigmentation spots. But over time it passes.

Any type of hair removal requires a sufficiently long and hard use, one session is not enough.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • epilation
