Remove fat from the abdomen - this is one of the most common plastic surgery. But take up her plastic surgeons are not always, but only when the big belly is not in harmony with the figure by changing the contours of the body. If the patient simply obesity, then it is recommended to first consult an endocrinologist.
How can I remove the fat from the abdomen
Liposuction of the abdomen is the removal of fat from the area of subcutaneous fat on the abdomen to create a harmonious figure. Liposuction of the abdomen do when stomach upsets contours of the figure, for example, it is too large or uneven. Irregularities often occur after previous liposuction not very successful in this area. Too big, bulging belly is often left after a sharp drop the weight, as well as after birth. Remove it with diet and exercise is often impossible.
Make liposuction can be different methods. If a lot of belly fat, then held operational liposuction, when the fat is sucked through small incisions in the skin and excreted from the body. Operating liposuction can be carried out by vacuum, tumescent or ultrasonic method. The first two methods require removal of fat cells, and the latter - after removal of the fat emulsion prior ultrasound cell destruction.
When a small amount of fat or bumps on the belly fat is removed using a syringe or a non-surgical method. Non-surgical method of abdominal liposuction can be performed using ultrasound, laser or radio-wave equipment. And in fact, in both cases on fat cells contactlessly affect ultrasound or radio waves, whereby they are destroyed fatliquor comes first in the extracellular space, and then (mainly through the lymphatic vessels and partially through the veins) excreted naturally. With non-surgical liposuction can remove up to more than 0, 5 kg of fat.
If the operating liposuction on the abdomen skin droops, then do the operation for its lifting. After this non-surgical liposuction is usually not required, as under the influence of ultrasound or radio waves is a reduction surface of the skin at the site of action (lifting). More clearly lifting obtained by exposure to radio waves.
Who can and who can not carry out liposuction of the abdomen
Liposuction is performed under its belly significant (compared to the whole figure) enlarged or irregular surface, when the stomach is a solid bumps and pits. Most often, this appearance of the abdomen appears after already carried out earlier liposuction.
Liposuction is contraindicated:
- obesity when fat on the abdomen is the same as the whole body;
- infectious diseases and exacerbation of chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases;
- with severe heart disease, broncho-pulmonary system, kidneys and liver;
- in severe diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
- oncological diseases;
- patients with mental illness
Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?
and epilepsy
Epilepsy - a sacred disease
- in severe allergic diseases;
- in disorders of the skin in the area of a proposed transaction (wounds, abrasions, skin rashes, and so on);
- when a bleeding disorder;
- venous insufficiency
Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease
and thrombophlebitis;
- pregnancy.
Non-surgical liposuction is not carried out if the patient has any metal structures (for example, a pacemaker in the heart, or an artificial joint), with hernia and differences of the abdominal muscles, wounds, abrasions, burns or rashes any origin on the skin at the site of the expected impact, severe liver and kidney diseases in violation of their functions, reducing the laboratory parameters of blood clotting and pregnancy.
Any kind of liposuction is contraindicated during menstruation. In addition, it is impossible to carry out liposuction in patients receiving hormonal contraceptives are advised to stop taking them for at least six weeks before liposuction.
Liposuction of the abdomen and its results
Operating abdominal liposuction is performed under local anesthesia (if removed a small amount of fat) or under general anesthesia (with large volumes of fat).
Liposuction surgery involves a small incision or puncture, through which the skin are special cannula sucked fat and using negative pressure or ultrasound. Tumescent liposuction begins with an introduction in the subcutaneous fat of a large volume of liquid, after which the fat easier to remove. When a small amount of fat it is removed with a syringe. After surgery, cosmetic overlap the seams, leaving a wound drainage for the outflow of fluid.
Non-surgical liposuction is performed without breaking the skin. The procedure is painless and requires no anesthesia. To remove the right amount of fat usually requires several sessions.
After operating liposuction stomach tissue swelling and bruising keep for about a week, required to wear a compression garment for about three weeks. The result of liposuction will be seen in about a month. After a course of non-surgical liposuction effect is also seen not once, but usually a month belly for any form of liposuction is flat. The effect of this is forever - the fat in place of liposuction is no longer delayed.
Galina Romanenko