Retinoic ointment in cosmetology - used with caution

January 7, 2014

 retinoic ointment in cosmetology
 Retinoic ointment used in cosmetics for the treatment and prevention of acne, certain dermatoses, and aging of skin. But it is not a cosmetic and a drug, so its use can only be prescribed by a doctor dermatologist-cosmetologist.


Why retinoic ointment attracts attention beauticians

The first drugs based on retinoids have been used in the early 70-ies. Retinoids - a biologically active substance obtained by activation of retinol (vitamin A).

It is known that vitamin A is actively involved in the regulation of metabolic processes in the skin. Therefore, it is usually added to many cosmetic products, mainly in facial creams.

Retinoids are more active than vitamin A, and therefore they are used as active substances in medicaments. For example, in the Russian pharmaceutical preparation for topical retinoic ointment, there is a retinoid isotretinoin. Isotretinoin has an active effect on the skin, but at the same time has a number of contraindications and side effects. In addition, the effect of retinoids on the skin is not fully investigated, so apply retinoic ointment without a prescription is not necessary.

But in beauty salons, beauticians, doctors use retinoic ointment, but strictly on the evidence, considering the contraindications and possible side effects. Assign retinoic ointment in the treatment of acne, rosacea, perioral dermatitis - these diseases are specified in the instructions to the drug. Recently, retinoic ointment increasingly began to exchange for facial rejuvenation.


Treatment of acne

The main indication for the use of retinoic ointment is the treatment of acne Acne treatment: how to get rid of blackheads  Acne treatment: how to get rid of blackheads
 . 0, 05% or 0 to 1% retinoic ointment applied as part of a specific treatment or course in monotherapy.

When applied to the skin of retinoic ointment isotretinoin partially absorbed directly through the skin epithelium and partly through the ducts of the sebaceous glands. For the treatment of acne more important is the second way. Retinoid isotretinoin thus concentrated in the hair follicle, exerting a regulating effect on sebum production and its chemical composition - the result is a less sebum and it becomes less viscous.

At the same time inhibits the proliferative (cell multiplication) of the surface layers of the sebaceous glands, they are less peel. It accelerates the process of maturation and differentiation of cells of the middle layer of the skin - the dermis - the cells promotes skin renewal and inhibit the formation of her gross scars from acne.

All this contributes to the fact that removed the main cause of acne - increased saloobrazovaniya holes and blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands and the subsequent development of infectious-inflammatory process.

But retinoids are slow, so they prescribe long courses at 1-1, 5 months. This beautician to observe the reaction of the skin to the applied drug. The action of retinoids to the skin is not fully understood, and it is not clear, for example, why in one - two weeks after the start of treatment, some people develop a worsening of the disease, while others treatment is without any side effects.

This feature makes retinoic ointment the doctor for each patient individually to select the frequency and duration of use of the drug. Usually retinoic ointment administered twice a day, applying a thin layer on clean skin. At the beginning of treatment the ointment is applied in two or three days, and just make sure it is complete portability, moving to two-single application.


Skin Rejuvenation

Skin rejuvenation - it is no less common cause of purpose retinoic ointment Retinoic ointment - help with acne and wrinkles  Retinoic ointment - help with acne and wrinkles
   in cosmetology. It uses a suction effect ointment directly through the stratum corneum. Ointment suppresses increased desquamation of the skin, activates the metabolism of skin cells, their renewal, and stimulates collagen and elastin - substances consisting elastic frame skin.

Retinoic ointment for skin rejuvenation is used once a day on nocht as a night cream. Its neat thin layer on the skin, avoiding application to the skin around the eyes. All treatment is carried out under the supervision of a physician.


When and why retinoic ointment can not be used

The first retinoic ointment should not be used during pregnancy (she has a teratogenic effect and embriotiksicheskim), feeding baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding, children and adolescents under 18 years of age, as well as hypersensitivity to its components.

With care ointment prescribed for liver, kidney, pancreas, heart, along with the antibiotics tetracycline and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • retinoic ointment

Cream for hair removal on the face - you need to choose carefully

October 6, 2013

  • Cream for hair removal on the face - you need to choose carefully
  • Kinds

 Cream for hair removal on the face
 Today, women are trying to have a perfectly smooth, delicate skin, especially on the face. The appearance of excess hair on the face can greatly impair the appearance. For hair removal Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?  Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?
   on the face do not fit drastic remedies that remove hair together with the root. On the face are only the external methods of depilation hair removal. There are many methods of depilation, but at home is best to use a cream for depilation face.

 Cream for hair removal on the face - you need to choose carefully

Waxing facial cream - for and against

Cream for hair removal (depilatory) released today, many cosmetic companies. It remains only to choose which one will suit a particular woman. Depilatory creams facial hair removed by chemical treatment (chemical depilation). A feature of such creams is that the hair is removed just above the level of the skin, to the roots (bulbs) hair depilatories do not affect. This implies both positive and negative properties of these creams.

The positive characteristics include ease of the procedure, which can be done at home and the total painless.

Chemical substances contained in the cream act as a razor. Only the shaver cuts the hair at the base, and a cream dissolve. Hair after such removal does not become stiff as after shaving, on the contrary, they become softer and thinner. But then again re-grow hair color can be darker, because the hairs that are long in the face, faded with time. A positive feature is the fact that the face depilation cream occurs ingrown hairs in the skin, which often occurs after shaving.

There are in these creams and negative characteristics: the effect of their actions is kept for long, after 3-4 days start to reappear hairs. In addition, like any chemical depilatory cream may irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions. Cream depilatory cream on the face also cause a decrease acidity of the skin, which leads to a reduction of its protective properties, increased dryness and aging. Danger and his eye contact - this can lead to chemical burns.

In order to avoid allergic reactions, manufacturers recommend depilatory creams usually carried out before applying them sample. It is usually carried out in accordance with the recommendations given in the instructions. If these recommendations are not, simply apply a small amount of cream on the skin of the inner surface of the forearm, leave for a few minutes, then check its condition. Redness of the skin indicates that the body can not tolerate some components of the cream.

 Cream for hair removal on the face - you need to choose carefully

How is the facial hair removal cream

Any cream for hair removal for face necessarily has instructions, which clearly stated how it should be applied, it is possible to do about it and what is not. But overall, the cream is applied more or less the same, may differ only by exposure time (the period for which the cream is applied).

Before applying the cream to the face you want to remove make-up, as well as dust and dirt plaque formed during the day. After that, the cream is applied to problem areas (it can be applied thick enough layer). After the specified time in the instructions cream is washed off with warm water without soap, the skin is thoroughly dried and it is applied moisturizer. Some included a depilatory cream that not only moisturizes and soothes irritated skin, but also inhibits the growth of hair.

 Cream for hair removal on the face - you need to choose carefully

How to choose a face cream for depilation

Today in the pharmacy or in a store, you can be faced with a wide choice of various hair removal creams for the face Waxing face - the skin should look flawless  Waxing face - the skin should look flawless
 . How to choose exactly what you need? To do this, at least know something about the cream and its producers.

 Cream for hair removal on the face - you need to choose carefully

Eveline - face cream for depilation

Polish Eveline Cosmetics cosmetics company produces a series of tools for facial hair removal:

  • ultranezhny cream depilation 9 1 - designed for quick depilation incorporates active ingredients that inhibit hair growth; It has anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, has protective and regenerating effect, protects the skin from drying, gives the skin elasticity and silkiness, operates extremely fast, without the risk of damage to the skin; after depilation facial skin remains smooth for a long time and well-groomed;
  • ultranezhny depilatory cream with aloe 3in1 Aloe - its amazing healing properties  Aloe - its amazing healing properties
   vera and silk proteins effectively removes unwanted hair growth, contains soothing aloe vera and silk proteins that make skin long stays hydrated, smooth and soft, slow the growth of hair after depilation, reduces the frequency of need for hair removal procedures;
  • Balm, which slows down hair growth after depilation - most mitigates depilation.

 Cream for hair removal on the face - you need to choose carefully

Cream for hair removal face Byly

Spanish cosmetics company Laboratori Byly also produces a series of hair removal creams for the face:

  • depilatory cream face Byly with Aloe Vera plus cloth to restore the skin after depilation; It contains thioglycolic acid salts and alkaline component, so avoid getting the cream in your eyes, if this happened, the eyes should be washed with water; after depilation cream residues are washed off with water and the skin rubbed the cloth;
  • The line of Byly depil Gold offers high depilation Waxing: the easy way to beauty  Waxing: the easy way to beauty
   at home; after application of the skin is incredibly smooth and shiny; depilatory cream face Byly Gold is easy to use, ideal for sensitive areas, is composed of gold cosmetic, moisturizes and delicately on the skin, is used for repeated use; cream designed specifically for the face; after applying enough rinse thoroughly with water.
