Retinoic ointment used in cosmetics for the treatment and prevention of acne, certain dermatoses, and aging of skin. But it is not a cosmetic and a drug, so its use can only be prescribed by a doctor dermatologist-cosmetologist.
Why retinoic ointment attracts attention beauticians
The first drugs based on retinoids have been used in the early 70-ies. Retinoids - a biologically active substance obtained by activation of retinol (vitamin A).
It is known that vitamin A is actively involved in the regulation of metabolic processes in the skin. Therefore, it is usually added to many cosmetic products, mainly in facial creams.
Retinoids are more active than vitamin A, and therefore they are used as active substances in medicaments. For example, in the Russian pharmaceutical preparation for topical retinoic ointment, there is a retinoid isotretinoin. Isotretinoin has an active effect on the skin, but at the same time has a number of contraindications and side effects. In addition, the effect of retinoids on the skin is not fully investigated, so apply retinoic ointment without a prescription is not necessary.
But in beauty salons, beauticians, doctors use retinoic ointment, but strictly on the evidence, considering the contraindications and possible side effects. Assign retinoic ointment in the treatment of acne, rosacea, perioral dermatitis - these diseases are specified in the instructions to the drug. Recently, retinoic ointment increasingly began to exchange for facial rejuvenation.
Treatment of acne
The main indication for the use of retinoic ointment is the treatment of acne
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. 0, 05% or 0 to 1% retinoic ointment applied as part of a specific treatment or course in monotherapy.
When applied to the skin of retinoic ointment isotretinoin partially absorbed directly through the skin epithelium and partly through the ducts of the sebaceous glands. For the treatment of acne more important is the second way. Retinoid isotretinoin thus concentrated in the hair follicle, exerting a regulating effect on sebum production and its chemical composition - the result is a less sebum and it becomes less viscous.
At the same time inhibits the proliferative (cell multiplication) of the surface layers of the sebaceous glands, they are less peel. It accelerates the process of maturation and differentiation of cells of the middle layer of the skin - the dermis - the cells promotes skin renewal and inhibit the formation of her gross scars from acne.
All this contributes to the fact that removed the main cause of acne - increased saloobrazovaniya holes and blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands and the subsequent development of infectious-inflammatory process.
But retinoids are slow, so they prescribe long courses at 1-1, 5 months. This beautician to observe the reaction of the skin to the applied drug. The action of retinoids to the skin is not fully understood, and it is not clear, for example, why in one - two weeks after the start of treatment, some people develop a worsening of the disease, while others treatment is without any side effects.
This feature makes retinoic ointment the doctor for each patient individually to select the frequency and duration of use of the drug. Usually retinoic ointment administered twice a day, applying a thin layer on clean skin. At the beginning of treatment the ointment is applied in two or three days, and just make sure it is complete portability, moving to two-single application.
Skin Rejuvenation
Skin rejuvenation - it is no less common cause of purpose retinoic ointment
Retinoic ointment - help with acne and wrinkles
in cosmetology. It uses a suction effect ointment directly through the stratum corneum. Ointment suppresses increased desquamation of the skin, activates the metabolism of skin cells, their renewal, and stimulates collagen and elastin - substances consisting elastic frame skin.
Retinoic ointment for skin rejuvenation is used once a day on nocht as a night cream. Its neat thin layer on the skin, avoiding application to the skin around the eyes. All treatment is carried out under the supervision of a physician.
When and why retinoic ointment can not be used
The first retinoic ointment should not be used during pregnancy (she has a teratogenic effect and embriotiksicheskim), feeding baby
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
feeding, children and adolescents under 18 years of age, as well as hypersensitivity to its components.
With care ointment prescribed for liver, kidney, pancreas, heart, along with the antibiotics tetracycline and progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
Galina Romanenko