- Advances in the treatment of psoriasis
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Options for the treatment of psoriasis
Treatment of psoriasis has progressed a long way in the last ten years. This is good news for 7, 5 million people with a complex skin disease. Every year there is a new treatment or drug use which brings success in the fight against the disease.
So whether one of these new drugs and help you? This will depend on how severe stage of the disease you have. Many people can control this disease with drugs topical or phototherapy
Phototherapy - restores vitality
. Others require more serious treatment.
Doctors tend to use step by step method of treatment: they start with light creams and phototherapy. If this does not work, they resorted to a systematic application of medications. You will always offer to take advantage of the long-known, inexpensive means before moving on to newer drugs. As a result, many people simply remain undertreated. So you ought to be a lawyer with your doctor and insurance company. Keep this in mind, learning more about the achievements in the treatment of psoriasis and new drugs, when you search for this information in different sources.
Advances in topical treatment and phototherapy
In recent years, advances in the topical treatment offer new application methods of these creams and ointments. Sprays, foams and shampoos, as well as improved gels and ointments - many of them treat larger and more delicate skin easier, more efficient and safer.
Phototherapy is now available in a more focused form of therapy called narrowband ultraviolet light spectrum B. It reduces the risk of skin cancer
Skin cancer - a full recovery possible
People with localized disease can be treated with a certain spot on the skin. Another method is a combination of UV light with a spectrum of photosensitizer A (psoralen).
The ultra-modern biological treatment methods
Some of the most advanced methods for the treatment of psoriasis recently associated with the use of biological medicines. While older drugs suppress the immune system in general and new biologics applied targeted impact on the immune system with less side effects. Biologicals are generated from living cells, and they block the proteins (cytokines) or a variety of immune cells (T lymphocytes).
Biological products are suitable for people who have the disease spread over large areas of skin, or if it has a strong effect on their daily lives. Biological products provide an opportunity for long-term treatment and change the lives of many patients for the better.
Biological components are interesting not only because it provides good control, but also because it filled a certain vacuum. For example, they are safer than the older drugs for women who want to become pregnant. And many biologics treat also psoriatic arthritis
Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
What causes psoriasis
Psoriasis makes your skin cells in type A - is when the cells mature up to five times faster than normal skin cells. And unlike ordinary skin cells, which disappears with time, the cells pile up on the surface of the skin even faster than snow in the snow. Why is this happening? What causes the cells to fail?
Causes of psoriasis are still a mystery. Although it seems that the reason lies in the interaction of genes with the initiating factor.
The researchers believe that psoriasis develops when something is wrongly triggered in the immune system.
In psoriatic arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis - be attentive to his hands
- Psoriasis affects the joints - play the role of genetic factors and environmental factors.
Immune system: the main causes of psoriasis
Initially considered a hyperproliferative disease psoriasis. In other words, it was believed that only the skin produces too much skin. Therefore, most of the treatment was aimed specifically at the issue.
But in 1979, a happy event shed light on the true cause. The researchers found that people who were transplanted bone marrow for some other reasons, and also got rid of the psoriasis when they were given a drug to suppress the immune system. Scientists now know that psoriasis - an anomaly or malfunction of the immune system. More precisely, it is now known that T-cells, a type of white blood cell, are the root cause of all this. They grow and attack the area of skin affected with psoriasis. If a biopsy of cells of psoriasis and look at them under a microscope, you can see a lot of T-cells in the bottom spot.
Instead of protecting the body from pathogens, as it usually happens, the immune system in patients with psoriasis, and inflammation contributes to the rapid growth of skin cells. In a normal body releases proteins called cytokines, which uses the immune system to send signals. But in the case of psoriasis cytokines receive their signals are mixed. Skin cells pile up, the skin becomes thickened, red area of skin with increasing inflammation and increase circulation.
Many of the newer treatments are aimed at an attempt to deter or block the activity of T cells that induce hyperproliferative skin. What actually causes the activity of T-cells and causes them to be alert, not yet fully understood. But genes can still be directly related to this.