Psoriasis - immune system alarm

December 18, 2013

  • Psoriasis - immune system alarm
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 Psoriasis was known in ancient Greece, but then it was considered a form of leprosy. Today, much is known about psoriasis, but not all. There are several hypotheses of its origin, but still it is not known how the various factors contributing to the development of the disease, interact with each other in the human body.


What is psoriasis

Psoriasis or psoriasis Ringworm - not only infectious disease  Ringworm - not only infectious disease
   - A chronic skin non-communicable diseases, the main feature of which are scaly papular rash.

Why appears psoriasis? The mechanism of psoriasis is associated with dysfunction of the skin cells. Each cell has a life cycle - the period for which it is formed, develops, operates and dies. Normally this cycle of skin cells for almost 30 days, and to the cells affected by psoriasis - about 4-5 days. While some cells die, while others have not yet ripen, which leads to inflammation, swelling, increased orgovevaniyu and flaking skin.


Which leads to the development of psoriasis

How is psoriasis?

If two thousand years ago, psoriasis was considered a type of leprosy, and these people are isolated from society, but today it is known that psoriasis is not contagious, and from man to man is not transmitted. Moreover, the involvement in the development of infection disease is indirect - it can only "run" processes that cause the disease.

But not all people who have had infections (such as sore throat) become ill with psoriasis. This suggests the presence of patients with some special factors contributing to the development of the disease. Ithaca factor has been identified - it is hereditary. It was found that in families where one parent suffering from psoriasis, the risk of children increases several times.

Does the psoriasis is inherited?

Inherited by itself is not a disease but a predisposition to it, that is, ceteris paribus psoriasis more sick people with family history. Currently, it identified a number of genes responsible for the disease psoriasis - they provide the vulnerability of their carriers.

Skin disease psoriasis is one of the most common dermatoses, so its study paid much attention. Today, it is known that in the development of psoriasis takes several factors, which sometimes operate simultaneously. Above all, this impaired immunity, which give rise to antibodies against their own skin cells. As a result, the skin develops an autoimmune inflammatory process with the characteristic elements of the rash.

But violations of immunity "from scratch" does not happen, it also needs certain conditions in the form of changes in metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 , Neuroendocrine disorders, stress, infections transferred (of particular importance given the recent streptococcal infection), intoxication, stress, etc.

Special impact has psoriasis condition of the liver.

Psoriasis and liver - related phenomenon, as it is decomposed in the liver of toxic metabolic products to simple neutral a metabolite. In addition, synthesized in the liver substance vital to cell metabolism. Therefore, disruption of the liver increases the risk of developing psoriasis.

Predisposing factors for the development of psoriasis can also be diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 . Diabetes and psoriasis often develop together.

In humans, having a genetic predisposition to psoriasis it may occur for various reasons. For example, psoriasis is quite real in the nervous system have a clear link psoriasis and alcohol, smoking and psoriasis. Psoriasis and tattoos are also interrelated - found that the mechanical irritation of the skin during the exacerbation of the disease contributes to the emergence of new elements rash at the site of irritation.


How common is psoriasis

Psoriasis is one of the most common skin diseases. According to various sources, the proportion of patients with psoriasis patients of all skin diseases ranging from 3 to 10%. People with white skin psoriasis suffer much more frequently than with dark. Men and women suffer from psoriasis with the same frequency. However, psoriasis in women has some features, such as the risk of psoriasis in women smokers is almost 80% higher than non-smokers, and during pregnancy all the phenomena of psoriasis are often held. Psoriasis men do not have a clear link with smoking, however, if the disease started to quit smoking better.

The disease can begin at any age, but most often it manifests itself in puberty Puberty child - stages of a complex path  Puberty child - stages of a complex path

It is believed that psoriasis is a "mark of God" people of special artistic warehouse. Quite often, psoriasis occurs with celebrities. It is known that they suffered Stalin, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, Winston Churchill, John D. Rockefeller. Also common psoriasis at the stars. For example, psoriasis suffer from such well-known actresses like Cameron Diaz and Kim Kardashian, singer Britney Spears and Amy Winehouse, writers Vladimir Nabokov and John Updike.

Herpes - a virus creeping

January 20, 2014

  • Herpes - a virus creeping
  • The skin
  • Diagnostics

 Herpes today is a very urgent problem, as it can directly affect the health of the fetus during pregnancy. This viral infection, once introduced into the body, settled there permanently, causing constant relapses in the case of low immunity. Herpes is especially dangerous when immunodeficiencies: having no obstacles in its path, it causes widespread and generalized inflammation.


What is the difference between herpes and herpes cold

Herpes - a chronic infection. Causes of herpes - herpes viruses are very common in nature. A flu - a disease that develops when the temporary decrease in immunity (caused, for example, hypothermia). The cause of the common cold is a pathogenic microflora, constantly live on the mucous membranes of the human body.

Herpes has much in common with the common cold, as well as his aggravation associated with reduced immunity. That is why cold sores on the lips often called the "common cold." But the herpes virus is much more insidious than the usual pathogenic microflora - it can cause serious complications, especially in pregnant women.

Herpes in the human body could be hiding in the nerve ganglia, and only at lower immunity causes the disease.

How Herpes enters the bloodstream? Through the small blood vessels that supply blood to the skin and mucous membranes. In the blood of the herpes virus appears only during acute infection.

To date, 8 types of herpes viruses, which can cause different types of human herpes:

  • herpes simplex virus type I (HSV-I) - an infection that appears as a skin rash on the face ("cold" on the lips, labial herpes);
  • herpes simplex virus type II (HSV-II) - an infection that appears as a rash on the mucous membranes of the genitals (sexual or genital herpes);
  • herpes virus type III - varicella zoster;
  • Herpes virus type IV - Epstein-Barr virus, which causes infectious mononucleosis.
  • herpesvirus type V - cytomegalovirus Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?  Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?
  • herpesvirus type VI - causes roseola (psevdokrasnuhu);
  • herpesvirus type VII - it is believed that this virus causes chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • herpesvirus type VIII - associated with Kaposi's sarcoma.

Contagious herpes? It is very contagious and most people become infected with a type of herpes - HSV-I in early childhood - from three to seven years. It is the most harmless type of virus that causes "cold" on the lips. To some extent, it is even useful, as is well established that the carriers of HSV-I rarely infected with HSV-II. But HSV-I as well as HSV-II can cause genital herpes, however, is much rarer.

Contagiousness herpes very high, but with the proviso that in the body of the virus to be contacted yet. Infection with HSV-I occurs at household contacts (via hands, surrounding objects, toys, and so on), as well as through airborne droplets when speaking, coughing, sneezing. HSV-II is transmitted from person to person primarily through sexual contact.

Very contagious human herpes virus type III (varicella zoster) that causes chickenpox in children and shingles Ringworm - not only infectious disease  Ringworm - not only infectious disease
   in adults. This type of herpes virus after a childhood chickenpox will forever remain in the human body, hiding in the nerve ganglia. By reducing immunity (eg, against hypothermia, stress, suffering acute illness, alcohol abuse, and so on), it multiplies, moving along the nerve fibers to the skin and causes the disease - herpes zoster, which is also called herpes zoster. Very often shingles Shingles - from simple ailments and brain damage  Shingles - from simple ailments and brain damage
   It appears in the elderly.

Chronic recurrent herpes - this is the most typical manifestation of this infection. In order to begin the recurrence of herpes infection requires trigger factors. It may be stress, intoxication, prolonged exposure to the sun. For example, it is real cold sores after tanning - UV rays provoke the exacerbation of chronic infection. If the herpes appeared after the dentist - this is not to say that the dentist made this infection with tools (for example, do you get hepatitis B or C) - most likely cause of acute herpes simplex became stress or trauma of oral tissues.

The causative agent of herpes is especially dangerous for people with immune deficiencies. Herpes and immunity - concepts are closely related, since it is against the background of reduced immunity appear recurrences of herpes infection. For example, HIV and herpes - this combination can lead to the death of the patient. Viral Herpes can occur and is completely transparent - this is typical for people with good immune systems.

There is such a thing as congenital herpes. Congenital herpes is considered that the child was infected in utero or during birth from the mother. The reason for this often is the herpes HSV-II. Congenital herpes - this is usually generalized herpes, which is spread over many systems of the body. One of the manifestations of a generalized herpes cold sores internal organs.

There are even varieties of herpes as herpes in puberty, when the first sexual intercourse, most often caused by HSV-II.


Manifestations of herpes caused by HSV-I

Under herpes usually refers to two kinds of herpes infection, herpes simplex virus type I and II (HSV-I and HSV-II).

HSV-I causes labial herpes (herpes normal), which first develops after the age of three to four years. Many children have a primary herpes runs hard as herpes sores or a sore throat. How to start herpes? Starting a disease with a very high fever, chills, malaise, sometimes clouding of consciousness and seizures. Against this background, the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, and there are changes that undergo characteristic changes.

Redness and swelling at herpes seize vast tracts of the oral mucosa. Then, on these sites appear clear content bubbles which rapidly burst, forming the erosion. All this time, the child's condition remains grave. Temperature herpes not reduced as long as the acute inflammatory process continues. Herpes and lymph nodes Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
   also connected - on the background of the primary infection is often possible to see an increase in morbidity and submandibular and cervical lymph nodes. Gradually eroded begin to heal, the temperature drops and the child recovers. Primary herpes lasts two to three weeks.

Chronic recurrent cold sores on the lips flows much easier. The aggravation of the disease usually occurs without the temperature and abundant precipitations. On the red border of the lips or on the inner surface of the blisters appear, the development of which is undergoing a series of stages. Stages of Herpes:

  • 1 initial stage - the stage of the precursors; It starts with itching, tingling and sometimes numbness of the skin on the lips at the site of injury; stage lasts from 2 to 24 hours;
  • 2 stage - the stage of hyperemia and edema; it is characterized by redness, swelling and severe itching of the skin; If at this point applied to the affected area lips antiviral drugs for external use (e.g., Zovirax cream), the development of bubble can be prevented; It is developing the first stage - the second day of the disease;
  • 3 stage - stage of the bubble; in place is increased swelling and redness on the top appears a little painful vesicle (or few bubbles) with clear content; the bubble gradually grows in size, with it increases swelling of the surrounding tissues; clear the contents of the bubble gradually becomes cloudy; it happens in the first - the second day of the disease;
  • 4 stage - the stage of formation of erosions; maximum bubble grows in size and bursts, turning in weeping erosion, which implies an inflammatory fluid - the source of infection; this is the most contagious stage; at this time the patient is better less contact with their children, and in any case do not kiss them; it usually occurs on the third day of infection;
  • 5 stage - the stage of formation of crusts on the red border of lips (the mucous membrane is not formed crust) - the crust is formed quickly enough, it is easy to remove, but after removing the wound starts to bleed and hurt; herpes begins to heal from the inside, the swelling subsides; this happens at the end of the first - the beginning of the second week of the disease;
  • 6 stage - stage of wound healing; erosions heal within two days, the same amount saved, and redness of the skin in this area; recurrent herpes on the lip is healing for 9-11 day of illness; at this time an infectious agent returns to the inactive state, in which can reside until activated again under the influence of various factors.
