Blood sugar - should be able to do every patient

September 9, 2013

  • Blood sugar - should be able to do every patient
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 blood sugar
 Blood sugar diabetics should carry out several times a day. They should also be able to evaluate the results and make a decision on urgent measures to prevent the complications of diabetes, if the analysis showed a sharp increase or decrease in blood sugar Lowering blood sugar - not as good as it seems  Lowering blood sugar - not as good as it seems

 Blood sugar - should be able to do every patient

The study of blood sugar - what does it do

Diabetes - a disease that requires constant laboratory control blood sugar. For this purpose, laboratory tests are carried out in the laboratory of medical institutions and at home by the patient.

Control of blood sugar levels at home is needed to maintain a stable blood sugar level Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
   exceptions sharp increase or decrease in this indicator. In addition, the patient must be able to do a urine test for sugar and acetone.

But the blood sugar Sugar in the blood of pregnant women: how not to miss the right moment  Sugar in the blood of pregnant women: how not to miss the right moment
   at home it is not always accurate .  Therefore, this analysis periodically subject in outpatient .  In addition, every three months in the blood is determined by the content of glycated hemoglobin, an indicator that reflects blood sugar levels over the past three months .  This is a laboratory test for long-term control of blood glucose levels .  The study is based on the fact that part of the hemoglobin present in erythrocytes, a glucose molecule attached, so that such a molecule called hemoglobin glycosylated .  The extent of glycosylation of hemoglobin depends on the concentration of glucose, which is stored in red blood cells throughout their existence chetyrehmesyachogo .  Therefore, at any time the percentage of glycosylated hemoglobin levels reflect the average blood glucose over the preceding one to two months, allowing for precise control of blood sugar .  Normally, this parameter normally is 4, 5-6, 5% of the total hemoglobin in the blood .

In order to distinguish the type I diabetes mellitus type II is carried out by determination of insulin levels (rate - 15-180 pmol / L). In diabetes type I it will be reduced, II type - normal or elevated. So too is the determination of blood C-peptide levels - insulin and C-peptide of proinsulin formed in the beta cells of the pancreas (norm - 0, 5-2, 0 mg / l).

For early detection of type I diabetes in blood determine the presence of antibodies to the beta cells of the pancreas that destroy them, which leads to a lack of insulin, and to the development of diabetes. But this figure is not detected in all patients, and approximately 30%.

Help identify diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   Type I at an early stage (even before the onset of symptoms) determination of antibodies to GAD - glutamic acid decarboxylase. GAD is often the antigen to which anetitela produced in diabetes type I, destroying cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.

Early detection of diabetes and timely assignment of treatment to avoid complications of diabetes. It is therefore important studies of blood sugar and the identification of other laboratory signs of diabetes.

 Blood sugar - should be able to do every patient

Preparation for a blood test for sugar

How to donate blood sugar? Blood sugar fasting pass, during the day or after a sugar load. To test result was correct, it is necessary to conduct some training.

So, for the taking of blood sugar on an empty stomach before taking the analysis do not eat for 10 hours. It is also important to eat before taking the analysis as usual, otherwise the index of blood sugar would be misleading. But alcohol is not necessary to use at least a day, but better a few days. Immediately before the delivery of the analysis can not smoke. Of course, it should be excluded as alcohol. Nor can we take any medication (except glucose-lowering, if carried out monitoring of treatment effectiveness). Blood test can only be performed two weeks after completion of treatment with a certain drug.

Preparing for the blood sugar after a meal: the last meal should be up to 2 hours before taking blood for testing. This is very important - so revealed the ability to restore normal blood sugar levels after eating.

You should not donate blood sugar during some acute illness (flu, sore throat), immediately after the trauma, suffering severe stress or physical stress (such as after playing sports) - it can also lead to a distortion of the results. Before any analysis should sit quietly and relax for 10-15 minutes.

You can not donate blood for sugar and after physiotherapy, ultrasound or X-ray examination, acupuncture, massage - all of these effects can somehow affect the results of the analysis.

Before having blood sugar with a load of preparation is the same as for taking a blood test on an empty stomach.

Normal when blood sugar - 3, 5, 5, 5 mmol / l in the blood, fasting, 5, 3-7, 8 mmol / L in blood not taken on an empty stomach.

Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health - Critical

September 10, 2013

  • Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
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 Critical blood sugar

Critical blood sugar

In diabetes prolonged lack of energy resources leads to the fact that as the energetic material into use fats. But the burning of fat accompanied by the formation of toxic ketone bodies (acetone). The appearance of ketone bodies in the blood leads to increased acidity of body tissues (ketoacidosis), which is accompanied by severe intoxication.

Acetone appears in the urine by increasing blood sugar levels to 13-17 mmol / L and an increase in urine and it above 3%. In this case, the school diabetes patients learn to detect the presence of acetone in urine. This is done using special test strips. Upon detection of acetone in urine must inject insulin to patients, and have a general alkalinization organism, for example, using an enema with 2% soda solution.

A large amount of sugar in his blood is accompanied by excretion in the urine. Sugar is excreted in the urine when its blood level reaches 10-11 mmol / l. This is a dangerous condition, as with glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   It displays a large amount of fluid and dehydration occurs. Acidosis and dehydration can lead to a critical state - hyperglycemic coma.

The forerunners are starting hyperglycemic coma sugar in the urine (glycosuria), increased daily volume of urine (polyuria), thirst (the patient can drink up to 10 liters or more of water per day - polydipsia), violation of the mineral, protein and lipid metabolism. Prolonged critical blood sugar levels can cause serious complications in the internal organs.

The critical level of blood sugar and can be at its sharp decline. In healthy people, the fall in blood sugar levels is considered to be critical in its content in the blood of 3, 2 mmol l. However, there are people who are at level 2 and 5 mmol / l feel well. So that the lower critical level even in healthy people are not always the same.

In diabetes the condition of hypoglycemia can cause a relatively low level of sugar in the blood, it is a state of hypoglycemia can occur simply by a sharp decrease in blood sugar, and the figure may be higher than the upper limit of normal.

If you monitor the content of sugar in the blood and urine, to timely detect the presence of acetone in the urine, adjust the initial treatment, the patients with diabetes can live for years without any complications.

 Critical | Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health

Deadly blood sugar

Indicators of blood sugar levels in diabetic patients can be as high as 15 mg / dL or higher, which leads to the development of hyperglycemic coma. But this is not all patients, and some with higher blood sugar feel fine. Therefore, certain parameters upper fatal blood sugar level does not exist. In diabetes type I and II hyperglycemic coma proceeds differently. When insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (type I) developing ketoacidosis and dehydration, whereas in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (type II) develops only dehydration, but it can be expressed considerably so that the output from the condition of the patient very difficult.

A feature of hyperglycemic someone is that they develop gradually and the patient, who was trained in the school of diabetes, it can catch a dangerous moment and to take the necessary measures. Ketoatsidoticheskaya hyperglycemic coma in patients with type I diabetes develops in severe diabetes complicated by any other illness (flu, sore throat, etc.), trauma during pregnancy, any surgery, insufficient insulin dose The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
   and so on.

Increased blood sugar combined with its excretion in the urine. However, sugar output a large amount of fluid that causes dehydration. Using cells of the body as an energy source of fat in the blood causes large amounts of toxic substances - ketones causing ketoacidosis. Ketone bodies are isolated and urine.

The patient has weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, dry skin, dry mouth, thirst, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Excessive urination, the smell of acetone breath The smell of acetone breath - suspected diabetes  The smell of acetone breath - suspected diabetes
 . For these patients, characterized by deep breathing, which is the natural mechanism of compensation of acidosis. Deep breathing allows you to remove excess carbon dioxide from the blood and, therefore, maintain normal tissue acidity.

Hyperosmolar diabetic coma in patients with type II diabetes develops when the very high blood sugar (limiting blood sugar reaches 50-55 mmol / l) and is not accompanied by ketoacidosis. However, it is also very dangerous condition that requires emergency care.

Hyperosmolar diabetic coma is developed gradually over a one - two weeks. The patient drinks a lot of fluids and urinate a lot, losing the necessary body minerals. Increases dehydration, lethargy, weakness. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain characteristic of ketoatsidoticheskaya diabetic coma, does not happen. Increases dry skin and mucous membranes, the eyes sink, facial features sharpened. Shortness of breath, but breathing is usually shallow, there is no smell of acetone breath. Only immediate hospitalization can prevent the death of the patient.

Deadly complications may be at a low level of blood sugar. Clear deadly blood sugar levels does not exist, for each person they are unique. However, there is evidence that develops hypoglycemia when blood glucose level is lower than 2, 2 mmol / l.

A feature of hypoglycemic coma is that it develops very quickly and if the patient does not receive timely medical care (or not eat something sweet), it may die. Signs of hypoglycemia are sudden weakness, darkening of the eyes, trembling limbs, a very strong sense of hunger, increased heart rate, increasing anxiety, cold sweats, confusion and loss of consciousness, seizures.
