The liver - an organ in which toxic substances are neutralized, it protects the body from toxins coming, both outside and formed in the body as a result of its own metabolism
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
. But liver cells need to be protected, including the toxic bile acids. Such protection may give liver cells ursofalk.
How does ursofalk
Ursofalk protects liver cells by enhancing its cell membranes and neutralize toxic fatty acids, inhibits the destruction of liver cells. It also suspends proliferation in the liver of connective tissue, i.e. the formation of cirrhosis. Ursofalk has choleretic effect and in time removes bile from the biliary tract, preventing its stagnation and the formation of stones.
If the bile ducts and gall bladder is already formed cholesterol stones, then under the influence of Ursofalk they gradually dissolve. This happens due to the fact that ursofalk inhibits cholesterol synthesis in the liver and its absorption in the intestine from food, resulting in the blood and decreases the amount of bile in cholesterol. Simultaneously increases the solubility of cholesterol in the bile, including soluble cholesterol, part of the cholesterol stones. Choleretic effect Ursofalk completes the process of removing cholesterol from the body, thereby reducing the tendency to the formation of gall stones.
Under the influence of a bile ursofalk increases the amount of bile acids. It also stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, pancreatic juice
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The activity of enzymes decomposing fats, helping to reduce blood sugar.
Ursofalk has a stabilizing effect on the immune system. This occurs through action on the immunological reaction in the liver: it reduces the damaging effect of some foreign particles (antigens) on the liver cells, affects the amount of T-lymphocytes (which are involved in defending the body against infection), interleukin-2 (it regulates the immune response for introduction of infection), reduce the number of eosinophils (i.e., suppresses the allergic reaction).
It is also known Ursofalk antitumor effect - it inhibits the development of tumors of the colon.
Ursofalk Available in capsules and suspensions for oral administration of the German pharmaceutical company Dr. Falk Pharma.
In some cases, appointed
Ursofalk prescribed for various diseases of the liver and biliary system. He has a positive effect in cirrhosis of the liver developing on the background of stagnation of bile (biliary). Primary biliary cirrhosis is an autoimmune disease, a disease that is caused by an allergy to a person's own tissues. Thus under the influence of the autoimmune process destroys the intrahepatic bile ducts, which results in prolonged stagnation of bile in the liver, toxic damage from exposure to bile acid fatty liver cells. Instead, destruction of liver cells grows connective tissue and the liver gradually loses its function. The disease lasts a long time and slowly (very slowly) progressing.
Admission Ursofalk protects liver cells from destruction, reduces the toxic effects on these fatty acids, stimulates the excretion of bile from the biliary tract and stops proliferation of connective tissue in the liver, ie the development of cirrhosis and liver function decline. Ursofalk daily dose depends on the body weight, ranging from two to six capsules or suspensions scoops daily. Take the drug for a long time, for a few months by a physician.
Assign ursofalk well as biliary reflux gastritis - inflammation of the stomach, develops on the background of constant casting duodenal contents (it contains a large amount of bile and pancreatic juice, as in the intestine opens the common bile duct and pancreatic duct). At the same time due to the lack of coordination of the work of sphincters disturbed pressure in the bile ducts that leads to violations of reflex pressure in the ducts of the pancreas. As a result, the contents of duodenum with pancreatic juice and bile into the stomach and causes gastritis.
For the regulation of the sphincters ducts, excretory bile and pancreatic juice, appointed ursofalk that you need to take one capsule or one measuring spoon suspension daily at night before bedtime
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With a little water. Duration of treatment may be different - from two weeks to six months or even up to two years.
Ursofalk often prescribed for dissolution of cholesterol stones in the bile ducts and gall bladder. For this purpose it is also administered one capsule or one scoop slurry at night for a long period of time (half a year to a year).
When you can not take ursofalk
Ursofalk not prescribed for very dense rocks, not functional gall bladder, acute inflammation of the biliary tract, gall bladder and intestines, severe liver, pancreas and kidneys with severe violation of their functions, pregnancy, breast-
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
breast and hypersensitivity of the patient to the drug.
Side effects Ursofalk occur very rarely in the form of diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, hardening of gallstones, transient liver dysfunction, allergic reactions.
Galina Romanenko