Activated carbon - old, but indispensable - Diet

March 3, 2014

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 activated charcoal and diet

Activated carbon and diet

Activated carbon - a substance that is in every house, or in the medicine cabinet, or in the filter for water .  Most often, the activated carbon is used for emergency aid in cases of poisoning drugs, alkaloids, household, food, and industrial poisons and other dangerous substances .  However, the activated carbon not only helps in cases of poisoning, it has many other useful properties .  Furthermore, the activated carbon is useful even for those who are dieting, as removes toxins and decomposition products, thereby increasing the effectiveness of diets .  But the drug can not be taken continuously, as with the toxins it removes from the body and nutrients .  Activated charcoal is received from the rate of 1 tablet (0, 25 g) at 10 kg for a maximum of ten days .  This is followed by a mandatory ten-day break, after which the diet can be repeated .  Chronic diseases can not be treated with activated carbon .


The types of activated carbon

According to studies, the activated carbon is three times more efficient than a conventional coal, due to the greater area of ​​the contact surface, so that it is easily absorbed by the body and absorb more pollutants. Activated carbon is produced from natural raw materials at elevated temperatures. The resulting preparation is composed almost entirely of carbon, it has a pronounced porous structure and has an excellent adsorption and catalytic action.



Activated charcoal helps cleanse the stomach of toxins, bacteria and potentially harmful substances and is recommended as a means of emergency care in acute poisoning poisons of various kinds.

In this case, the prescribed use of a mixture containing 50% of activated carbon and 25% magnesium oxide and tannin - two tablespoons dissolved in a glass of lukewarm water. At higher acidity and flatulence charcoal designate the interior of 1 - 2 g as a suspension three times per day. When dyspepsia take 1-3 tablets of coal three times a day with warm water.



Activated charcoal tablets are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription. They are taken with plenty of water (2-3 tablets per glass of warm boiled water). Doctors recommended not to use another liquid instead of water, such as fruit juices, carbonated sweet water, or ice, since in this case activated carbon is less effective. However, the boiled water can be added a teaspoon of olive oil, in order to facilitate the absorption of the activated carbon in the stomach. Eat activated charcoal should be between meals.


Beneficial features

Due to its high absorbency and high surface activity of activated carbon is widely used in treating many diseases, disorders and infections, including skin rash, jaundice in infants, insect and snake bites, indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea, anemia Anemia - when you do not have enough blood  Anemia - when you do not have enough blood
 , Food poisoning and drugs.

Activated carbon, as adsorbent, has deodorizing properties as the material absorbs the bearing unpleasant odors.

This is useful for hygienic purposes, for example, be applied to areas of excessive sweating. Besides sweat, activated carbon absorbs the harmful bacteria, protecting the skin from various diseases.


Complications and side effects

Seek immediate medical attention if after taking activated charcoal, you feel bad, you have the nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
 , Vomiting, diarrhea or constipation Constipation - Watch out for food  Constipation - Watch out for food
 . Rash, pain and a sense of tightness chest, swelling of the face, lips, tongue and increasing - signs of an allergic reaction Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
   on activated carbon. Do not take charcoal concomitantly with other drugs or with vitamins, between doses of drugs should take a break for at least one hour. Activated carbon reacts with miglitol, acarbose, furosemide, olanzapine, carbamazepine and digoxin and reduce their effectiveness, so concomitant use of these drugs is not recommended.

Flatulence - when you need to worry about?

November 9, 2008

  • Flatulence - when you need to worry about?
  • What is flatulence

   Flatulence - a condition characterized by excessive accumulation of gas in the intestines. Increased flatulence may be caused by lactose intolerance, some food and other causes. Sometimes, flatulence is a consequence of disturbances in the digestive system, including irritable bowel syndrome and other problems.

Normally per day produced in the intestine from 500 to 2000 ml of gas, through which approximately equal intervals out through the anus. This gas consists of various gases including methane, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Odor impact on the ratio of these gases, which depends on what we eat.

Gases formed in the intestine, mainly from the air that we swallow, food is high in fiber and by-products of vital activity of intestinal bacteria.

 Flatulence - when you need to worry about?

Symptoms of flatulence

Secretion of digestive gases is the norm; its volumes vary from person to person and depend on many factors, including diet. Some selection Discharges in women when there is cause for concern  Discharges in women when there is cause for concern
   gases occurs infrequently and in small quantities, and the others - to 40 times a day; 15. The average is considered to be among the symptoms of bloating:

  • Frequent secretion of digestive gases
  • A strong smell of digestive gases
  • Loud sound that accompanies gas output
  • Discomfort in the abdominal cavity
  • Bubbling sounds in the abdomen

 Flatulence - when you need to worry about?

Causes of flatulence

  • Swallowing air. We may think that you do not swallow air, but with food and drink, he gets into his mouth and in the intestines at least in small quantities. Oxygen and nitrogen, which are the main gas forming the air is absorbed into the bloodstream from the small intestine; their excess excreted through the colon and rectum. A person can swallow air, during exercise, or conversation, especially if it is at the same time very excited.
  • Intestinal bacteria. In the intestine, live bacteria that aid digestion, fermenting some of the components of food products. A byproduct of the fermentation process is a gas. Part of this gas is absorbed into the bloodstream, and the part released through the rectum.
  • Foods high in fiber. Fiber is essential for the normal functioning of the digestive system, but sometimes because of her excessive amount of gas produced. Some components of the fiber can not be cleaved in the small intestine, which means an extra load on the intestinal bacteria, which produce gases. Therefore, foods rich in fiber, you should eat small portions.
  • Lactose intolerance. Inability to recycle lactose - sugar contained in cow's milk, may also result in excessive gassing.
  • Carbohydrate intolerance with a short molecular chain, in addition to lactose. Some people flatulence occurs because the fermentation of other sugars, such as fructose, which is contained in many products, such as honey, corn syrup, and some fruits.

 Flatulence - when you need to worry about?


To get rid of bloating is usually sufficient to limit the consumption of certain foods, for example. Harsh restrictions and a complete rejection of them are unacceptable, as most of the product-exciters flatulence needed for normal body function.

If the cause of flatulence - lactose intolerance, you need to limit your intake of milk. It can completely replace the yogurt and other dairy products. But remember, in large quantities, they can also cause flatulence.

Fresh and dried fruits are also often cause flatulence. Eat a little less apples, apricots, peaches Peaches: benefits and harms of sun fruits  Peaches: benefits and harms of sun fruits
 , Pears, raisins and prunes.

Legumes can be, it is the "blowing" the product. If flatulence is somewhat reduce the amount of beans, peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas and soy in their diet. Furthermore, flatulence can cause a variety of vegetables and nuts.
