Duspatalin - is an effective and non-toxic antispasmodic drug. But it is available only in dosage forms for oral administration, and acute pancreatitis or severe exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis accompanied by severe abdominal pain and vomiting, antispasmodics in this state can only be applied by injection.
Pancreatitis - he begins and proceeds
Pancreatitis - is an aseptic (without infection), inflammation of the pancreas. The disease may be acute or chronic. Acute pancreatitis - it does not actually inflammation and destruction of the pancreatic cells activated by enzymes of pancreatic juice. This can occur as a result of intensive stimulation of the prostate (e.g., with alcohol), and under occlusion gland excretory ducts. The result is a self-digestion of the pancreas, which is accompanied by severe pain, vomiting, often fall in blood pressure
Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
pain and shock.
Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by alternating relapse and remission. During exacerbations occur the same processes as in acute pancreatitis, but of lesser intensity. Each exacerbation dies a certain amount of pancreatic cells
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Instead of which grows connective tissue, resulting in decreased pancreatic function.
Treatment of acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis is the maximum reduction in pancreatic function, reducing its swelling
Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
, Removing a spasm of excretory ducts and Pain Therapy. For spasmolysis excretory ducts of the pancreas and the sphincter of Oddi (circular muscles in the discharge hole total pancreatic duct and bile) antispasmodics administered by injection. Since Duspatalin is available only in the form of dosage forms for oral administration, in severe acute process, it can not be applied.
In what cases can be applied Duspatalin pancreatitis
Duspatalin (active substance - mebeverin) - is an antispasmodic drug myotropic direct action, that is, it acts directly on the smooth muscles of internal organs, mainly the digestive system. Duspatalin produced in two dosage forms for oral administration: in the form of coated tablets (each tablet contains 135 mg of mebeverine) and long-acting capsules (each capsule contains 200 mg of mebeverine).
When a moderate course of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, when there is a very severe pain and vomiting as an antispasmodic can be assigned Duspatalin. This drug effectively relieves spasms of smooth muscles of the pancreatic ducts. But the main advantage Duspatalin is that it selectively acts on the sphincter of Oddi, removing spasm and facilitating the excretion of bile and pancreatic juice into the duodenum. This fully motor activity of smooth muscle of the duodenum (peristalsis) is not suppressed, which improves the outflow of pancreatic juice.
Apply Duspatalin in chronic pancreatitis and exacerbation is a part of complex anti-treatment. Removing spasm of smooth muscles of the excretory ducts of the pancreas, and the timely removal of stasis of pancreatic juice prevents the development of exacerbations of the disease and reduces the risk of developing persistent dysfunction of the body.
In some cases, Duspatalin contraindicated
Duspatalin not be used if you are hypersensitive its components the body of the patient - in this case, the allergic and non-allergic reactions. Manufacturers (international pharmaceutical company Abbott) does not recommend the use of Duspatalin children under 18 years of age due to the fact that clinical trials have not been conducted on this cohort of patients. However, today it has experience with this antispasmodic children, including chronic pancreatitis.
Clinical trials have not been carried out as a nursing mothers and pregnant women, therefore the use of Duspatalin during feeding baby
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
feeding is not recommended. If the use of this drug is vitally important to be temporarily interrupt breastfeeding.
During pregnancy Duspatalin capsules has no absolute contraindications for health it can be administered, while Duspatalin tablets for use during pregnancy is not recommended.
Duspatalin used in the treatment of pancreatitis, but not always and only on prescription.
Galina Romanenko