Phosphogliv - description hepatoprotective drug

February 3, 2013

 phosphogliv description
 Phosphogliv - is a relatively new drug, which is hepatoprotector (supporting liver function), based on phospholipids and glycyrrhizic acids - substances that have a beneficial effect on the liver cells, they suppress the growth of viruses and inflammation.

 Phosphogliv - description hepatoprotective drug

Action phosphogliv on the human body

Phosphogliv has the ability to protect liver cells from the effects of toxic substances and restore them to proper metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 . Furthermore, it possesses antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and suppresses the proliferation of connective tissue in the liver. All of these properties are due to members of the phosphogliv ingredients - phospholipids and glitsiratom.

Phospholipids are the major component of phosphogliv Phosphogliv - advanced analogue esseniale  Phosphogliv - advanced analogue esseniale
 . Normally they are of the membranes of liver cells (hepatocytes), as well as the composition of some intracellular components. The main active ingredient is the phospholipid phosphatidylcholine, he actively restores hepatocyte membrane, as well as protein and lipid metabolism in the cells. Stabilization of the hepatocyte membrane allows prevent the loss of cell enzymes and other biologically active substances, to maintain its basic functions, including body cleansing Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration  Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
   from different toxins. Phosphatidylcholine inhibits proliferation of connective tissue and thereby prevents the progression of liver cirrhosis and liver functions decrease.

Glitsirat (glycyrrhizinic acid and its salts) exerts antiviral effects by stimulating the formation of liver cells antiviral factor interferon and phagocytosis (absorption and dissolution of immune cells pathogens). Just as the main component, capable of stabilizing the state glitsirat hepatocyte membrane, moreover, it exhibits a strong antioxidant effect (i.e., inhibits the action of toxic free radicals produced in cells as a result of redox reactions). Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect of this component is due to increased natural glucocorticoid hormones produced by the adrenal glands. This feature is especially valuable glycerate liver diseases of non-infectious origin.

Phosphogliv and beneficial effect on skin cells, stabilizing the state of their membranes and providing anti-inflammatory and antiallergic action, which leads to the suppression of allergic and inflammatory processes in the skin.

Phosphogliv available in capsules and lyophilisates for solution for intravenous administration. Manufacturer - pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard (Russia).

 Phosphogliv - description hepatoprotective drug

In some cases, appointed phosphogliv

Phosphogliv prescribed for any liver disease. In acute hepatitis, he promotes rapid healing and prevents the proliferation of cells in place of dead liver connective tissue. In chronic hepatitis it prevents relapse of the disease and reduced liver function.

Phosphogliv used not only in viral liver disease. But even with the exchange diseases (fatty liver), toxic (such as alcohol), or allergic origin. In all cases, it prevents the destruction of liver cells, and gradually restore their function.

Apply fosflgliv with cirrhosis of the liver - it allows patients longer maintain a stable state.

Finally, under any intoxication (alcohol, drugs, medicines) phosphogliv also be included in the comprehensive treatment. Restoring and protecting liver cells, this drug thereby restores the protective function of the liver.

In chronic skin diseases phosphogliv suppresses inflammatory and allergic processes, thereby contributing to the reduction in the frequency and duration of exacerbations. Apply phosphogliv neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases.

 Phosphogliv - description hepatoprotective drug

When phosphogliv contraindicated

Phosphogliv - is herbal medicines that are made from soybean seeds, so it has few contraindications loya application. First of all, the increased sensitivity of the patient to the drug. In addition, fosfolgliv not used in the treatment of children under 12 years of age, pregnant women and women nursing their babies - clinical trials in this patient population have not been conducted.

The caution is recommended only for those phosphogliv liver diseases, which are accompanied by portal hypertension Hypertension - Control your blood pressure  Hypertension - Control your blood pressure
   - Increased pressure in the inferior vena cava, which makes the venous blood from the liver. In some diseases (for example, cirrhosis of the liver) in the venous outflow tract obstruction is formed.

Side effects phosphogliv only known allergic reactions.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • phosphogliv

Furazolidone children - how it affects the child's body?

August 30, 2011

 furazolidon children
 Furazolidone - a drug used in the treatment of those children. Moreover, the children produced a special form furazolidona Furazolidone - contributes to the death of bacteria  Furazolidone - contributes to the death of bacteria
   - In the pellets, which are dissolved with water before use. This medication is often prescribed for children with intestinal infections.

 Furazolidone children - how it affects the child's body?

What is the impact on the child's body furazolidon

Furazolidone - a drug having antimicrobial activity, and referring to the group of nitrofurans. Particularly active effect it has on the group of Gram-negative bacteria causing intestinal infection such as shigellosis, salmonellosis Salmonellosis - features of the disease  Salmonellosis - features of the disease
 , Foodborne diseases (poisoning substandard products). Furazolidon also active in such diseases caused by protozoa as giardiasis and trichomoniasis.

Furazolidone is not very active against pathogens of purulent infections, so it is hardly used in diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Furazolidone characterized in that to it (as well as all nitrofuranam) develops slowly addictive pathogens. It is active against several bacteria resistant to antibiotics, and sulfonamides are often used and not independently, but in combination with other antibacterial agents.

Furazolidone is rapidly absorbed in the intestine, distributed in the body, then decomposed into metabolites (metabolites) in the liver and excreted in the urine and feces.

Negative impact on the child's body usually does not have a drug and well tolerated. For children, the drug is available in granules with the application of a special measuring cup. Grown preparation boiled (not hot) water, the water poured into the flask to the particular label, and then using the measuring cup child desired metered amount of formulation. Take medication after meals (because it is better absorbed), drinking plenty of fluids, at least three times a day at a dose prescribed by your doctor. The duration of treatment as prescribed by a doctor, but usually it does not exceed ten days.

Furazolidon contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to it a child, severe liver and kidney diseases in violation of their functions, deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (congenital enzyme deficiency), and the age of one month.

 Furazolidone children - how it affects the child's body?

Application furazolidona in intestinal infections in children

Intestinal infections in children sometimes occur very hard with repeated vomiting, loose stools, fever and impaired general condition. In this state, the child is required to appoint antibiotics slice, not waiting for the results of analyzes on the sensitivity of pathogen to antibacterial agents (seeding feces on nutrient media).

In this case, furazolidone usually administered in combination with other, more effective means. The effect of such a combination of both drugs are mutually reinforced. In addition, furazolidone good by the fact that the agents of intestinal infections almost never lose their sensitivity to it.

When the results of stool cultures become known, if necessary, corrected therapy, drugs to which the infectious agent is insensitive replaced by others. Furazolidone same usually remain.

 Furazolidone children - how it affects the child's body?

Application furazolidona to treat giardiasis in children

Giardiasis in children unlike adults can proceed with pronounced symptoms of paroxysmal abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and sensitization (increased tendency to allergic reactions) of an organism. The latter property often causes severe allergies in the form of the long-term running of skin rash, bronchospasm attacks.

Thus, giardiasis in a child is almost always needed to identify and treat. Furazolidone is an excellent drug for the treatment of this disease. And as giardiasis often goes private and giardia is not so easy to detect in the stool, appointed antilyamblioznoy several courses of therapy.

 Furazolidone children - how it affects the child's body?

Side effects

Sometimes when taking furazolidone may experience side effects such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, allergic reactions (skin rash, redness and itching of the skin, swelling, allergic). Furthermore, furazolidone is an inhibitor of MAO (monoamine oxidase enzyme). This group of drugs known as anti-depressants, but they have a number of side effects such as headache, dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Lethargy, sleepiness, and sometimes agitation, toxic effects on the liver. When such symptoms furazolidon to cancel.

In overdose furazolidone may increase side effects and all the signs of acute toxic hepatitis Toxic hepatitis - the impact of harmful substances on the liver  Toxic hepatitis - the impact of harmful substances on the liver
 , Severe complications from the blood formation and the toxic effects on the peripheral nervous system.

Furazolidone can be used to treat children without a doctor's prescription.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • furazolidon
