Treatment of dysbiosis - Only a doctor! - Principles of elimination

November 5, 2009

  • Treatment of dysbiosis - Only a doctor!
  • Principles of elimination

Dysbacteriosis and its causes

All surfaces of the body which are in contact with the environment (the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, vulva, skin) contain microorganisms. These microorganisms help restore the health of the human body, preventing the growth of harmful bacteria. In the intestine, they also help digest food and produce substances involved in the metabolism of the whole organism (e.g., vitamins) and protecting it from infection.

Normal microflora sometimes starts to decline due to the active reproduction of conditionally pathogenic (able to cause disease under certain conditions) microflora. When the amount of such microflora becomes critical, it causes a variety of disorders, a condition called dysbiosis.

The cause of dysbiosis can be eating disorders, alcohol abuse, various serious diseases of internal organs (especially the gastrointestinal tract), receiving antibacterial drugs, which kill the normal intestinal flora, various endocrine disorders and so on. At the same time the normal intestinal microflora replaced by staphylococcus, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, harmful strain of E. coli, fungi, etc., which cause local inflammation in the intestinal wall, breaking its basic functions.

 Principles eliminate | Treatment of dysbiosis - Only a doctor!

Basic principles of treatment of dysbiosis

Treatment dysbacteriosis should be carried out only after a thorough examination of the patient and identify the reasons for its occurrence. Another prerequisite for the treatment of dysbiosis is the regular laboratory monitoring. Initially, data of laboratory analysis can determine which is dominated by micro-organisms in the gut and choose the tactics of treatment necessary, in the course of treatment requires laboratory testing to confirm the correctness of the chosen treatment.

In the complex treatment of dysbiosis include treatment of the underlying disease that caused the overgrowth, the diet, the restoration of normal intestinal microflora with special drugs prescribed vitamin-mineral complexes and enzymes that contribute to break down food.

 Principles eliminate | Treatment of dysbiosis - Only a doctor!

Diet for dysbacteriosis

When dysbacteriosis food should help the intestines, to cope with their work, so it should not contain foods that cause:

  • fermentation - digestible carbohydrates and raw vegetables;
  • putrefaction - a large amount of meat, smoked;
  • irritation of the intestinal mucosa - sharp, spicy, sour dishes, vegetables, rich in essential oils Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
   (radish, onion, garlic), spinach, sour berries and fruit;
  • increased production of intestinal juice - a strong broth of meat and fish.

In appointing power must also take into account the motor activity of the intestine (peristalsis), which is at a dysbacteriosis can be different. There are foods that can enhance peristalsis (fat, crude fiber vegetables, dried fruits, sweets), to slow it (tea, coffee, cocoa) and neutral with regard to intestinal motility foods (boiled meat, fish, pureed meals mucous).

 Principles eliminate | Treatment of dysbiosis - Only a doctor!

Restoration of normal intestinal microflora

Normal intestinal microflora can be restored using special drugs that contain microorganisms - the natural inhabitants of the intestine and substances that activate their reproduction. All products of this group can be divided into three types:

  • probiotics - bacteria containing the normal intestinal microflora (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, E. coli);
  • Prebiotics - containing substances that stimulate the development of normal intestinal microflora;
  • simbiotiki, having in its composition of pro- and prebiotics.

Nowadays, there are many drugs in this group. And as this is not prohibited advertising of medicines and dietary supplements, it is difficult for people to understand what it is he needs medication. In this issue, of course, you need to trust your doctor, as there are probiotics, prebiotics and simbiotiki for both prevention and treatment of dysbiosis. This unscrupulous manufacturers often give their dietary supplements for medical preparations. And as a proper therapeutic effect, they do not have, it discredited the very idea of ​​treatment with this series. At the same time there are (no advertising) high and simbiotiki probiotics, which are able to provide the necessary assistance at dysbacteriosis.

 Principles eliminate | Treatment of dysbiosis - Only a doctor!

Other drugs, improving digestion in the intestine

This is primarily enzymes that help break down food in the intestine, vitamins and minerals that are involved in all metabolic processes. When dysbacterioses Dysbacteriosis - what brings self  Dysbacteriosis - what brings self
   these drugs are required to prescribe a course.

Dysbacteriosis can and should be treated, as it can contribute to the disruption of metabolic processes in the body.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • dysbiosis

Hepatitis - what to do, before it's too late? - What are the symptoms

March 6, 2014

  • Hepatitis - what to do, before it's too late?
  • As shown
  • Forum

 How does hepatitis

How does hepatitis

Acute hepatitis from any source occurs in cycles. During infectious hepatitis distinguish four periods: incubation, prodromal, icteric and convalescence. Noninfectious hepatitis also occur cyclically, but the incubation period does not have.

The incubation period for hepatitis B is 60-180 days prodrome lasts 1-2 weeks, but may be absent. Manifestation of hepatitis in this period depends on the severity. Temperature hepatitis often high, but asymptomatic or may not rise at all. Characterized by headaches, joint and muscle pain with hepatitis, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
   and in the right hypochondrium. The most characteristic symptom of this period is to increase the blood levels of liver enzymes (ALT and AST)

During the height of the disease (icteric period) lasts about a month and is characterized by jaundice staining of the skin, dark urine and discolored feces, as well as the emergence of direct bilirubin in the blood and urine urobilin. The patient is braked, concerned about pain in the liver and strong itching. Eruptions hepatitis are hemorrhagic in nature - petechial hemorrhages (petechiae), spider veins (telangiectasia), bruising.

The period of convalescence lasts from one to 12 weeks, the patient's condition is gradually recovering, but can pass the disease to a chronic form. Liver pain with exacerbation of hepatitis B is a typical manifestation of this process.

But sometimes it gets for hepatitis fulminant character (fulminant hepatitis). Hepatitis is the most dangerous since it is very rapid, with acute hepatic failure, and coma, often leads to death of the patient. Disease manifested by various disorders of the central nervous system caused by intoxication. Initially, there is an unstable mood, then aggressiveness, hallucinations, sometimes - seizures, confusion, loss of consciousness, coma. From the mouth of the patient there is a characteristic smell of rotten apples, because of the destruction of the blood vessels hemorrhage occur in various organs, there is vomiting color of coffee grounds, black stools.

Symptoms of hepatitis B can be erased, possibly asymptomatic hepatitis.

Hepatitis may be complicated by the development of ascites - an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Ascites hepatitis develops due to compression of the blood vessels of inflamed liver tissue or overgrown by connective tissue. In the latter case, the growth of connective tissue is reversible (fibrosis), and with proper treatment of ascites passes. If the patient is not receiving adequate treatment, the connective tissue is fully formed and mature liver cirrhosis - an irreversible condition in which ascites will grow. Hepatitis and cirrhosis related condition: for any type of hepatitis are at risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver with a progressive decrease in function of the body.

Chronic hepatitis in most cases goes unnoticed. The main symptom is weakness, and decreased performance. Exacerbation of chronic hepatitis accompanied by increased itching of the skin, the appearance of jaundice staining of the skin and mucous membranes (especially pronounced yellow sclera - is the earliest sign of exacerbation), dark urine and feces discolored. It is also a sign of acute liver enlargement and increased her pain.


Diagnosis of hepatitis

If you suspect a hepatitis patient passes full inspection: ultrasound of the abdomen, if necessary - MRI and CT. But the main diagnostic methods are laboratory studies, on which the differential diagnosis of hepatitis.


The general analysis of blood, urine and faeces in hepatitis

In general, a blood test for hepatitis can be seen decreased hemoglobin, decreased the content of leukocytes and platelets and clotting disorders, acceleration of ESR,

General urine test can detect it urobelina - gall pigment, which appears in the urine with abnormal liver function. Urine is brown. Kal hepatitis discolored

Biochemistry hepatitis has the following features:

  • increase of liver enzymes (alanintransaminaza - ALT and aspartate aminotransferase - AST), also increases blood levels of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and glutamyl transferase (GGT);
  • increase blood levels of total and direct (related) bilirubin; when the concentration of bilirubin in the serum of more than 27 - 34 mmol / l jaundice (mild form - up to 85 mol / l, mid - 86 - 169 mmol / l, severe - more than 170 micromol / l);
  • Dysproteinemia - a violation of the ratio of serum protein fractions: albumin decreases and increases gammaglobulins;
  • elevated levels of triglycerides in the blood - major blood lipids (the rate depends on the age and sex).

All patients with hepatitis sure blood is taken to identify infectious agents using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which may be qualitative and quantitative. PCR method is highly specific, it can be used to identify the presence in the blood of even a single virus. PCR method can detect hepatitis viruses and their antigens.

Immunoassays for hepatitis can detect antibodies to all hepatitis viruses. In addition, the detected antibodies to their own tissues of the liver - they appear in patients with autoimmune hepatitis.

It is also possible conduct of express - analysis of hepatitis using special test strips. Thus blood can detect antigens B (surface antigen HBsAg) and antibodies to the virus C (HCV) in blood and saliva. Tests can be conducted at home.

To clarify the status of a liver biopsy is performed histological examination of material taken from the liver under ultrasound guidance. This allows to identify sites of inflammation, necrosis, the degree of proliferation of connective tissue, and so forth, that is, to assess the condition of the liver.

There are also tests that replace the histological examination of liver tissue. Hepatitis test provides a measure of liver damage, the activity of the inflammatory process by specific biomarkers venous blood.


Prevention of hepatitis

Prevention of hepatitis A and E is frequent hand washing, careful processing of fruits and vegetables, shellfish used only after cooking. State prevention of hepatitis E is constant control over the quality of tap water.

Prevention of hepatitis B - is timely vaccination, no promiscuity, use of condoms and only disposable syringes as well have been prevented and the rest of hepatitis with parenteral route of transmission.

Prevention of toxic hepatitis Toxic hepatitis - the impact of harmful substances on the liver  Toxic hepatitis - the impact of harmful substances on the liver
   - The timely interruption of the contact with the substance that caused changes in the liver.


A few facts about hepatitis

According to the World Health Organization:

  • 1, 4 million cases of hepatitis A Hepatitis A - do not forget to wash your hands!  Hepatitis A - do not forget to wash your hands!
   registered annually.
  • 2 billion people (estimated) around the world at one time or another have been infected with hepatitis B.
  • In the world of living, at least 130 million people with chronic hepatitis C Chronic hepatitis C - creeps imperceptibly  Chronic hepatitis C - creeps imperceptibly
 Among them, about 9 million - in Europe.
  • Each year, about 1, 5 million people die from hepatitis B or C.
  • July 28, 2011 marks the first day vmemirny established by WHO to combat hepatitis.

Galina Romanenko
