Ranitidine is generally well tolerated. However, this drug can produce many side effects. Therefore, it can not appoint all patients. Some patients, he was appointed individually selected dose. All of this is able to take into account only the doctor.
Therapeutic effects of ranitidine
Therapeutic effects are as ranitidine suppressing stimulating effect of histamine on gastric glands that produce gastric juice and hydrochloric acid. This leads to a reduction of gastric acid secretion and reduce its acidity. Simultaneously ranitidine helps restore the cells of the gastric mucosa, whose function is disturbed by the high concentrations of hydrochloric acid.
This action allows you to assign ranitidine in many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with increased secretion of gastric juice.
Side effects
Ranitidine have many side effects, but it does not mean that they always appear. Basically, this drug was well tolerated when properly administered. Sometimes prolonged use of the drug in individually selected doctor high doses does not cause side effects. However, the side effects occur and should be disregarded.
So, from the gastrointestinal tract while taking ranitidine may experience nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, constipation or diarrhea (sometimes they follow each other), pain in the upper abdomen. They can react to receiving ranitidine and other digestive organs: in rare cases develop inflammation of the liver and pancreas
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(acute hepatitis and pancreatitis).
Side effects from the cardiovascular system may be increased with increasing daily dose of ranitidine
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. First, significantly reduced the number of heart rate (bradycardia), and then can join irregular heartbeat (bradyarrhythmias) and heart block (conduction disorders of heart pulses). It is also possible a significant reduction in blood pressure.
Sometimes serious violations can occur on the part of the hematopoietic system. Can reduce the number of peripheral blood white blood cell count, including granular - they can disappear completely (leukopenia, agranulocytosis - a sharp decline in immunity), platelets (thrombocytopenia - a tendency to bleed, which is especially dangerous for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract) red blood cells (anemia), and even of all blood cells (pancytopenia). It may also suffer bone marrow, which produces these cells.
On the part of the central and peripheral nervous system while taking ranitidine may cause fatigue, irritability, weakness, drowsiness, headaches, dizziness. Rarely can develop confusion, hallucinations, and tics (involuntary muscle twitching). May be affected and the senses - sight and hearing: there are tinnitus and blurred vision associated with disorders of accommodation (the eye's ability to adapt to the vision of objects located at different distances).
Possible side effects of the endocrine system, such as an increase in the blood levels of the pituitary hormone prolactin - it helps stimulate the secretion of breast milk. The men on the background of treatment may develop changes in the body of the female type (gynecomastia), and in women - menstrual irregularities. It is also possible decreased libido and development of impotence
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Side effects occurring in patients receiving ranitidine, are also joint pain
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and muscle pain, hair loss, transient renal dysfunction. Allergic reactions - from the lungs in the form of itchy skin rashes to severe - anaphylactic shock and severe allergic skin lesions.
Contraindications for use of ranitidine
Ranitidine has little contraindications, and to avoid the side effects, this drug should be prescribed by a doctor, who at the time notice the side effects of treatment, and cancel or reduce the dosage of ranitidine.
Ranitidine is contraindicated in pregnant women and nursing mothers - the drug crosses the placenta to the fetus and is excreted in human milk. You can not assign ranitidine children under 12 years of age and in case of hypersensitivity of the patient to the components of this drug.
Zantac is prescribed with caution in the human liver and kidneys (assignment possible, but at the lower of individualized daily dose), and the combination of liver disease with metabolic and degenerative disorders of the brain (encephalopathy).
Galina Romanenko