Biliary dyskinesia - a big problem with bile - Signs

January 16, 2011

  • Biliary dyskinesia - a big problem with bile
  • Signs

What dyskinesia biliary tract, and why it occurs

Biliary dyskinesia - a violation of motor activity in the area of ​​the bile duct, which enters the bile from the liver to the gallbladder and gallbladder Gall bladder: structure and function  Gall bladder: structure and function
 . Such interference can be caused by a functional state of the biliary tract (without disturbing their structure), and some organic causes, such as a tumor compressing the bile ducts.

Causes of this disease are often nervous disorders of the biliary tract of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which supplies the internal organs. As you know, the ANS consists of two interrelated parts: the sympathetic (SNS - she is responsible for the condition of the body under stress) and parasympathetic (PNS - she is responsible for the body under normal circumstances). If any of the VNS begins to dominate the effect of one of these systems. With a significant impact SNA observed increased locomotor activity of biliary tract (hyperkinetic dyskinesia), and with the prevalence of PNS physical activity, in contrast, is reduced (hypokinetic dyskinesia).

Dyskinesia can occur reflexively in diseases of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

 Signs | Biliary dyskinesia - a big problem with bile

Symptoms of biliary dyskinesia

For dyskinesia biliary tract characterized by the appearance of pain in the right upper quadrant with a typical return in right scapula, shoulder, collarbone. There are pain and without impact to other places, aching or cramping in nature. Dull aching pain can last for hours and days, the acute pain usually last long. Severe pain attacks sometimes cause to suspect that a patient cholelithiasis. In some cases, even mistakenly performed an urgent surgery.

At low motor activity of the biliary tract (hypokinetic dyskinesia) pain is usually long and dull. With increased motor activity (hyperkinetic dyskinesia) strong pain, but not for long.

When biliary dyskinesia appearance of pain is often associated with anxiety and stress. In this case, the pain imposed on the signs of neurosis: patients think that they stopped the beating of the heart or, on the contrary, it is beating too hard, there is a feeling of fear of death, urinary retention, followed by copious urine.

Patients often have neurotic disorders, menstrual disorders, disorders of the thyroid gland The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
   and other endocrine disorders. Despite the severity of the pain attacks, jaundice Jaundice - if the eyes are shining suspiciously  Jaundice - if the eyes are shining suspiciously
   in this disease usually appears.

 Signs | Biliary dyskinesia - a big problem with bile

Diagnosis of biliary dyskinesia

The diagnosis is usually made on the basis of already questioning and examination of the patient. It confirms the diagnosis through a complete examination of the gastrointestinal tract. Laboratory research - investigate the bile taken by duodenal intubation. In the process of sensing to detect the presence of increased or decreased motor activity of the biliary tract. The bile is detected the presence of congestive and inflammatory processes.

Work is also X-ray examination of the gallbladder and bile ducts - cholecystocholangiography, whose main task - exclusion of gallstones. Additional research methods - ultrasonic and radioisotope.

 Signs | Biliary dyskinesia - a big problem with bile

Treatment of biliary dyskinesia

To assign the correct treatment, it is necessary to ascertain the cause of the disease. If the appearance of biliary dyskinesia is associated with some other gastrointestinal disease, the treatment begins with him. In the case of functional changes in the biliary tract on the background of neurosis Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock  Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock
   treatment is prescribed, regulating the central nervous system - the correct mode of the day, sedatives, hypnotics, and so on.

In any case necessarily assigned a diet: frequent smaller meals with the exception of fried, fatty, spicy, smoked foods, preservatives, sweets, muffins and soft drinks (diet №5). When hyperkinetic dyskinesia particularly severely restrict foods that stimulate the separation of bile (fatty meat, fish, vegetable oil, strong broth, soft drinks and so on). When hypokinetic dyskinesia recommended for vegetables, fruits, oils, butter, cream, sour cream, eggs.

Appointed and medication - Bile, drugs, relieves spasms of the biliary tract (eg, no-silos) containing digestive enzymes. To remove spasms in the biliary tract, or to stimulate locomotor activity shall be appointed by physiotherapy.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • biliary dyskinesia

Medicines for worms: carefully, they are toxic! - For children

April 16, 2013

  • Medicines for worms: carefully, they are toxic!
  • For children
  • For adults

 medicines for worms for kids

Medicines worms for kids

Children are much more likely adults face intestinal parasites, simply because a lot more contact with potentially infected objects: carriers of tapeworms can be any items from toys to dirty badly washed fruit and vegetables.

Fortunately, in most cases to cure worms Worms - how dangerous they are?  Worms - how dangerous they are?
   quite simply, to treat intestinal worms in children Methods for treating intestinal worms in children  Methods for treating intestinal worms in children
   fit and traditional medicine, and special anthelmintic drugs. Such medicines for worms for kids for the most part completely safe.

 For children | Medicines worms: carefully, they are toxic!

Ask your doctor!

Before treatment, the worms need to consult with your doctor - only he will be able to confirm the presence of intestinal parasites and prescribe appropriate treatment child. Some medicines for worms for kids simply are contraindicated, while others are prescribed in strictly defined doses.

 For children | Medicines worms: carefully, they are toxic!

Tablets for worms

The most common medication for worms for kids - mebendazole and albendazole. These anthelmintic agents are suitable for the treatment of intestinal parasites in adults and in children of all ages. In addition, for the treatment of helminth diseases in children older than two years used drugs such as invermektin and praziquantel.

The medicine that the doctor prescribes depends on the type of intestinal parasites that have infected the child. From the form of drugs, in turn, depends on the recommended dosage and duration of treatment.

Some drugs - such as mebendazole - suppress the symptoms of helminth diseases and destroy adults in just one to three days, and in the case of albendazole and a number of other drugs require longer treatment.

A wide spectrum of antiparasitic activity has also pyrantel. For drugs that contain pyrantel are gelmintoks and nemotsid. You can find two basic forms of the drug issue - suspension and tablets. Form a suspension of very useful for the treatment of small children who find it difficult to chew the tablet. Pyrantel should be chewed tablet after administration, however at this point the slurry is convenient in practical use.

To determine the dose of the drug while using the slurry should be calculated on its scoop (one scoop contains 5 ml).

Children under the age of two therapeutic dose is 2, 5 ml, ie half of the measuring spoon. In adults, the dose is increased to three tablespoons (15 ml) or three tablets. If the weight of an adult over 75 kg, the dose should be increased to four tablespoons. The drugs work by blocking the process of neuromuscular excitability of the parasite, it is ultimately the cause of his death. Pyrantel shown activity against mature and immature individuals, in relation to the migration of the larvae stage it is ineffective.

Pyrantel course of treatment can lead to a number of undesirable side effects, especially expressed in the nervous and digestive systems. It may develop nausea, vomiting, transient increase in liver enzymes. Some patients in the first place are the neurological symptoms - headaches, sleep disturbances Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   in the form of insomnia or severe drowsiness, development hallucinations, confusion, and paresthesias. Paresthesias are a manifestation of peripheral parts of the nervous system. In case of a negative manifestations of the drug should be discontinued. Often there are various cutaneous manifestations, which can be a sign of an allergic reaction and intolerance. In this situation, immediately stop taking it, you should immediately seek for medical advice. Prescribers to reduce the symptoms of allergies, such as suprastin or any other performance-enhancing drugs.

With respect to adults, it is very important before prescribing this drug to patients reliably verify the absence of pregnancy, because taking it in such a period is contraindicated. If the woman in the postpartum period is in need of anthelmintic treatment, it is necessary for the entire period of treatment to give up breastfeeding. Resume breastfeeding only after completion of the basic course of treatment.

 For children | Medicines worms: carefully, they are toxic!


After completing the course of treatment for intestinal worms in children older than two years, we recommend taking probiotics for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Preventive course of probiotics normalize digestion and strengthen the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
